Subreddit Rules
No NSFW pics
NO NSFW personals or solicitation allowed.
NO NSFW PICTURES ALLOWED. Specifically, no total nudity or display of genitals allowed.
The community is open to all including below 18 users. Violations will result in a ban.
No Discrimination and No Intimidation
- Any posts /chats that suggest any form of Racial, Sexual or Gender or Social bias
will be removed (this includes cases of BWC, BBC, No Whites, No Asians etc.
- Respect personal boundaries, and do not personally attack or discriminate against
others. Doxxing is a bannable offense.
- Feel free to vent, but do not burden others with baggage or self pity.
Repost / No Spam
Repeat posts advertizing the same/similar content will be removed, offenders will be banned. While cross posting is allowed, if you constantly post for Karma, you will be muted. there is a 15 day min waiting period on Repost
Don't Argue with the Mods.
- Any reasonable request by a moderator or administrator should be obliged, as should any reasonable request from other users regarding topics of discussion
- All questions or concerns about the subreddit or mods should be directed to modmail.
- Mods may choose to either mute your or temp ban you if you continue to argue and create a negative atmosphere within the subreddit.
No Soliciting
This includes the exchange of or asking for money, Karma, nudes, less clothing, favors, followers, votes, services, sexual encounters or hookups. This subreddit is not Grindr. Asking for social media followers should be left to the comments section.
Don't Play Politics
Discussion of politics relating to the LGBTQ+ community is acceptable, however specifically endorsing a candidate (political party) or abusing another is not.
Don't be a Troll
Hardcore trolling is banned. if you see something that breaches the rules of this community or reddit, please report.
If you cannot respectfully disagree with someone, you probably shouldn't post here at all.
Ticket Sales
Please use the ticket megathread for all buying/selling of event tickets.