Subreddit Rules
Remain on-topic
This is a space dedicated to ethical nonmonogamy. Posts about cheating or other unethical relationships are not allowed.
Be civil
Be nice. Do not engage in slapfights or trolling with other users
Give good, ethical advice
We do not tolerate bad or unethical advice.
No hateful content
We will not tolerate any misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, racism, ableism, etc.
No research, surveys or interviews without permission
All people or organizations wishing to conduct research or interview members of the subreddit must contact the mod team for approval.
No spam of self-promotion
We do not allow any spam or self-promotion
No spam or self-promotion
We do not allow any spam or self-promotion
No hookup posts
Please direct all r4r posts to /r/nonmonor4r
Follow Reddit Rules
Please report any violations of the content policy to us AND the admins
Notice: This subreddit is not actively monitored, so the posts here are only a small subset of what exists on reddit.