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RA solopoly β™‚, Relationship Pragmatism 10+ year poly club 10+ year poly club 25 years of polyamory 25F bi, currently solo and dating with polyfi dreams 27they/them|30spouse, 30GF 94% Nice 😜 Advice advice advice & support advice needed advice wanted advice/opinion needed ambiamorous aromantic Cheated on complex organic polycule complex organic polycule complex polycule Constellations have many stars Curious for opinions Curious/Learning diy your own drank Polyjuice Potion, now here i am? eating garlic bread ethically non-monogamous events flyin’ solo For your reading enjoyment funny Funny? God knows what I am right now Greater PNW Polycule Happy! Happy! hinge v Hinge, XXF with a few FWB spokes human I am new I am new I am new (to the sub) I'm new here I’m new! informed semi-newbie Just for fun Just poly lesbian KTP/RA living non-hierarchical poly & SM Lola Phoenix Long Distance Poly loves group sex, hates unicorn hunters loving my nearest & queerest Luxembourg married & polyamorous married +1 Married and struggling with Opening Melbourne | poly Meme Meta MFF polyfidelitous triad misunderstood love triangles as a kid Monday Morning Joy Elf money/children/partners musings nested poly newbie with a few beaus nested poly newbie with a few beaus and FWBs newby poly nm newbie no advice wanted no advice wanted / just speaking no gender, no hierarchies old and bitter sea witch Personal Please help Podcast Polly olly oxen free Poly poly poly class poly curious poly curious poly curious newbie poly experienced Poly in the News poly LDR triad πŸ’• poly newbie poly newbie poly newbie with a few beaus and FWBs poly news poly parent poly since i came out the womb poly swinger w/multiple poly w/2 poly w/atitude poly w/multiple poly w/multiple poly want a cracker poly-fi poly-oriented. It's not a "lifestyle" Poly, partnered, hierarchical Poly, wants a cracker polyam w/multiple polysaturated at one Queer | RA | Poly | He/they Question RA and solo polyam, 8 Years RA, hinge in a V RA/solo poly Rant/Vent Rant/Vent relationship anarchist relationship anarchist relationship anarchist (they/them) solo poly with lovers relationship anarchist / solo poly relationship anarchist-ish, solo for now relationship anarcho-syndicalist relationship messarchist relationship messarchist reluctant demisexual slut Remainsofthedaylunchbox Resource Satire Seize the means of reproduction Semi-hierarchical poly services she/they single (not solo) poly newbie with a few FWBs solo poly solo poly solo poly (garden hermit) solo poly / relationship anarchist Solo Poly | Relationship Anarchist solo poly and touch starved Solo Poly Curious Solo Poly Ellephant Solo Poly LDR solo poly- love me and give me space solo poly/swingerπŸ©·πŸ’›πŸ’™ Solo-Poly solopoly + RA solopoly RA Sorting it out SP KT RA Story/Blog support only support only they/them causing mayhem they/them RA they/them, RA tired and bi Touch starved solo poly in VERY LDR with BusyBeeMonster triad triad triad KTP Triad πŸ”Ί Triad πŸ©·πŸ’œπŸ’™ Troll Troll V V-Poly (Hinge) vent vent (but like, sad and stuff) weird, queer & poly! yes ✨ Sparkle Princess ✨ πŸš€ 🦦 raft of feral sea otters in a trench coat🦦 πŸ˜”πŸ˜”