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:upvote: UPVOTE FOR SLACKTIVISM :upvote: "I'm vegan 🤭" IQ ♫ CIRCLE OF LIFE ♫ :snoo_joy: Abolitionist Since 2011 Activism AGGRESSIVELY VEGETARIAN :snoo_disapproval: All Carnists Are Bastards All the cookies must be vegan allergic to apologists ANIMAL RIGHTS MONDAYS :snoo_hug: Animals can't read english Backyard Veal BASICALLY VEGAN :orly: Be very careful john 👍 Beloved By Carnists Bloodmouth BLOODMOUTH :snoo_tableflip: bruh 😤😫coli Caleb dude seriously cannibal carnist who only eats plants - we exist casein free gary Cat Cheese Lover Cat...the other white meat CAUTION: tofu so firm, it could put an eye out Certified B12-free Cheese scammer CHEEZ WIZ@RD :snoo_trollface: COMPASSIONATE CARNIVORE :snoo_feelsgoodman: Crickets Tho destitute of brains Ethical Meat Ex-carnist Extra Firm Post EXTRA FIRM POST :partyparrot: Free Range Fish Garbage meat tastes the best Grass Fed Steanks Here at r/vegan, we deepthroat the whole boot. Here We Go Again With The Vegans humble harvest mouse awaiting my fate i am a druid 🧙‍♂️ I am too powerful for the cow I fucking hate plants! I need B12 I snort nooch i support small family farms I'm Disappointed in r/Vegancirclejerk I'm lying, AMA is it vegan to kill vegans? jerk that tiddy 💦 Killer Tofu lacto-vegetarian legume headass Local dog meat M∆R∆LLY~~~~S∆PERI∆R May contain bones MEAT CLOWN :snoo_wink: MILITANT VEGAN :snoo_angry: MILK INGREDIENTS :snoo_biblethump: Morally Superior NEWSFLASH FUCKO Non-strict Pescavegan Not a huge fan of murder Not At My Uncles Farm! Not your mom... OK. Jessica OK. Lauren Omega 3’s so my brain can work good On the 7th day of my ban Plant Based Cowardism Plants rapist, raw style please can we delete r/vegan Please stop calling me anti-speciesist pollotarian semi-vegetarian So vegan I let animals eat me strictly veganuary That additional spiteful burger Too Many Hammers and Sickles UPVOTE TO SAVE THE WALES :upvote: vegan Vegan 4 The Moral Superiority vegan btw Vegan btw vegan cultist vegan for the memes Vegan while sleeping (unless Im snacky) vegan-keto ⓋEGANISᗰ.S0CIⒶLIST :illuminati: vegetarian Why So Sexual? Your Mom, My Milk