I'm... new here
they/them, Demi-Female
the more detailed your chat req is, the more likely I am to respond and no I don't have snap
they/them, Demi-Female
the more detailed your chat req is, the more likely I am to respond and no I don't have snap
view 2 prev records
Changes to new--here's public description
Initial Description set 2 years ago
I'm... new here
they/them, Demi-Female
they/them, Demi-Female
Changed 2 years ago to the following...
I'm... new here
they/them, Demi-Female
(when you send a chat request pls include a little about yourself beyond "23M wisconsin" or "hey how are you" I get a lot of requests and this makes it easier)
they/them, Demi-Female
(when you send a chat request pls include a little about yourself beyond "23M wisconsin" or "hey how are you" I get a lot of requests and this makes it easier)
Updated 1 year ago to the following...
Current Description
I'm... new herethey/them, Demi-Female
the more detailed your chat req is, the more likely I am to respond and no I don't have snap
- 286
- 230
- 56
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2 years ago