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Married to Alex 🔸️ Occasionally sleep with others 🔸️ Career oriented 🔸️Fitness 🔸️Travel 🔸️ Baking bread
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Changes to cutevixxen's public description
Initial Description set 1 year ago
Vixen 🔸️ And though she be but little, she is fierce! 🔸️ Know what I like and not ashamed of it 🔸️
Updated 8 months ago to the following...
Current Description
Married to Alex 🔸️ Occasionally sleep with others 🔸️ Career oriented 🔸️Fitness 🔸️Travel 🔸️ Baking bread

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Posts updated: 11 months ago

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Posts Karma KPP
15 69,456 4,630
8 44,429 5,554
6 22,805 3,801
17 16,481 969
3 15,601 5,200
12 14,305 1,192
5 13,400 2,680
2 9,827 4,914
1 7,723 7,723
3 6,584 2,195
7 6,349 907
3 5,602 1,867
6 4,617 770
3 4,518 1,506
2 3,797 1,899
2 3,611 1,806
1 3,447 3,447
1 3,253 3,253
1 2,987 2,987
2 2,918 1,459
2 2,399 1,200
4 2,313 578
2 2,135 1,068
3 2,120 707
3 1,806 602
2 1,757 879
1 1,690 1,690
1 1,608 1,608
2 1,586 793
2 1,502 751
3 1,447 482
3 1,337 446
3 1,237 412
1 1,203 1,203
3 1,152 384
2 1,119 560
1 1,027 1,027
1 842 842
1 648 648
1 553 553
1 431 431
1 332 332
1 232 232
1 218 218
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2 144 72
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1 121 121
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