enmlounge Roadmap

At the root of the "purpose" of this website, or the ultimate motivation for building enmlounge is to save time and reduce frustration with finding, meeting and ultimately playing with others in "the lifestyle".

My wife and I started this journey together years ago and have learned quite a bit during our time about what we do and don't want which has really helped streamline the process of "filtering" - but one thing that hasn't gotten any better is access to tools in order to actually do something.

The swinger sites are, well, absolutely terrible. Technically, socially or both.

Reddit is great - but it's full of noise, spam and fakes. It wasn't built with being a "dating site" in mind.

I've built/am building enmlounge to hopefully fill the gaps between the swinger-style dating sites and reddit.

Here's a brief rundown of planned/proposed (some of these are already live) features:

  • Alerts - This is the real meat and potatoes. If we refer back to the original goal with this whole thing, saving time. It's become clear to me, personally, that the way to be the most successful (in my terms that is finding the best fitting couples/singles to what we're looking for) is to be consistently persistent. The good "opportunities" go quick. They get lots of responses, they delete their posts (or reddit does), it's best to get in quick. But I don't have time to spend hours a day filtering through the noise... So we'll offer alerts straight to your email (or text, if you prefer). Setup one or more "rules" that outline what you're looking for or interested in and we'll send you a digest (real-time, daily, weekly, whatever you prefer) of matching posts. Example: Let's say you want to know about any posts that mention Atlanta from 3 chosen subreddits. As soon as we see a new post that matches this rule, we'll fire off an email. Or, if you prefer only once a day, we'll wait until the end of each day and email you a digest of all matching posts.
  • A customized "feed" - Similar to reddit's "home page", we'll auto-filter the posts you see on your feed here by only including subreddits and users that you've followed.
  • Account Strength - We've developed a (rather rudimentary at the moment) method of assigning a value to indicate the strength of an account/post author based on account age, karma, email verification and a few more metrics.
  • Media cross-posting detections - We've implemented a method that identifies media (images only at the moment) that has been posted elsewhere, and particularly, by other accounts. When viewing a post that has media attached to it that was posted by another account as well it's highlighted and linked. Easily identifies the content stealing re-posters.
  • Search, that works - Reddit's search is a bit of toss-up as to what exactly it's searching and if it's going to even work. Searching, properly, is technically hard. It's expensive. We have a server dedicated to our search "engine" that requires 4x the resources that this server running the site has. When you search on enmlounge it will search not only the post body, post title but also the reddit usernames and their public description. (Searching past public descriptions on the todo list). It also searches subreddit names and their respective descriptions as well. One search to find everything you're looking for.
  • Search by location - Many posts include some form of indication of where their author is located. We'll attempt to parse that and "attach" those locations to the posts, allowing them to be filtered by location.
  • Syncing with your existing reddit account(s) - Already have a handful of accounts and subreddits you've identified as interesting? Simply authorize the enmlounge reddit app to access your account and we'll pull in your followed users and subreddits and enable you to quickly and easily follow them here.
  • "Little Black Book" (LBB) - How annoying is it when you're chatting with someone on another social media platform and you know you "met" this person on a different platform and you have to ask them to remind you where? We'll be implmenting a contact manager to allow you to quickly associate various alternate social media accounts of users you're chatting with... attach their kik/phone number/telegram/etc so that you can look them up by any of these and know exactly who they are.
  • Account Notes - In line with the "LBB" is the ability to create notes on accounts. Quickly take note of what you may want/need to refer to later. "Chatted on kik on thursday about meeting up for drinks this weekend"
  • Additional "Fake" detection/Alternate account detection - So let's say that 20 different users of enmlounge have added the telegram account name "FooBar1234" to their little black book for the reddit account "Absolutely-Not-Fake-321". Then let's also assume that 12 different users of enmlounge have added that same telegram account to their LBB for a different reddit account. We can detect that and alert anyone that there's a potential for alternate accounts or something else going on.
  • Verification - We'll take a look at a reddit account's post-history and determine if they have been verified by subreddit mods and indicate that on enmlounge so that you don't have to wonder or worry about their authenticity.
  • Public Profiles - For those who are interested, we'll offer the ability to create a public profile, similar to that one might find on one of the various swinger dating sites - but we won't try to trap you into our ecosystem by banning your ability to link to other sites and social media accounts. (We'll also potentially offer a verification service so everyone can skip the whole "send me a live pic of your username and date" with every new connection.)

And so much more!

Please take a look around and feel free to submit your feedback.