Subscribe to enmlounge, get laid*.

* No guarantees, we don't have lawyers but they would probably advise that we don't make any crazy claims. 🤣


The Founder Plan
$99 USD / mo
Get direct access to the development process and the ability to not only steer the direction of feature development but also the priority of those features.
Or, maybe you just want to help ensure the continued development of the project.

This subscription level is for those who want to do more to help lift the lifestyle and its available tools and services out of the 90's and into the modern era.

We (the couple behind this project) would love to make this project our full-time focus, there's so much that can be done to make the lifestyle more accessible to so many people.

That's going to happen - with the support of people like you.
  • - Unlimited access to all features
  • - Early access to features in development
  • - Access to private Discord with developers
  • - Ability to validate other users
  • - Ability to download zip file of author media
  • - Founder badge on your enmlounge profile
  • - Named recognition on the website (optional)
  • - And more!

Subscriptions and their respective billing actions are handled by See below for more details.

Feature Overview
Members-only features
  • - View subreddit metrics for periods greater than 24 hours
  • - And more
Premium features
  • - Everything included in the Members-only features
  • - View detailed breakdowns of media authors, posts and duplicates
  • - And more
Power user features
  • - Everything included in the Members-only features
  • - Everything included in the Premium features
  • - Automated alerts when your watched searches have new listings
  • - Automated alerts when your favorited authors post new listings
  • - And more
Why we're utilizing Patreon for our subscription billing...

As much as we would prefer to handle billing on our own, staying above the board while collecting payments for products that contain NSFW material or for a service that can be construed as a "dating site" is typically very expensive and/or very difficult to qualify for.

Until the time comes that the credit card companies aren't deciding what is and isn't ok on the web we'll have to go this route.

For the time being we're pleased that Patreon supports our use-case, and we'll re-evaluate our options as things progress in the future.

How the Patreon integration works...
Same email on both

If your email address on enmlounge and Patreon are the same it will be seamless.

Just sign up enmlounge, create your subscription on Patreon and within a couple minutes it will sync here on enmlounge.

Different Email

If your email address on enmlounge and Patreon are different you can go here to submit your pledge ID to enmlounge, from there we'll associate your subscription properly.

Have any issues or want your opinion heard? Submit your feedback.