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Hi there, I'm Daphne!🥰 your goofy stoner babe💕 I love nature, my dog & weed🤭plus I think I'm funny🤪 INSTANT access to my holes on TL!💋 18+ Black Lives Matter.

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Changes to yourbakedbabe's public description
Initial Description set 1 year ago
Hi there, I'm Daphne!🥰 your goofy stoner babe💕 I enjoy true crime, MMA, nature & my doggo! And getting naked for the internet hehe😏 Black Lives Matter. 18+

Changed 1 year ago to the following...
Hi there, I'm Daphne!🥰 your goofy stoner babe💕 I enjoy true crime, nature, art, UFC & my doggo! And getting naked for the internet hehe😏 Black Lives Matter. 18+

Changed 1 year ago to the following...
Hi there, I'm Daphne!🥰 your goofy stoner babe💕 I love nature & think I'm funny🤪 I also like documentaries, UFC, dancing, art & my doggo! Black Lives Matter. 18+

Changed 1 year ago to the following...
Hi there, I'm Daphne!🥰 your goofy stoner babe💕 I love nature, my dog & weed🤭plus I think I'm funny🤪 INSTANT access to over 2k content!💋 Black Lives Matter. 18+

Changed 1 year ago to the following...
Hi there, I'm Daphne!🥰 your goofy stoner babe💕 I love nature, my dog & weed🤭plus I think I'm funny🤪 INSTANT access to my holes on TL!💋 Black Lives Matter. 18+

Changed 10 months ago to the following...
Hi there, I'm Daphne!🥰 your goofy stoner babe💕 I love nature, my dog & weed🤭plus I think I'm funny🤪 INSTANT access to my holes on TL!💋 18+

Updated 10 months ago to the following...
Current Description
Hi there, I'm Daphne!🥰 your goofy stoner babe💕 I love nature, my dog & weed🤭plus I think I'm funny🤪 INSTANT access to my holes on TL!💋 18+ Black Lives Matter.


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3 years ago
Reddit profile u/yourbakedbabe
Profile updated: 2 months ago
Posts updated: 1 month ago

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110 28,207 256
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30 1,657 55
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1 1,528 1,528
30 1,498 50
16 1,399 87
15 1,104 74
8 1,102 138
15 1,072 71
13 1,048 81
10 969 97
66 950 14
1 935 935
16 930 58
54 909 17
22 895 41
4 891 223
13 888 68
16 876 55
8 858 107
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43 752 17
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1 665 665
44 638 15
7 615 88
36 603 17
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5 459 92
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3 437 146
12 435 36
3 424 141
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25 361 14
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