Updated specific locations to be searchable, take a look at Las Vegas as an example.
SE Michigan

I love comments and messages

messages/chatting open.

Interested in women only but no harm in anyone saying hi.

Available on kik/snapchat/telegram (at a different name. ask me)
view 3 prev records
Changes to BetterDaze14's public description
Initial Description set 5 months ago
I love comments and messages.

messages/chatting open.

Interested in women only but no harm in anyone saying hi.

Available on kik/snapchat/telegram.
Changed 3 months ago to the following...
I love comments and messages

messages/chatting open.

Interested in women only but no harm in anyone saying hi.

Available on kik/snapchat/telegram (at a different name)
Changed 3 months ago to the following...
SE Michigan

I love comments and messages

messages/chatting open.

Interested in women only but no harm in anyone saying hi.

Available on kik/snapchat/telegram (at a different name)
Updated 2 months ago to the following...
Current Description
SE Michigan

I love comments and messages

messages/chatting open.

Interested in women only but no harm in anyone saying hi.

Available on kik/snapchat/telegram (at a different name. ask me)

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1 year ago
Reddit profile u/BetterDaze14
Profile updated: 18 hours ago
Posts updated: Never

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