This post was deleted.
- This isn't what you think it is. There is no need to report Reddit or flag Reddit because of this post. I'm simply putting my account on ghost mode and not being bothered by this place. You might ask me a question, asking when will you be back? Are you coming back? The answer is a high 80 percent chance I won't be coming back, so don't remain hopeful on that one. If you really wanted to chat with me and didn't want to get Telegram because you wanted to remain chatting on here, I did state on my profile once that I wouldn't be an active full-time user on here, and I don't know what to say about that because that was your own accord that you wanted to stick with Reddit messaging when I didn't, and not only that, I even stated that on my profile, but people don't read profiles. I've had people tell me countless and annoying amounts of times. Can you tell me information about you? Okay, you messaged me from one of the communities I'm in, and I even made an introduction there, and you didn't bother to read it? I'm not going to respond to people that tell me, Can you tell me more information about you? at the very jumpstart of the conversation. No, thank you. I also had someone message me. Can you tell me what video games you play? I want to know more about you, uh, what? It's literal in the post title; I can't with this haha. There are more reasons why I'm leaving, which I will leave below at the very end of this post! You can still chat with me outside of Reddit but here are some guidelines and rules you should follow.
You've to click on the image to make the image bigger.
You can find me on Creative Connections; however, you must follow the rules of this subreddit, and also you must follow the rules below this text message before you do.
The Creative Connection group isn't for people that don't respect people that are polyamorous, aren't friendly to asexual people, or any sexuality. I know I made a statement already, but I don't know if people saw this in the other pinned posts, but yes, this group has moderators. So, if you think you can slip on by and troll the members there and think you can get away with harassment, then you've made a big grave mistake because you will be banned from the Telegram group. Keep a reminder that please don't be over 50 joining here and chatting with members here. While everyone is in their early 20s, mid-20s, early 30s, and what else not. The age gap for me stops at 48. I really don't want to text message anyone that is over 50 years old. That has nothing to do with me being disrespectful to people that are into age gaps; I'm just not into that kind of age gap for me. It's a personal choice of mine, and by all means, if you're into age gaps, then cool, but it's not for me. It's the same thing as people posting in tons of NOT NSFW subreddits; do you honestly think I don't click on your profile? Because that's really funny if you think I don't do that. I always look at profiles, because it's always good to gauge what kind of person you are. Besides, if you're in a lot of NSFW subreddits, then why are you messaging an asexual person that sometimes morphs into a graysexual? Then why did you bother to message me? I find that kind of funny, to be honest; if you didn't think I wouldn't be checking out profiles when someone messages me from here, haha. That's also an important factor as well; while I'm not going to be an avid person here and mainly will be a ghost here, I don't want my partner into NSFW content; I won't be cool with that. It's the same thing as my partner respecting the duality of me being asexual, and sometimes I can be graysexual. By all means, if you're wondering, yes, I love flirting, but creative flirting and no NSFW flirting. So, just keep that in mind.
Why do you want multiple boyfriends?
While I'm new to wanting polyamorous relationships, I'm still not really grasping what the issue people are having with someone choosing the polyamorous path choice over monogamous. I think that's because people are getting the wrong idea about me as a person. I think when people think/see the word polyamorous, they think you want multiple or many boyfriends. Not entirely, no, I don't want 10-15 or 20 boyfriends, no thank you. I prefer only to have a few partners and stick with those partners forever; I'm not interested in group adding either. I'm not that tasteless, and I get very emotional and spiritually attached to my partners. Not only am I like that, but all my partners will be treated as equals, and I will never have plans to break that rule, as well as me adding partners. You will never see me with 10-15 partners and then adding more; no, just try not to be so judgmental about someone being polyamorous. You should ask first, before assuming. But many people don't operate like that anyway, so what even am I trying to say? I also would love to have a partner that will not ask me to change from polyamorous to monogamous. Or as if I can be something else besides asexual or graysexual; if this is something you're not comfortable with from the start, then I'm sorry, but I don't know what to say. I'm, however, okay with you saying that you are willing to try to date someone that is polyamorous, asexual, and graysexual because you never dated someone like that before. I'm comfortable with giving you a chance, and that isn't an issue with me at all. What is the community about? I believe the rules are quite self-explanatory and easy to understand what the community is about and what the community stands for, but you need to understand one thing about this community: if you disagree with most of the rules that are presented in the community, then your best bet is not to join. There are only 9 people in the community right now, but this community is relatively new anyways, and a lot of people don't use Telegram to begin with anyways. But if you want to know what the community name stands for, it's very simple really.
Poly means polymerous; you don't have to be polymerous to join. But you have to be respectful and friendly if you're not polyamorous. The moderators are active in both groups, so if you want to think about trolling the place or start harassing others, you will be banned quickly, and that would be literally a waste of time. To be quite honest with people here, I have monogamous friends that accept my lifestyle, because what is there to judge really over this lifestyle? That's really quite dumb to not be friends with someone because of that. I wouldn't see why someone would judge someone so harshly on that and why my friends would question my lifestyle choices. The next word coming up is game; you might ask what on Earth is a PolyGame? Well, first and foremost, if it wasn't obvious by the profile picture icon for the subreddit community, game is short for gamer because I couldn't honestly fit the word gamer"; I was at the max letter count, and I couldn't fit the word gamer, but I guess that wasn't obvious enough for people to grasp that concept. I thought the gamer tag would give that away, but obviously I was wrong, and that wasn't helpful to let people know that was a clue. But I understand why people get confused about it; I also don't need to explain the dating part at all.
Because the whole thing translates to polymerous gamer dating. This subreddit community is for polyamorous gamers to find dates and as well as polyamorous ace gamers to find dates. Speaking of asexuality, you don't need to be asexual to join the Creative Connections group. As long as you're accepting of people being asexual or other graysexual or what have you, then you can stay/join; there are no issues whatsoever. As long as you can comply with the rules, you will read the rules, and then you will just be fine to enter the Creative Connections group or the community group. I hope this clarifies everything.
But then you might ask, Okay, what is the creative part about?" Do I really need to explain the creative part? I mean, by looking at my profile, reading some of my posts, and reading some of my comments, shouldn't that connection click for you, or why I've chosen Creative? If it doesn't, then I don't think we would be good friends or partners to communicate with, but it seems you're not good at grasping metaphors/play on words with someone that has a complex mindset, and I'm sorry for everyone that got so massively confused by this ideology of everything. I thought everything was easy to understand/explain, but I guess I should've not thought about, Oh, this is easy in my mind; others shouldn't struggle as much, but here we are.
Anyways, thanks for taking your time and energy to read all this. I hope you're left with more clarity than you did beforehand, and you're not left with more confusion because that's not what I want at all. More importantly, sorry for most of the recent chat requests that I've missed. If you're one of the chat requests that have gotten missed because I've ghosted my profile, then you can just let me know by a private message, because you can tell me in the Telegram group that you're trying to contact me, and you can either find me in the members section of the Telegram group or you can just ask me to message you instead, because that just works out fine just as well. :)
For the people that didn't like me on Reddit.
If you plan to further troll and harass me outside of Reddit or troll this subreddit community, I wanted to let you know it's not worth the risk of getting your account reported and possibly banned. That goes for the same thing if you want to troll the other members in the Telegram group or if you want to troll the subreddit community. By the way, if you think you can get away with trolling or harassment in the Telegram group and the subreddit community just because of the moderators in the Telegram group or on the subreddit community, just by seeing the lack of activity shown on their profile page, it is very old. Well, I just wanted to let you know that even though the lack of posting activity for both the Telegram group and the subreddit community page moderators' profile lacks constant activity posts on their profile page, it doesn't mean the moderators aren't paying attention to the notification feed, because that's false and not true. The moderators are paying attention, and you will get reported or possibly banned, so don't bother harassing or trolling the Telegram group or the subreddit community. Thanks for understanding.
About Telegram.
Someone informed me the reason why Telegram isn't liked is because of scammers.
I'm really lost by this; I've been on Telegram since December, and I've not received one or more scammers messaging me. Literally, I've gotten zero scammer messages or from random people, so what's going on with that? I really am quite lost with this. Is it because your username is random to guess, and people are randomly messaging you because of your easy-to-guess username? My username is very bizarre and unique; this could be a factor in the reason why I've never received a random message from scammers and random people to begin with. I also have on my privacy settings that I had to manually set that. Nobody can see my real-life number; toggle sync contacts off, and nobody can add me to groups unless you're in my contact list or a premium user. Not only that, I've bought myself a verification badge to let people know that I'm not a bot. It's either buy a premium membership with my real-life money on this profile or spend my real-life money on Telegram, which is $5 for a premium verification badge. Which option do you think I was picking? This is quite the obvious choice, which one I decided to purchase. Another thing I wanted to add is that apparently people have issues with me not wanting to use WhatsApp because I don't want to give people my real-life number, and I want to hide my phone number. Okay then, you do what you want to do, but I would rather use Telegram, where I can add people by a username and not my real-life phone number, which you can't do on WhatsApp, and there still isn't a privacy feature to turn off manually that nobody can see your phone number. I will not use WhatsApp until those two options come to life for the app; otherwise, I have no plans on using it. Did you know on WhatsApp that on WhatsApp, in communities, the moderators can see your phone number? That's quite messed up and not really a secure enough app if you ask me. That's really creepy and messed up. Talk about not being privacy-forward. I wanted to add that I don't like apps anymore that have ads, reels, and ad notifications and reel notifications from random people you don't even know; those days have been long gone behind me, and I will never resign for an app like that again.
About how often I text on Telegram, when will you get your Telegram replies and things related to Telegram messaging/getting replies from me? Plus, a little bit of self-reflection in a mini rant form!
I wanted to let people know that on Telegram, which I have not responded to, I just don't have the energy to text or spend time on my phone, and that's just the honest truth right there, plus it doesn't help when you communicate with someone and the person is like, Sorry, I wanted to let you know I don't do monogamous. It's like, here we go again, seriously? At this point, I just don't know if I can keep texting people that are just going to text me those kinds of messages, and to be honest, I might start replying to people's text messages every 30 mins to every few hours. I should really put my phone away and just focus on self-care and self-reflection at this point. I think at this point I might make something that might make people hate me more or say I'm just being too sensitive for my own good. I think what I want to do is for people that want to say, I want to give you a heads up: I don't do monogamous, but we can be friends. I don't know; I find that personally a jab, which I know that shouldn't be a jab because that's the person's life choice path, and I can't just stop talking to a person because of that path choice, but I don't know. I think I just want to associate myself with people that are open to the idea of being polyamorous/curious about polyamory or aren't bothered by it. I think that's what I'm going to do/want to do/who I want to invite into my life. Because I don't think I want people who are friends/want to invite in my life that isn't open to the idea of a polyamorous lifestyle, and I want someone to be honestly okay with my life path, and more importantly, I do need to make some life choices about who I invite into my life because I know it's starting to really get to me in a negative way.
Because this is what I get replayed in my head a lot, and I want to find a solution to not let words like these bother me once so ever.
So, me being polyamorous makes me a bad person? Alright then, I'm done with people. I just don't want to text people anymore. I'm tired of it all; I'm tired of being judged for a life path of mine, and it's causing relationships to decline. I'm just going to disappear for a while.
Why judge me for a life path? Why judge me for who I am? You don't want to love me because of a life path? I'm tired of being judged when I try to be such a sweet, kindhearted person to others; this makes me extremely bitter, sorrowful, and full of grief, sadness, and loss. I got to disappear for a while; what I mean by that is I really don't feel like texting anyone. Humanity is cruel. What delusions and lies do you tell yourself, that you honestly love life? Whoever says they love life to the fullest is feeding themselves with delusions and lies.
There is no such thing as enjoying life to the fullest. I'm the type of person that doesn't feed myself lies or delusions, because at least I know how this world and people really make me feel. There is no need to make myself a liar or someone in a life of lies or delusions. I wouldn't care if I drowned myself in grief and sorrow. At least I know I'm capable of accepting my emotions, instead of denying them, like most people on this planet Earth.
Also, I wanted to add that people aren't thinking that I'm being fully honest with myself that Telegram is all I've got to chat on. Well, I'm sorry you feel that I'm lying to you, but no, it's all I have to use. I've already stated this on my profile, but I guess people have chosen not to read my profile, which I kind of figured much to begin with. So, I will state this here: if you don't want to download Telegram to chat, then I'm sorry, but I don't know what to say.
There are a few personal topics on why I'm leaving Reddit, and there are a few topics as well about getting to know me and understanding why I choose polygamous relationships. I appreciate anyone's time reading this! This is the final stretch of this post, so you're almost done with this post! The post is coming to an end!
Why am I leaving? I wanted to add more reasons why I'm leaving than one reason why I'm leaving that I stated above in the very first portion of this post!
Another reason is there was a guy I really liked and another guy I really liked, and this is what happened.
The first guy I liked ended up not texting me anymore, and I don't know what I did or if I said anything wrong, because to me I don't think I said anything wrong to him at all. The other guy I liked ended up hurting my feelings, to be quite honest. Since he has hurt my feelings, I'm not really sure of anything between us now, and I just need some space.
There are a lot of things going on, and it just seems that Reddit isn't built for me; it seems that I'm here with a lot of broken promises and dreams here. More than happy moments, I'm just tired of feeling the bad luck, the bad vibes here, and just disappointment. I wanted to let people know something as well: if you messaged me and your message was long and I didn't get back to you, I'm very sorry. When I made some posts on the subreddits you see on my posts, I had gotten over 25 plus notifications, and I could've missed yours by accident, and I'm really sorry about that.
I'm leaving because a lot of people are downvoting my posts, which shows a lack of interest.
There was one person I saw that messaged me on Reddit, and I had a look at his profile; he admitted to taking a lot of shrooms. I didn't address this in my profile, but I'm not looking to chat with someone who does drugs. Weed? No, thank you. That's not because of being judgmental or using weed for medical reasons, and the reason why I don't like weed is because someone I know who smoked weed had very bad memory impairment from smoking too much weed. Yes, weed can affect your memory if you smoke too much weed constantly. Let's just say that this person I know in my life is an online best friend of mine. He said something to his friend that was very bad about me, and he didn't recall saying anything to her and that he didn't remember telling her those things. So, I told him he needs to figure out how to quit smoking weed or lessen the weed usage, or I'm basically gone, and I'm never coming back because I really can't believe you told your friend that about me, and you don't even remember. I'm not okay with that. Well, he decided to get himself cleaned up because that was just highly unacceptable, and I'm glad he understood that repairing our friendship bond was more important than getting himself fried on weed and having impairment issues with his memory and blabbering bad things/slipping things out without even remembering he honestly said that. If I didn't have this personal life experience, even though it was online and not in person, I would've had a different viewpoint on non-medical weed smokers. I'm sorry if you're a heavy weed smoker and you had interest in me, but I simply can't let history repeat itself, because that was a very bad personal experience for me, and it doesn't really matter if it was online; it's still personal, and what he let slip out was highly uncalled for. But get this: this is where things get really wild. So, my online friend went to a Christmas party, and he had way too much to drink. Well, guess what happened? He somehow magically remembered what he told his friend and started to blurt it out to me. So, my friend is very anti-government and all that. Anyways, he was going on and on about how my SSI and me being on SSI is an embarrassment, and I'm on financial aid from the government and EBT as well. He was going on about how this is an embarrassment and all that kind of stuff as well. Anyways, needless to say, my friend can't tolerate weed, and apparently, he can't handle liquor, but I guess that's what liquor does to people, isn't that right? The truth serum of the ages XD Anyways, enough of my friend talk; I think I said enough, and if I keep this any longer, you guys might think, When will this post ever end? So, I'm just going to end the post here. Just keep a reminder.
Yes, I will always be looking for friends; I will never say no to making new friends, and that mindset won't change.
Yes, I posted in the asexual dating community and got no results. Plus, nobody is polyamorous there, and my post got 0 post points, so I almost reached -1 point.
Yes, I posted in the polyamorous subreddit with no results.
Yes, I posted in the introverted and nerd dating subreddit, with no results.
I don't appeal to anyone, so what are the reasons for staying here? I'm not the type of person that wants to scroll through 30 minutes or an hour of subreddit feeds; I'm not going to waste my time on that, and I'd rather be playing a game or on YT.
Introductions about what qualities I look for in friendships or relationships.
Information about my hobbies.
I really appreciate you reading all of this and sticking around! Don't forget from time to time to send me bird pictures in my inbox messages! That would make me happy, but I know taking bird pictures in wintertime isn't ideal! I also am not expecting photography professional-grade pictures; any bird pictures will do!
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