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The Children of Atargatis CH.1 PT.1/2 [M30's F20's] [Fiction] [Drugging] [Slow Burn] [multi-part] [Employer/Employee] [Big Cock] too long? good stuff is marked
Author Summary
anon-storyteller1 is in Big Cock
Post Body

The bright fluorescent lighting reflecting off of every surface, the white ceiling tiles lining the entire roof as far as the eye can see. The sound of people on phone calls making deals, talking numbers, the clacking of fingers on keyboards. The office of Hierapolis Pharmaceuticals was booming as they tried to close out all of their sales for the year.

Angela, was rapping away at the keyboard, while she talked to a client on the phone. Buried deep in her work at that moment, unaware of anyone around her. The headset she wore, connected to her phone provides her a complete disconnect from all her distractions.

"Yes Dr. Parker, this wonderful drug has just hit the market this month, it has just finished all clinical trials. It is showing very promising results." She says, typing away on the keyboard.

"Have you already gone over the incentive package?... Great! you will find no better deal on this drug now that has come to Market." She sits and listens waiting intently.

"Great! Should I put you down for 500 units then?.. fantastic! We will get it shipped out to you right away. Thank you so much for your business and have a Merry Christmas...Goodbye." she says.

Satisfied with herself she takes her headset down, caressing her wavy brunette locks as she moves it down to the desk. A look of relief passes over her. Her deep green eyes relaxing as she begins to turn around in her chair with with haste, ready to dash over to the printer. Quickly standing, ready to walk, she suddenly stops in her tracks.

"Oh my God!" She exclaimed! As she came to an immediate halt.

Startled, she moved both of her dainty hands up to her chest. Her heartbeat intense as she takes in the man standing in front of her. Her boss, Rick, standing at the edge of her cubicle. She was stuck like a deer in headlights, unable to move.

"That was a great sale for the end of the year!" Rang out her bosses deep yet powerful voice.

Angela took a moment, a deep breath, the scent of of cologne and dominance, an intoxicating combination. Coming from the man at her cubicle entrance, her bosses boss, the CEO of the company. Rick Summers, a tall man at least 6'2" stood towering over Angela. Wearing a perfectly tailored navy blue suit, with no tie, and light grey shirt. Built like brick wall that can walk he dominates any space he occupies. It was difficult to fit anything on his bodybuilder frame, angela imagined. Most of his office clothes must be custom tailored. She would always compare him to a Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson type of build. His complexion, simply amazing, he appeared to be of some type of European descent, Mediterranean descent, with a light tan skin tone. Often times when roaming around the office, she would try to catch him with his suit jacket off. His large pecs and arms always seemed like they're about to burst out of his shirt. His hands large like tiger paws, look like they were made to hunt. His upper body tapering down to his waist then widening out again with wide hips and a strong buttocks, tapering down again towards his feet. The lines of his suit perfectly accentuated his figure. Which was rumored around the office, to be influenced by performance enhancing drugs. But Angela did not really care, he was very much a joy to look at. Aside from his body, his face nearly perfect as well.

One of the best looking faces on a middle-aged man that she had ever seen. She guessed that he was somewhere in his mid-30s to early forties. His wavy dark hair was kept neatly on the top of his head. Cut to be only a couple of inches long it allowed some of the gray to come through, showing he had some experience in life. The sides of his head trimmed neatly, blending from the top of his head into his mid length salt and pepper beard. Which he keeps nice and straight. His beard, complimented his other facial features very well. His darker lips and perfectly sized nose blended in well with his dark brown eyes. His deep gaze was soul piercing, as if he could read your very thoughts. His eyebrows never made more than subtle movements, never giving away too much information. His smile, very tidy, was never too big, more of a sexy smirk or grin. If he smiled brightly it would spread like contagion, and this man likes to play his cards very close to his chest. Never letting anyone know too much.

Angela's pulse was now racing. Her fingers tingling from her limbs starting to go a little bit numb. The Familiar warm sensation building between her legs as her thoughts ran away from the present interaction. Visions of what he could do to her with that body, with his dominant physique. Her temperature had risen at least a few degrees. She was barely paying attention as Rick began to talk to her. She was too busy eye fucking him to pay that much attention.

" Some of the top sales people and I are heading out for drinks after we're off. To celebrate a successful sales year. You're invited! You have done very well and I would like to take you all out. My treat!" Said Rick, energetically, as he took in Angela's form.

His deep gaze admiring her features, her wavy brunette hair framing out her face perfectly. Her Sunkissed white skin, now tan from an active lifestyle. Her deep pink lips, slightly large for her face looked delicious for kissing and sucking. Her nose on the more petite side, sometimes has trouble supporting her glasses, the nose Bridge, not being very robust. Her eyes a deep green complemented by her large eyelashes and her well trimmed eyebrows. All of which are beautifully accentuated with a set of glasses that look like they belong on a sexy librarian.

Her shoulders now tense from her sudden startle, finally begin to relax as she brings her dainty hands away from her chest. She stood fairly tall for a woman around 5' 7". Hands down she is the most attractive employee in her department, she definitely knows it and dresses accordingly. Her office attire does not hide her womanly features well. Not for lack of proper attire, but because Angela's features always shine through, no matter how modest she dresses. Her white office blouse covering her upper half is tucked neatly into her long black form fitting skirt. Her breasts, seemingly in the c to d cup range. Look like they're trying to escape the captivity of her blouse. The undergarments barely hiding the outline of her nipples underneath. The energy of Rick's presence had her in a state of full arousal now. As they interacted she took a standing position that accentuated all her features even more.

They continued with some small talk. Discussing the place where they'd be celebrating, and other matters of the day. All the while, Angela was making small adjustments to her postion, to give Rick full viewing access. Slight turns of the waist here and there to show off her lower half. Her long black tight fitting skirt hugged her hips well, her thinner waist helping to accentuate her premier feature, her ass, having the perfect heart shaped double bump from the rear. As well as a perfect look from the side, tapering gradually from her back then to a sudden curve, then back into her legs at the bottom. It is so full that one of Rick's large hands possibly would not even be enough to grip a whole cheek. Her thighs were thick, running into her robust calves. All supported by two medium sized grey heels. Rick definitely liked what he saw, and Angela became aware of this as his smile became wider.

As they finished up their conversation, Rick took off to see another employee. Angela was finally able to relax. A sigh of relief as she finally was Able to make her way to the printer. She took the papers back to her cubicle. Then she was off to the lady's room, to freshen up after their encounter. She got so hot and bothered that she couldn't think straight the rest of the day. The smell of his cologne mixed with his manly scent intoxicated her for the rest of the day. Anxiously she waited out the day. As the clock hit 5:00 she readied her things and headed out of the office towards the building elevator. She left through the front of the building's first floor out onto the streets of downtown San Diego.

As she exited the building she put on a long coat. San Diego is not exactly warm this time of year. She headed half a block down from the office, towards the bar that her boss had mentioned. It was a new place she'd never heard of before. It was in the bottom of a neighboring office skyscraper, catering to the local workers in the area. The Towering buildings and thriving businesses were all decorated for Christmas. The streets were lit brightly with lights for the holidays. The sounds of a busy downtown we're happening all around her, while she walked. The loud cars and vibrant people providing a mildly entertaining walk down the street. She had moved to this city from back east, in hopes of a more exciting life, in a better climate than where she grew up. Angela was a somewhat of social butterfly always trying to meet new people and get out. She was only 28 years young, college educated, trying to make a place for herself in the world. She had a normal upbringing that was more rural than she had a taste for. But that wasn't enough excitement for her. She was always trying to have new experiences. So, tonight would be one of them she thought, as she neared the location.

She had arrived at the bar, as she stepped inside she looked around to get a feel for the place. It was a higher end place, catering to the clientele of the area. The bartenders all looked like they had a degree in making drinks, and the place itself was well layed out. A variety of tables set-up with Lounger sofas, and some very nice barstools at the bar. It had a very contemporary color pallet of blues and greens, and a somewhat modern cosmopolitan feel to it. She immediately picked out George, and Jenny. Two of her co-workers over in a sectioned off area. As she approached the section she noticed Rick engaged in conversation with someone she didn't know. There were also a few other employees who she was acquainted with, but did not know, who were there as well.

As she approached closer she took in the section. It was three sofa loungers around a table with a single single seater lounger closest to the section entrance. George and Jenny were standing just near the entrance to the section. Angela promptly approached and greeted them.

"Hey guys!" She greeted them in her upbeat tone as she removed her jacket and bag to set them down.

As she began to exchange pleasantries with George and Jenny she felt a sudden tap on her right shoulder, a whif of whiskey and cologne. As she turned to look she saw It was her boss Rick, with a drink in his hand.

"Good afternoon Ms Thorne, there is a Mojito right here with your name on it." He says with a smile as he offers her, her drink.

"OH my gosh! Thank you! I love mojito's!" She replies, taking her drink and giving it a sip. "Delicious!"

"Glad you like it!" Says Rick with a smile. "I'll let you guys get back to your conversation. We can all catch up in a bit."

As the afternoon Works its way into the evening everybody becomes more relaxed as they mingle with each other. A few people from the group have left already to go home to their families for the holiday. As the remainder carriedon, Angela and Rick got went deep into a flirtatious conversation with one another. The two of them exchanged playful banter back and forth as they slowly got lost in each others company. Angela was definitely getting very hot and bothered at this point. Between Rick and the drinks, she was worked up beyond belief. She could feel her primal urges deep inside her telling her to fuck this man. The amount of sexual tension that had built up between her and Rick was blatantly obvious to everyone around them. It was getting late, and everyone that remained at this point, were about ready to go home.

" Well, it's about time for me to go. I have kids at home and it's getting pretty late." Said Jenny

" What time is it?" Asked angela.

" it's 8:30" Jenny responded. " I'm going to head to the ladies room and then come back to see you all off." She continued.

"I'll go with you!" Said Angela excitedly. " I need to get up and stretch my legs." Said has she stood up from the sofa a little wobbly. She took a moment to collect herself before she started walking.

They slowly worked their way over to the lady's room. Angela could definitely tell she was a little tipsy by the way she felt when she got up and was moving around. They had some light conversation on the way. The two of them entered the ladies room and handled their business. Once they were washing up Jenny turned the conversation more serious.

" So, you and Rick seem to be having a good time. He has definitely taken an interest in you. " said Jenny

" Yeah, it's kind of weird. He never really showed any interest in me before. Maybe he never noticed me until my numbers were up? I just know hes super hot and likeable." Angela replied.

"Well, whatever it is. I suggest that you be careful. You wouldn't be the first girl from the office to get involved with Rick." Replied Jenny.

" Really? Who was the last girl? Asked Angela.

" You wouldn't know her. She doesn't work in the office anymore." Said Jenny. She Paused for a moment thinking back about what had happened.

"It was kind of weird. Her name was Samantha, she got involved with Rick in a similar way. A company function kicked off their little fling. You could tell things were going good. There was never really any PDA around the office. But she was very happy all the time, not to mention that the two of them were always conveniently gone from the office at the same time. Then, one day she just disappeared. Nobody heard anything from her, she didn't call or text anybody. In fact, some of her friends at the office couldn't even get a hold of her. She just vanished. There were rumors from one of the girls in HR, that she was paid a severance package. And it might have had something to do with Rick's wife. But no one has ever seen her. No one even knows her name. No one even knows if Rick has a wife." Explained Jenny.

A surprised and dumbfounded look passed over Angela's face. Could this man really be trying to reel her in while he is married? She was curious to find out.

" Wow, that is a lot to take in!" Said Angela.

" Look..." Jenny sighed. " you're in a very envious position. Many women, myself included, would throw it all away for night with that slab of muscle and charm. Just don't get in too deep" said Jenny

" Well, thank you for the warning. " said Angela.

" You're welcome, you've got your life ahead of you. Dont go dissappearing on us now." Said Jenny.

The two of them gathered up their things and headed back towards their section. Angela had sobered up a little bit after their conversation, and now feeling somewhat more clear-headed. As they approached the table they saw that everyone else had left while they were gone, except for Rick. Jenny said her goodbyes and left Angela and Rick to be alone.

Angela sat back down next to Rick. They began conversing again about random things. Rick, being the charmer that he is, knows how to lay it on thick. He wastes no time roping her in. She was still quite enthralled by him, despite her newly acquired knowledge of the situation.

"You know, I've thought you were extremely attractive, since the moment I saw you for the first time at the company. You are so beautiful, the symmetry of your face, the way your glasses perfectly fit your eyes. The way you're beautiful hair falls down onto your shoulders. The way you carry, and conduct yourself around the office. You are active and in shape. Your general attitude, the way you interact with others. You are nice to everyone. But you also don't take any crap. You are confident but not cocky. Very admirable qualities in a woman." Said Rick

Angela began to feel her heart race, she blushed a little. Good god, she thought to herself, should she really pass this up? But she mustn't forget what she had learned either she thought.

"Phew!" She said as she fanned herself with her hand. "Wow! Thank you for the compliments. You are quite the handsome stud yourself, but I've heard some things about you that concern me. Mainly one thing. Are you married?" She asked.

Rick, looking un-phased responded calmly and directly. "That is a bit of a complicated situation. The short answer is...yes. The long answer requires some in depth explanation."

"Well, we've got some time. Let's hear it." Said Angela.

Rick began to tell his story. " Almost 10 years ago I got married to my wife. As with most relationships the early stages are great. Lots of love and love making. Lots of vacations, lots of dining out, and general Happiness. About 2 and 1/2 years ago things started to fall apart. She was very involved in her career, and I very involved in mine. She started to develop another love interest, things became distant. The distance also became enhanced by the fact that we have not been able to have children. So, we have both resigned ourselves to be in a sort of open relationship. We both try to seek out happiness in our own lives. We just live together, and try to support each other as best we can. So today, we both, for lack of a better term, bury ourselves in our work. Occasionally we find comfort in each other, but mostly we find comfort with others. Our career paths are intertwined in such a way that it would not be beneficial for us to divorce. We are separated, living Separate Lives. I won't bore you with the details but there's lots of corporate nonsense involved. So, right now, around Christmas time, I start looking for some love intrests in my life. It is one of the few times of year I get to take a break. So, we are.... Me, attempting to woo you at Christmas time, as we speak."

Angela paused for a moment to collect her thoughts. " Wow! That's quite a bit of information to process." She responded

"Look, I know thats a lot to think about. I'll be free all weekend. I'd love to take you out tomorrow night on an amazing date. You don't have to say anything right now. I'm going to head over to the bar and close out everything for the evening. I'll bring us back some drinks, and you can let me know how you're feeling when you're comfortable." He said.

As Rick got up and walked over to the bar, Angela began thinking to herself, contemplating the situation. She had moved to this side of the country for a more exciting life, to take chances. Rural Ohio was not the type of place she wanted to be. Being that she grew up in a more conservative household, she had a natural inclination to act that way. However, she was on the west coast and things were different here. I'm ok with this, he's easily the hottest guy that's ever asked me out . I may not get another opportunity like this. She thought to herself. However, the concerning information she had learned told her to be cautious. Her emotions fighting her intellect. Her emotions and her mind were now locked in a battle, and she really wanted her emotions win. Her feelings of lust and desire quite powerful.

While Angela waited, contemplating what she's going to do, Rick, over at the bar, ordered four drinks. He motions to the bartender that he would also like the tab closed. He readies his wallet from his pants pocket, removing his credit card and setting it in front of him. As he waited he thought to himself. This is my opportunity, I need to be ready and alert. Two of these drinks will be hers, spike one of them. A perfect moment to seal their Fates for the night. As the bartender whips up the drinks Rick ever so stealthily reaches into his jacket pocket. He grabs the tiny capsule that he had placed there before he even left the office. His plan was going perfectly. As calm as he was throughout all his interactions, in all his business dealings, these moments never were easy. Even though this is something that he has done before. The rush always hits him. His body temperature and his heart rate always rise no matter how cool and collected he is. No one would not know it, he keeps it well hidden inside, on the outside, he is cool as an Ocean Breeze.

A slight clink of ice and glass as the drinks landed before him, a receipt from the bartender passed his way. A quick glance, with a flick of the wrist, the the credit card and receipt were ready for the bartender to take. A thank you from the bartender, for his constant patronage and gratitude to this new establishment. The bartender happily grabs the receipt and the card from Rick. A quick glance by Rick around the room. over the shoulder back at Angela no one is looking at him. A small snap, he opens the capsule above one of Angela's drinks. A small sprinkle of powder drops down into the liquid. Rick quickly tosses the two pieces of the capsule in his mouth and swallows them dry. A quick stir of Angela's drink to mix the powder. The stage was set. The hard part was over. Another clam look around the room, no one the wiser to his actions as he took the drinks.

As Rick returned to the table, four drinks in hand, Angela gave him a playfully suspicious look. He set them down strategically on the table, with Angela's drugged drink closest to her. He sat down next to her on the lounger.

A giggle from Angela " If I didn't know any better I'd think you were trying to get me liquored up to take advantage of me." She says in a playful voice.

" You can't blame me for trying." He responds playfully.

Rick reaches down and grabs his drink. He lifts it up to Angela for a cheers. "To good times, and the beautiful Angela."

Angela grabs her drugged drink, she raises it, blushing from his comment, and they clink glasses. "cheers" she says.

They both take a sip. Rick watches intently as he sips his drink. She does not appear to have noticed anything.

As they work their way through their drinks, and on to their second one, Rick slowly inches closer to Angela. He knows he has to get her pulse going for the drugs to take effect quicker. He gives her touches here and there to bring down her defenses. Eventually he moves his hand on to the top of her thigh. Lightly stroking, giving her Goosebumps. The giggling and smiling between them intensifying as they inch together closer, and closer. As hey begin leaning towards each other, Rick's puts his other hand around her waist.

As he moves his opposite hand slowly up her body, caressing up her arm onto her shoulder then to the back of her head. He brings her in slowly and deliberately for a kiss. As their lips touch Rick starts slow, then ramps up the intensityof their kissing. Their lips locked as they passionately lose themselves in each other. Rick's heart began to beat faster, his breathing deeper, his limbs, tingling. Angelas pulse Rises, the drugs now coursing intensely through her veins, begin to put her in a state of ecstasy. Her body was tingling everywhere. The feeling of Rick's hand behind her head running through her hair, was sending the most enjoyable of chills throughout her body. She begins to become a little weak. Rick brings her in closer. Their tongues now dancing around each other intensely. Their breathing got even heavier. They were lost in one another. Angela, even more so as the drugs continued to course through her veins.

They took a moment to uncouple and take a breath. Angela took a moment to assess the situation. What was going on? Why was she feeling so enamored, in such ecstasy? The drug that Rick gave her is nothing overpowering. Just enough to make her suggestible, but it kicks sex drive into high gear. It makes the user unbelievably wet, horny beyond belief, and able to orgasm with almost no effort. She was primed to fall into his trap.

" Well, I'm definitely feeling a little more Tipsy after that. Phew!" She sighed as she fanned herself with her hand.

" Me too..." said Rick as he took a deep breath. "You know, I do have a hotel room right across the road. I got it, in case I drank too much this evening. Would you like to join me?"

Angela looked up towards him, her face flushed, her eyes wide, her pupils dilated. She nodded her head yes, with a cute enthusiasm. She was now so enamored with her new admirer, that caution went to the wind. The two of them polished off their drinks, and exited the bar onto the Streets of San Diego.

------------GOOD PART STARTS HERE------------

A short walk down the road got them to the hotel. Angela did not even bother to look where she was. They walked through the hotel lobby, which was quite decadent. Rick already had the key to his room, and led them straight to the elevator. In traditional Rick Style, he had gotten himself a suite on one of the top floors.

As the two of them entered the silver walled elevator, and the pressed the button. They could not keep their hands off one another. The fire burning inside them was too great. They locked in lustful embrace once again. Their furious making out, lead to an equally furious groping session in the elevator.

A loud thud! as Rick pins Angela up against the elevator wall. The two, continuing to tongue each other in a passionate embrace. Rick hiked up Angela's tight black skirt with his right hand, exposing her luscious ass to the air, it was begging for attention. He put his left hand upon her neck, squeezing, applying just the right amount of constriction. He lifts her right leg up around him, and grabs her cheek with a wide forceful grip, giving her a strong squeeze. His hands so large, with a grip so wide, that the tip of his middle finger, was grazing the red thong covering her asshole.

Angela felt like she was his prey with his hand on her neck, his dominance making her feel weak. She had never been handled this way before, by such a beast of a man. As she stood there pinned in place, melting into Rick, she moved her right hand to his chest. His athletic chest, dense with muscle, was barely pliable in her hands. As she caressed she grazed over his nipple. Rick let out a guttural pleasurable grunt as she came into contact with his sensitive erogenous zone. She took note of this and began to flick and lightly pinch through his shirt. She wanted to grab at his muscular ass, but she could not get down far enough with her other hand. As she moves from trying to grope his backside, she slowly went towards the front. Inching slowly towards his quickly hardening member.

As Angela came into contact with his nipples Rick began to fall into a state of immense pleasure. He could feel the tightening sensations building inside of him. The blood beginning to move to his now hardening cock, his buttocks clinching together, his nipples hard as rocks. He shifted around to adjust himself, so that his cock would not be constrained inside his boxer briefs. As Angela began sucking on his tongue, Rick's grunts of pleasure became more beastly. He felt Angela beginning to reach for his cock. He could feel the precum oozing out of him. All of the performance enhancing drugs that he's on gave him hyperspermia.

Slowly, seductively, she slides her skillful hand down the outside of his pants. As she contacts the base, she begins to trace the shaft with her hand. Down, down, down, the outside of his pants, finally reaching the ridge of the glans. She was shocked a the size. She figured a man of this size would be well endowed, but this was borderline absurd. She stared up into his eyes with anticipation, and anxiety as she rubbed him outside his pants. "BING BONG!..20TH FLOOR" Rang the elevator chime. They were almost to their destination.

Quickly, the two of them straightened out their outfits, and attempted to appear normal as they exited the elevator. Luckily, there was no one in sight. Out of the elevator and to the left, they headed down the hall. Rick leadng Angela by the hand. They arrive at their room number 2001. Rick Taps the key card on the lock and opens the door for them.

An audible click as Rick flips on the light. He leads Angela further into the hotel room. They are anxious to get started. There is no time to take in the scenery. Overcome with lustful passion they begin to undress. Rick removes his jacket and shoes, then, on to his shirt. As he looks up to unbutton his shirt, Angela has already removed her blouse and heels. Her red lace bralette barely contained her voluptuous breasts. She reached behind herself to grab the Zipper to her skirt. She turns around, ass towards Rick, as she unzips herself. Slowly she bends over as she releases the zipper that contains her. Giving full view to Rick as her red thong and toned ass come into view. Tattoos, visible on her upper back and shoulders, a sleeve on her right arm. Her well toned physique pairing perfectly with her designs. Sexily she stands up straight and tosses her skirt to the side. She steps slowly towards him. Her toned stomach, and her lusciously strong legs were now available for rick to admire fully, her left thigh containing tattoos as well. As he continued to remove his shirt she helped him undo the last buttons.

Suddenly, Angela becomes a little light-headed. She also notices an intense tingling feeling of ecstasy begin to come over her whole body. She feels even hornier than before. Her desires seem almost insatiable and she hasn't even begun. Her mouth begins to water, a sudden urge passes over her body, to get him in her mouth, the drugs were in full effect at their peak. Rick was ready to take full advantage of the situation. She brings her Focus back to Rick. Taking his open shirt off, admiring the tattoos on his chest for a moment. She begins to caress his upper body with both her hands. Tracing over his chest and nipples, the ridgess of his six pack. She continues to caress as she puts one of his nipples in her mouth and lightly nibbles on it. Rick begins to quiver with pleasure. He reaches down to feel her pussy from outside her thong, she is soaked. Dexterously he moves the piece of fabric to the side to get her wetness on his fingers. She begins to tremble as a wave of pleasure comes over her. Rick brings his fingers up to his mouth for a taste.

" Delicious" he says, as he licks her juices from his fingers.

Angela can't take it anymore, her need to please him, salivating at the thought of him inside her holes. Quickly ropping to her knees she rips off his belt and pants as fast as she can. A pair of black boxer briefs, now the only thing standing in the way before her, and the throbbing monster beneath them. She moves her hands up the outline of his cock, and hooks her fingers in the waistband of his boxer briefs. Downward she pulls as she unleashes the monster from its cage. It's Springs up and out towards her face showering her with large drops of precum. She stared in awe at the sight of his gift.

Shaven to a long stubble, his hair was well kept. She started with a gentle caress as she admired its presence, working from balls, to shaft, to head. Not only was it large, but it was a beautiful masterpiece as well. The balls, well shaven and large. Looked as if they're sized for a large animal. The pair heavy, the sack playable and soft. Then she arrived at the shaft, she attempted to grip it strongly. However, it was so girthy, her thumbs couldn't touch her fingers. It had to be near a foot long, as she still had stroking room with her hands stacked. The veins having a near perfect protrusion, similar to a dildo. The whole thing resembled perfection, as if it was the cock of a god. The head, where she arrived next was perfectly shaped. The ridge on the glans well pronounced. Flowing smoothly to the frenulum and opening, which had a large stream of precum slowly flowing out.

The saliva that pooled in her mouth, was started to flow out of the corners. She leant forward to let it run out of her mouth onto the head, and into her hands. She began to stroke him slowly with both hands. Her sole intent, to please him, to submit to his pleasure. Making sure to lubricate all of him, she added more saliva by spitting in her hands. She Stroked him with a twisting motion. Rick began to breathe heavy and grunt as she stroked him. She looked up into his eyes, as she engulfed his head in her mouth.

"Oh!......Fuck!.....Yes!" He cried out as she took him into her mouth.

Her lips hit the ridge of his head exactly right as she popped him in and out of her mouth. Her tongue danced on the frenulum, causing him to tense and tighten with pleasure. She felt so hot and abused, his cock barely fit in her mouth. The soft skin bulging against her lips, her tongue dancing on tip, the stream of precum, It tasted delicious, like the whiskey he was drinking earlier. Her saliva never stopped production, as she continued to stroke and suck. Her technique was so good, that occasionally Rick's knee would begin to buckle. Suddenly, he grabbed her by the hair, and pulled her off of his cock. With his other hand he pulled her up by the arm and led her over to the couch in the room.

His tight grip on the back of her head, he led her as if she wore a collar. Gladly she moved, glaring at him, her eyes filled with instiable lust. Her beautiful mouth leaking saliva from the corners. He brought her where he wanted her, in front of couch. He put her down on her knees, and sat on the couch in front of her. He stroked himself as he brought her mouth down to his head. Her plump lips parting as he entered her mouth again. Slowly he pushed her down as far as he could. She felt his head contacting her uvula as his girth sealed off her throat. As she gasped, and gagged, he let her back up for air. She could only get an inch or two past the head. As he continued she gagged her sweet slick saliva on to him. He lapped it up in his hand to stroke himself, as he moved her down to his heavy sack.

"Work on my balls." He said, in a deliberate tone.

"Yes sir." She replied subserviently as she looked up into his eyes.

Drool ran down from her mouth into her hands. Rubbing them together to lubricate them, she then began to fondle his heavy balls as she put them in her mouth. His large heavy sack was smooth. The potent smell, intoxicating to Angela. She looked up into his eyes with the most submissive of gazes. The drugs had enhanced all her feelings, and removed all her inhibitions, she would do anything he commanded. Her heart raced as he looked back down at her.

"You're so good at this my little slut. You feel so good on my cock and balls. Do you enjoy pleasing me?" He said as he reached down to her panties and pulled them to the side.

"Yes sir. Pleaseing you brings me great joy." She replied.

She did not realize how wet she was until that moment. She shuddered with pleasure as his fingers contacted her Mound. Her eyes nearly rolling back in her head at the sensation of his touch. Just a taste of what was to come, his strong hands were a welcome guest on her pussy. Working from the back to the front. He scooped some of her juices up with his fingers. He brought his hand up in front of his face and spread his fingers apart. Her grool webbing between his fingers like honey, looking delicious, and shining in the light as he licked his fingers clean.

"Tasty" he said. As he then went back to stroking himself. The small stream of pre-cum continuing to flow from him with every stroke of his hand.

Alternating back and forth Angela sucked on his balls and worked them with her tongue. His two robust cumm factories, were too large to fit in her mouth at the same time. She moved her free hand down to his taint and asshole, using her lubricated fingers give him the most pleasureable of massages, as she sucked each of his balls. Ricks moans of pleasure were fueling her to please him as best she could. Angela could feel herself now dripping onto the floor, as she continued working his sack. The longer she worked on him the larger the puddle beneath her became. All the while Rick worked her slickness on his head, twisting and stroking. He was in a state of ecstasy. He could feel the tension building deep inside his sack. The feeling of wanting to release, beginning to envelop him. His twitching movements leading him closer to orgasm. He was not ready to explode yet, he wanted to enjoy his prey.

Leaning forward, Rick grabbed Angela firmly by the neck. He pulled her up as he stood. She gasped as he moved her up to attention.

" Stay here" he said as he walked to the bathroom, then quickly returned with a towel.

" let's clean you up" He continued, as he was wiping her face clean. As he wiped the last bit of saliva from her face he dropped the towel to the ground. Without warning he reached up and pulled her bralette off, dropping it on the floor. Angela's amazing breasts now exposed to the air. Her D sized breasts were perfectly shaped, a natural wonder, full bodied beauties. The way they dropped out of her bralette just right. Natural and soft, payable in his hands. The placement of her perfectly large erect nipples, surrounded by an areola the size of a quarter. They were perfectly pinchable he thought, as he rolled them in his fingers. Rick stared deep into her eyes as she wriggled in place, trembling with pleasure from him playing with her.

Sussenly he then ripped down her thong, crouching as he did so. Taking in the frontal view of her pussy, he grew wide eyed with approval looking at her landing strip. On his way back up he took another taste of her slippery soaked slit. As his tongue dug in to her lips, and he flicked right over her clit, her knees buckled with pleasure from the sensation of his strong tongue. The puddle of grool she was leaving on the floor had grown quite a bit. She couldn't take it anymore. She needed him to fill her aching hole.

"Please sir. I need you inside me." She begged

"How bad do you need me?" He asked in a deviously sexy tone.

Angela stood there wriggling, moving her thighs together in an attempt to rub her own pussy with her body. " Please sir, please fuck my dripping wet cunt. I need your huge cock inside of me. I need you to destroy my pussy like I'm a fuck toy. Please!" She begged.

Without a word, Rick grabbed the hair on the back of her head. He led her from behind, his grip on the back of her head controlling her pace and direction. The distance to the bed, no more than 20 ft. felt like 100 as he slowly allowed Angela closer to the bed. Her slick juices running down her legs as the anticipation built, each step getting her closer to the penetration that she desired. Arriving at the foot of the bed Rick released her and turned her to face him.

"Do not move." He said, as he moved towards the head of the bed grabbing a pillow and setting it near the edge.

With a hand placed firmly in the center of her chest, he pushed, and Angela fell backwards onto the bed. A pillow positioned beneath her lower back and ass, moving her to an angle of his liking at the edge of the bed. Rick lifted up her legs one at a time and put her ankles in each of her hands. As he held her legs up, Rick began to lick and kiss up and down her thighs. Her pussy, now on display to Rick, was glistening. The lips forming the shape of a long water droplet, her opening at the bottom beckoned him to enter. Her engorged clitoris at the top, protruding ever so slightly from the hood. He stood in front of her, admiring her while he stroked his girthy length.

"How bally do you want this cock?" He asked menacingly.

" I'm aching for it sir." She whimpered.

"How bad are you aching for it?" He replied.

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