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35, straight and married. I’m an all natural former strength athlete who likes showing off and having fun. 21+ No Minors, send your age if you dm.
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Changes to johns_jib's public description
Initial Description set 1 year ago
35 and married. I’m an all natural former strength athlete who likes showing off and having fun. 21+ No Minors or blank profiles.
Changed 1 year ago to the following...
35, straight and married. I’m an all natural former strength athlete who likes showing off and having fun. 21+ No Minors or blank profiles.
Changed 1 year ago to the following...
35, straight and married. I’m an all natural former strength athlete who likes showing off and having fun. 21+ No Minors.

Tip me on Cash App.
Updated 1 year ago to the following...
Current Description
35, straight and married. I’m an all natural former strength athlete who likes showing off and having fun. 21+ No Minors, send your age if you dm.

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1 year ago
Reddit profile u/johns_jib
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Posts updated: 1 year ago

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Posts Karma KPP
15 1,136 76
51 753 15
54 719 13
57 295 5
18 288 16
59 215 4
23 211 9
37 209 6
57 187 3
15 186 12
34 174 5
55 154 3
14 146 10
28 142 5
25 139 6
9 119 13
25 114 5
13 109 8
15 109 7
7 106 15
40 104 3
43 103 2
15 103 7
20 101 5
28 78 3
12 78 7
8 77 10
13 73 6
10 72 7
3 55 18
2 54 27
5 53 11
10 41 4
2 36 18
3 35 12
1 33 33
10 32 3
2 31 16
6 30 5
1 28 28
9 24 3
1 24 24
5 23 5
5 22 4
4 22 6
4 15 4
2 15 8
4 14 4
1 14 14
2 14 7
5 13 3
3 13 4
4 13 3
1 12 12
1 11 11
1 9 9
4 7 2
1 7 7
1 6 6
1 6 6
1 5 5
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1 4 4
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1 year ago