Subreddit Rules
Be kind, or be banned
Let's keep it Positive. If you see something violating this rule, Report it. don't implicate your self by feeding into it.
Images, Gifs & Original Content ONLY
Images & Gif posts only. These can only be submitted via external sites such as Imgur & Redgifs. Reddit uploads are prohibited.
No screen grabs.
Repeated Reports claiming that your content is not original will be assumed accurate unless you are Verified.
No Reposts or Low-Effort Posts
Posting the same content will result in post moderation. repeated offenses may result in a ban.
Photos should be clear, without filters and titles require some level of creativity.
NO SELLING/Advertising
Direct indication of products, services etc. for sale will result in post Moderation and possible Ban. Reports supported by screenshots from user indicating you are Pay-for-play or attempting to scam will result in a permanent ban.
Verification is required in order to post R4R posts of any type.
To Verify:
Create a post here on r/ConnecticutNSFW. Post must include: 3+ clear [no filters, blurriness], color photos of you holding a crumpled sheet of paper With the following written in Blue/Black ink:
- The date of the post
- Your reddit username
- "r/ConnecticutNSFW"
[Verify Me] Must be in the post title along with age and gender. example:
[Verify Me] 34M
Faces are not required.
Verification Required for R4R Posts
Verification is required in order to post R4R posts of any type.
To Verify:
Create a post here on r/ConnecticutNSFW. Post must include: 3+ angles of clear [no filters, blurriness], color photos of you holding a crumpled sheet of paper With the following written in Blue/Black ink:
- The date of the post
- Your reddit username
- "r/ConnecticutNSFW"
[Verify Me] Must be in the post title along with age and gender. example:
[Verify Me] 34M
Faces are not required.
Exhibitionism posts must reflect an act between 2+ persons or, solo F acts meant to arouse.
Exhibitionism posts must reflect an act between 2+ persons or be solo acts mean to arouse. No solo-Male Exhibitionism posts.