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45m and 42f in Tampa Bay area, Married 21yrs and always like meeting new friends. Beach Bums and Tiki Bar Regulars
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Changes to STBayFL727's public description
Initial Description set 1 year ago
43m and 40f in Tampa Bay area, Married 20yrs and always looking to meet new friends. Same name under SLS
Changed 1 year ago to the following...
43m and 40f in Tampa Bay area, Married 20yrs and always looking to meet new friends. Its also TpaCoupleFunCpl134 under SLS as well.
Changed 1 year ago to the following...
43m and 40f in Tampa Bay area, Married 20yrs and always looking to meet new friends. Same screen name under SLS as well
Changed 1 year ago to the following...
44m and 41f in Tampa Bay area, Married 20yrs and always looking to meet new friends. Same screen name under SLS as well
Changed 2 months ago to the following...
45m and 41f in Tampa Bay area, Married 20yrs and always looking to meet new friends. Same screen name under SLS as well
Changed 2 months ago to the following...
45m and 41f in Tampa Bay area, Married 21yrs and always looking to meet new friends. Same screen name under SLS as well
Changed 1 month ago to the following...
45m and 42f in Tampa Bay area, Married 21yrs and always looking to meet new friends. Same screen name under SLS as well
Updated 1 week ago to the following...
Current Description
45m and 42f in Tampa Bay area, Married 21yrs and always like meeting new friends. Beach Bums and Tiki Bar Regulars

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