Subreddit Banned
This subreddit was banned 3 months ago
Subreddit Rules
Respect and Consent
Always prioritize respect and obtain consent before engaging in any collaboration or interaction.
Quality content
This mostly goes for men just posting dick pics just to post dick pics
Original Content Only
All content shared must be original creations or collaborations between consenting adults.
No Harassment or Discrimination
Do not engage in any form of harassment, discrimination, or hate speech.
Privacy and Anonymity
Respect the privacy and anonymity of all participants. Do not share personal information without consent.
No Non-Consensual Content
Content depicting non-consensual acts prohibited
No Spam or Solicitation
Do not spam the subreddit with advertisements or solicitations.
Reporting Violations
Report any violations of these rules to the moderators promptly for appropriate action.
No Underage Content
Absolutely no content featuring individuals who are underage or appear to be underage.
Have Fun Safely
Enjoy the creative process while prioritizing safety, respect, and consent at all times.