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FLCL (2001) is an OVA anime series written by Yōji Enokido, directed by Kazuya Tsurumaki and animated by Gainax. FLCL Progressive and Alternative are sequels to the original, staffed with a new team of creators with various episodes done by various people and studios, and both funded by Toonami. The kicking soundtrack in all three is powered by Japanese rock band The Pillows. All seasons can be watched on Adult Swim's website.
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in r/FLCL
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in r/FLCL
in r/FLCL
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in r/FLCL
in r/FLCL
in r/FLCL
in r/FLCL
in r/FLCL
in r/FLCL
in r/FLCL
in r/FLCL