For personal ads go to r/cuckqueancommunity
Subreddit Rules
Posts must be specific to the cuckquean fetish.
Posts must be specific to the cuckquean fetish. Whilst there are a number of ways this fetish can be explored by all involved, posts that are more about activities such as threesomes, FF interaction or other non cuckquean posts will be removed.
Put effort into your posts.
This is a fetish that we all come together to explore and enjoy. Don't waste peoples time by posting with very little effort.
Negative/trolling/kink shaming type comments will not be tolerated.
As a fetish people are exploring, this is a space to do that, and not to be trolled or kink shamed. Positive advice and guidance is welcome, shaming and intolerance is not.
Posts must be given flair.
Posters must flair their posts, this helps avoid spammers.
Personal ads must include Ages, Genders, Location and details of what you are looking for.
Nothing Illegal
Do not post or comment with anything that is illegal. Not going to spell out what that is, the law does that.
No solicitation of sex work.
Sex workers are welcome here, but do not promote you services. The members have been quite clear about this.
Accounts must be older than 7 Days and have more than 50 karma to post.
Notice: This subreddit is not actively monitored, so the posts here are only a small subset of what exists on reddit.