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Super kinky “straight” guy
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Changes to Tfred85's public description
Initial Description set 1 year ago
Endlessly kinky guy. No Snapchat
Changed 9 months ago to the following...
Super kinky “straight” guy
Changed 7 months ago to the following...
Super kinky “straight” guy
South Jersey
Updated 3 months ago to the following...
Current Description
Super kinky “straight” guy

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5 years ago
Reddit profile u/Tfred85
Profile updated: 1 day ago
Posts updated: 1 year ago

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Their Subreddits
Monitored subreddits are  highlighted 
Posts Karma KPP
58 4,330 75
65 3,159 49
72 2,835 39
29 2,509 87
1 2,316 2,316
46 2,312 50
3 2,239 746
58 1,858 32
37 1,405 38
43 1,300 30
8 1,223 153
16 1,158 72
4 1,076 269
2 1,021 511
25 971 39
19 966 51
2 963 482
26 962 37
1 806 806
3 732 244
5 728 146
8 720 90
5 705 141
12 648 54
2 528 264
9 458 51
6 440 73
3 437 146
2 430 215
4 404 101
19 392 21
8 372 47
2 369 185
7 339 48
5 331 66
2 314 157
8 303 38
5 287 57
5 287 57
3 279 93
3 270 90
10 262 26
1 240 240
2 204 102
6 202 34
2 189 95
13 179 14
2 171 86
1 169 169
1 167 167
1 167 167
4 165 41
1 161 161
2 159 80
4 153 38
2 151 76
6 148 25
1 147 147
10 142 14
2 141 71
6 137 23
2 115 58
4 114 29
1 114 114
2 110 55
3 108 36
1 107 107
4 101 25
5 85 17
4 82 21
2 74 37
2 71 36
3 71 24
1 67 67
6 67 11
1 64 64
2 64 32
2 63 32
3 55 18
3 54 18
3 54 18
1 48 48
2 47 24
1 42 42
2 40 20
2 38 19
1 33 33
1 33 33
4 32 8
2 32 16
1 31 31
1 31 31
3 30 10
1 26 26
1 24 24
1 23 23
1 23 23
1 23 23
1 23 23
3 22 7
2 21 11
1 21 21
1 18 18
1 17 17
1 16 16
2 14 7
1 14 14
1 14 14
1 12 12
1 12 12
1 12 12
1 11 11
1 11 11
1 10 10
2 8 4
1 7 7
2 7 4
1 5 5
1 4 4
2 3 2
2 3 2
1 2 2
1 0 0
1 0 0

Moderator of

Spam Score Permissions Added
r/Guysthattuck all 4 years ago
r/u_Tfred85 all 5 years ago
r/TransFEMation BANNED all 3 years ago
r/pussy_jiggle all 3 years ago
r/Roastme_gw all 3 years ago

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