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[R/F] A Layman's Guide to the ClownDolls Build
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TsundereVanila is a redditor or a female in R/F
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Originally ran SwornDolls, and realized that they're total trash nowdays. Then I realized I had three playsets of the Clown Engine, so I build ClownDolls, which appears to be the new Shaddoll meta build.

Monsters (21)

Shaddoll Squamata x3

Sends your other Shaddolls to proc effects, and to control DARK Monster counts in Graveyard for DAD

Shaddoll Dragon x2

Rick-rolls enemy backrow.

Shaddoll Falco x1

At one because he's a little slow, and doesn't aid Overlay plays. Does become two fodder pieces for Fusion at the price of one though.

Shaddoll Beast x2

Card-advantage whore. Occasional Falco-Beast Synchro plays for Clear Wing.

Dark Armed Dragon x1

Great early-mid game play, summoning constraints might make him a dead draw.

Performage Trick Clown x3

Two XYZ Materials for the price of one. Also ideal LIGHT Fusion Mateiral.

Performage Damage Juggler x3

Tutors for other Performages, also ideal LIGHT Fusion material to get his tutor off. Occasionally saves you from Gagaga Gameboy.

Performage Hat Tricker x2

XYZ Engine in a handy package. Tutorable, and not limited to once-per-turn, making multiples in an opening hand totally fine.

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning x1

Provides non-destruction based spot removal (goodbye, Beelze) and also helps control DARK Monsters in grave for DAD upon summon. Also helps seal the deal with OTK if you can pull him out.

Mathematician x1

Kinda dinky in this build, but can make a brick hand into a not-so-brick hand by sending either Squamata or Damage Juggler. Does take a normal summon, which is dislikeable, but can do a variety of things such as add a Fusion spell from your graveyard to your hand (via Squamata --> Core), add Hat Tricker or Trick Clown (via Damage Juggler), etc. Also material for Shekhinaga.

Jigabyte x2

Makes one normal summoned monster into three or more (Jigabyte SS --> Hat Tricker SS More Hat Trickers if you have any). Also fodder for Masked HERO Acid, which wipes Backrow, and helps the OTK go off. Also great for Abyss Dweller (which gives him the 500 ATK). Overall a great card.

Spells (13)

Shaddoll Fusion x3

Key OTK Component. Also a game changer, especially if your opponent has a monster summoned from the extra deck. Note this also applies to Pendulum Monsters summoned from the extra deck, so keep an eye on those Qlis, Igknights, and Zefras. Better El Shaddoll Fusion.

El Shaddoll Fusion x3

More key fusion spells. Mandatory "at-3". Essentially a Poly that can be tutored, recycled, and discarded for effects.

Instant Fusion x2

Literally Noden. Also an occasional Winda, but don't ever do that. Noden makes pretty dank plays, and he eases the OTK a little as well. Great late-game plays, and recycles Trick Clown.

Mask Change II x1 (potentially 2)

Literally Dark Law and Acid. Masked HERO Dark Law ruins Yang Zings, other Shaddolls, and Burning Abyss decks, Masked HERO Acid makes backrows cry. Also triggers "sent to the graveyard" effects of Trick Clown, Shaddolls, and provides a discard outlet.

Foolish Burial x1


Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Staple. You can side more in against decks like Qlis, but honestly 1 has been enough for the most part.

Wonder Wand x1

Makes shit hands into not-so-shit hands. Also triggers "sent to the graveyard" effects of Shaddoll cards and Trick Clown. Provides a healthy 500 ATK Boost as well, if you need to get over a Towers' -500.

Soul Charge x1

See better Call Of The Haunted. Also triggers Trapeeze Magician if you only SS 2 monsters.

Traps (6)

Shaddoll Core x2

Provides meat-shields, fusion fodder of any element, and recycles Fusion spells. Great card, run at three if you'd like.

Karma Cut x1

More non-destruction based removal. Also gets rid of pesky graveyard-effect monsters in grave so they can't be recycled (Handy vs Nekroz, Yang Zing, etc)

Sinister Shadow Games x2

Clutch plays. Also allows you to activate set Shaddoll monster effects at different times, for example triggering Squamata's destruction effect upon attack declaration. Also controls and manipulates DARK monster counts in Graveyard for DAD.

Bottomless Trap hole x1


Extra Deck Monsters (15)

El Shaddoll Shekhinaga x1

Negates monster effects, preventing floodgates like Jiaotu (Yang Zing), Lonefire Blossom (Sylvans), and other annoying shit. Also provides a discard outlet for Shaddoll cards (including Core).

El Shaddoll Construct x2

Mandatory at-2 or more. Rick-rolls Special Summoned monsters (except Beelze lol) and sends Shaddolls to grave upon summon.

El Shaddoll Winda x1

Usually ran at 2, I run at one solely because having her out makes my plays a pain in the ass. Does help limit other Shaddoll decks or Yang Zings though. Please note that a Pendulum Summon can still summon more than one monster with her up, Jiaotu can still SS two monsters, etc because it counts as one summon. This is the same clause that allows Black Horn of Heaven to negate five monsters being Pendulum Summoned.

Masked HERO Acid x1

LOL BACKROWZ GG. Lets you safely wreck a backrow, and can be made out of a spare Noden or Jigabyte. Also has a healthy 2600 ATK, and makes your opponent's monsters go -300 upon summon, permanently.

Masked HERO Dark Law x1

LOL MONSTER EFFS IN GY GG. Banishes any monster sent to your opponent's graveyard. Also rick-rolls Maxx "C" by banishing a random card in their hand once per turn when they add a card to their hand. This also triggers on tutors like Nekroz of Clausolas, Reinforcement of the Army, and Qliphort Scout.

Elder Entity Noden x2

Makes your XYZ Plays less like plays and more like bullying. Also recycles monsters like Trick Clown, and can be used for Level 6 Synchro plays with Falco in Grave. Also goes into Abyss Dweller. Don't count on attacking with him or having him stick around as a meat shield though, thanks to Instant Noodle Fusion.

Clear Wing Synchro Dragon x1

Keeps your Constructs and stuff safe from Silent Honor ARK, other Constructs, Shekhinagas, and Squamatas. Also rick-rolls Level 5 or higher monsters by negating their effects.

Goyo Guardian x1

Kinda meh, but he's a 2800 ATK Beater that gives me more materials for Fusion or XYZ plays. Also can be summoned on a single Instant Fusion (see Elder Entity Noden).

Metaphys Horus x1

Clutch Effect negation. Also can be summoned on a single Instant Fusion (see Goyo Guardian).

Number 101: Silent Honor ARK x1

I always found it funny that ARK is completely capitalized. Amazing spot removal that doesn't proc "sent to the graveyard". Also benefits from Abyss Dweller's 500 ATK if it has a Water material. Staple Rank 4.

Abyss Dweller x1

Your answer to all things Shaddoll, Yang Zing, and Burning Abyss. Also wrecks lower tier decks like Sylvans, Madolches, and Battlin' Boxers. Rises to 2200 ATK if Jigabyte or Noden is used.

Castel, The Skyblaster Musketeer x1

Staple rank 4. Non-destruction spot removal.

Gagaga Cowboy x1

That last, itty bitty 800 LP.

Performage Trapeeze Magician x1

The most hilarious XYZ guy ever. This guy makes children cry, and is a mandatory part of the OTK. Also SS's a Performage upon death.


Super simply put, you need Shaddoll Fusion, and Damage Juggler in hand. Your opponent needs a monster Specialed from the extra deck. This combo is enhanced by having the following in your hand:

-Jigabyte and Mask Change II -Jigabyte alone. -Hat Tricker -Instant Fusion -Any combination of the above.

The OTK is as follows:

Using Shaddoll Fusion, send, from your deck to the graveyard, Shaddoll _____ (preferably Beast if you need cards, or Dragon, if you don't have Jigabyte and MC II) and Performage Trick Clown. This will pull out El Shaddoll Construct, and proc Performage Trick Clown's effect, special summoning himself from the grave for 1000 LPs. Construct can then send Squamata, who can send Core, to add Shaddoll Fusion back to hand, via it's "upon summon" effect.

Then, after you have Construct and Trick Clown, normal Damage Juggler and overlay him and Trick Clown for Performage Trapeeze Magician. Note, you need two Spellcasters to do this, so Noden and Jigabyte are not suitable replacements. Afterward, detach Damage Juggler and target Construct. Construct can now attack twice, but will explode and kill itself after the battle phase.

Now, banish Damage Juggler from the graveyard to tutor for Hat Tricker. Hat Tricker can special summon itself (in attack if you have none of the bonus pieces) to serve as further material (for a Shekhinaga if you have another Shaddoll in hand, or for an XYZ if you have Jigabyte or another Hat Tricker).

Now for the bonus pieces. Having a Jigabyte gives you the ability to SS another XYZ monster, preferably Abyss Dweller if playing against a Burning Abyss or Yang Zing deck, or if you know they have an Artifact engine going on. Detatch before entering the battle phase to safely OTK without them SSing more monsters on their monster's destruction.

If you have a Jigabyte AND a Mask Change II, you can then Special Jigabyte and Mask Change II it into Masked HERO Acid, which will wipe their backrow and prevent you from getting Mirror Forced into crying for the rest of the match. This also wipes stupid stuff like Yang Zing Creation.

Multiple Hat Trickers = More XYZ plays. Lol.

Instant Fusion provides more XYZ plays as well, via Noden recycling.

Now attacking like this means 2500 2800 2800 = 8100, which although wont happen on it's own thanks to the meatshield on the opponent's field, it can definitely OTK if you had Abyss Dweller or Masked HERO Acid up as a bonus.

And there you have it. My layman's guide to the ClownDolls build, in case anyone wanted to try it out or build it.

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