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(1992) The inked lady pt 1
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Way back in 1992, I lived in a smaller township, had a few friends, had a few sexual encounters, one of them was with an inked lady. I actually remember her full name, so I'll abbreviate it to SC.

I had first met her when swimming at the local pool with my friends one day. From what I could see of her, she had a LOT of tattoos all over. My friends all told me she was "diseased", had HIV, and other assorted contagions. I'm thinking If that's so, why is she allowed to swim in public pools? I managed to swim partly past her, looked her way, and she's looking at me. I smiled at her, and she smiled back. I kept on enjoying my day and that was that.

I had talked to a few people I knew about the "inked lady" and most of them knew her. Said her name, and said she had diseases and such. Never heard a good word about her at all... except from a woman that ran an antique store that I knew. She told me no, SC wasn't diseased, didn't have "cooties" or anything, people were just mean to her because of all her tattoos and the crowd she used to run with. She was an ex-biker chic. Ah, explains the tats then. The woman then says "Do you want to meet her? She's single and honestly a nice lady." I (being 21 and full of cum) said "Sure, I'd like to talk with her." So the woman calls SC and asks her to come by, there's someone that wants to meet her.

About 20 mins later, SC comes in the store to talk to the woman, and I'm in a chair next to her. SC looks at me and says "You look familiar, have we met?" I said "Not met per se, but we did smile at each other in the pool the other day." SC looks at the woman and says "Is this who you said wanted to meet me?" She said "Yep", got up, and walked off. SC sits in the chair the woman was in, looks at me, and smiles. I smile back.

We introduce ourselves and she says she's glad I wanted to meet and talk. She thought I was absolutely adorable but didn't say anything because of the "reputation" she has in town. She told me if I wanted to hear, she'd tell me all about herself.

I'm of the mind that everyone deserves a chance to be heard, to be seen as a person, and to "redeem" themselves if they've ever had an "oh shit" moment in their life. No one is perfect, we all make mistakes.

I said "Absolutely. Anyone I've asked about you all said you were bad, no good, etc. All but her" pointing at the store owner. "I honestly think it's just people being mean, not wanting to know you because you're different looking than most everyone else here." SC says "Yeah, the tats make a lot of people stare and talk. What did you think when you first saw me?"

SC was a bigger woman, not fat or anything like that, just big-framed. Definitely not a frail woman. And tons of tats.

I said "When I first saw you, yeah, I looked at your tats and thought 'Damn. She really likes ink. Ok.' And then I took a good look at your face. You're actually quite pretty."

I felt myself getting red in the face because I'm 21 and don't have the experience nor confidence of a seasoned "man" who's had his fair share of moments.

I'm looking down at the floor and said "And the rest of you ain't bad either". For a woman of her structure, she had a body that wore it well, and she did have sex appeal to me.

SC got fidgety and said "Well, uh, thanks. I, uh, I, don't know what to say." and as I looked back up at her, she was red-faced too. I said "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you, I didn't mean to." She said "No, oh no. You didnt... I just... I'm not used to any compliments."

We talked for a few hours about her life and mine, where we came from, what we've done, etc. She was in a biker gang for a few years, got tatted up, married the one guy she was with, had a kid by him, divorced and left the gang because it was getting violent and she didn't want any part of that, and she was in her mid 30s. Lived with her mom and son in an apartment, did some work at a manufacturer, hasn't had a date with anyone since her divorce. I said "Would you ever consider dating a younger guy?" She looked at me and said "If it's you, hell yes!" and laughed. I laughed, but because that threw me off as direct as she was and it got those shy nerves going lol.

I went for broke and said "Look, I don't have a lot of luck with women, so I'm a little shy and awkward when one shows an interest in me. I'm not used to it." She looked at me and said "Bullshit. As hot as you are? No luck? You're so full of shit." The Rudolph red my face must have gotten told her otherwise. She's looking at me and says "My god you're red. Are you serious? You really don't get a lot of attention?" I said "No." She said "I can't believe these women. When I saw you at the pool, I wanted to ask you out right then and there but I figured you already had a gf." I looked at her and said "Really? You woulda asked me out? Shit, I wish you had. I'da spent the rest of the day with you then cuz I thought you were kinda hot too." We sat there for a few awkward moments, and she had to leave for her nightshift. But before she walked out, she turned to me and said "I hope you're not messing with me. I'll be here tomorrow to talk to you again if you're really interested." I said "What time, and I'll be here early waiting on you." She smiled and said "10am good for you?" I said "I'll be here. Now don't YOU chicken out." She said "Oh no, I won't." And walked out with a huge smile.

The store owner comes up to me and says "I've known her as long as she's lived in this town. She's a good woman. Treat her right. She hasn't been on a date or anything with a guy her whole time here, and I've never seen her smile so big. Don't hurt her or I'll kill you myself." I said "I won't. I just hope we're not too different to get along because I like her. I can tell she's good people." I go home for the evening, and anxiously awaiting the next day.

I get to the antique store around 9:30 that morning and the owner says "You weren't kidding when you said you'd be early lol." I said "Nope, I never kid about being somewhere at a certain time. I just hope she won't chicken out. Speaking of, do you have a room somewhere I can cry if she does?" and the owner laughed.

A few minutes before 10, SC comes walking in. She didn't see me right away so I winked at the owner, and hid behind a large dresser with a mirror. SC walks up to the owner and asks excitedly "Is (my name) here yet? Oh god, he isn't showing is he? Damn, I wanted to see him again. He's so damn good looking and nice, shit shit shit." Owner says "Calm down, it's not 10 yet. He may be on his way and just a min or two behind." SC says "I need to sit down. My nerves are all tore up. Feel like passing out." I'm still behind the dresser thinking "Surely she doesn't have it THAT bad for me?"

SC and owner chat some more, and SC goes right back to "I hope he shows. Oh god. What do I say? What do I do? Do I act happy? Should I be normal? Should I hug him or shake hands? FAWK what do I do?" I'm trying not to laugh because that's how I normally am when meeting a woman, and here she's just as tore up as I would be. It was so freakin cute. Owner says "If you act like this around him, he'll run away lol" SC says "Shit. Shit shit shit" and I sneak out from the dresser, behind her, and say "I'm not running anywhere." SC jumped out of her skin, turned around, grabbed me, hugged me, and gave me a quick kiss on the lips, let go, backed up, and said "Shit." I said "Does this mean you like me?" and laughed. Owner is dying laughing, SC is so red in the face I thought her head would pop off.

Owner gets up and says "I'll leave you two be. No making babies in my store" and walked... no, strutted off, leaving me and SC wide-mouthed staring at owner strutting off. Yeah, THAT didn't make things awkward. Thanks store lady. We sit down and are looking at each other with what I can only describe as silly grins on our faces. I finally break the silence and say "So you were worried I wouldn't show up huh?" She said "Yeah, I thought you were just messing with me." I said "Nope, I was serious. I want to get to know you better. I like you." She smiled big and said "I like you too. Wait, how long were you here and where did you come from?" I told her. She's looking at me with a shocked look and said "So you heard me freaking out? Dammit. No. You weren't supposed to see that! Shit." but she was smiling when she said that. I said "It's ok. I thought it was cute, and it put me at ease to know I wasn't the only one freaking out about seeing each other again. You have no idea how well I didn't sleep last night worrying about today."

We chatted for a bit about our nerves, she didn't sleep good either, worried the other wouldn't show, being heartbroken if that had happened. Apparently we were smitten with each other. We talked about an hour or so, and SC tells me "I told my mom about you. She wants to meet you." I said "Damn. Meeting the parents already? We gettin married this weekend too?" and wiggled my eyebrows saying it. She laughed and said "Yeah, right. No, she wants to meet you to see how you are. She says she has a 6th sense about people, and she's usually right. She doesn't believe me that I found a good guy." I said "Well, ok. Sure, I'll meet your mom. Hopefully she likes me too and we can start dating." I laughed. "Almost feel like asking her if it's ok if we see each other." SC laughed and said "Yeah, it does feel that way, doesn't it?"

We talked a bit more before deciding to go meet her mom. On the way out I looked at owner and said "Sorry, but we couldn't help it. We'll name our daughter after the Victorian couch we conceived her on" and SC and I died laughing. Owner said "You better not have!" laughing as we walked out. We get in SC's car and head off to meet 'mom'.

We get to the apartment, and we walk in. Mom is there and says "So this is the guy? Looks a little young don't you think?" SC says "Mom, he's 21. That's old enough." She looks at me and says "Do you have any problem with me being 33?" I said "Honestly no. I figured me being 21 was an issue for you that you were willing to overlook." SC said "No" and looked back at her mom. "Well, read him. Let's go, we have a wedding to plan" and I almost choke-laughed. Ok, SC has great humor. She just went up on the scale from possible gf to definitely gf .

Her mom looks at me and says "Sit." I do and we talk for a bit. How'd we meet, where, when, all that. What are my intentions, am I faithful, have I killed anyone in my life (really?), yada yada. Of course I'm not one to hide my true self, so I act my normal goofy, weird, and serious when need be self, answering all 'moms' questions. Finally she looks at SC and says "If you don't marry him, I will." I pick my jaw up off the floor and say to SC "Looks like I've been approved of" and nervously laugh. SC looks at her mom and says "No, he's mine and I don't share." Still sitting there, now between SC and 'mom' I say "Oooh, girl fight!" and we all laughed. 'Mom' looks at me and says "My girl has been thru hell. You seem like a great guy, and she needs that. You treat her right, and she'll be by your side through anything." Her mom gets up, says "I'm off to the store for awhile. I'll be gone for about 2 hours" looking at SC directly when she said that. I'm thinking "Oh shit. Is that code for you have 2 hours to fuck like rabbits?" And 'mom' walks out.

I'm nervous as hell, I look at SC and see she's the same. I said "I'm not expecting anything. I'll stay over here and we can talk more." SC sits on the couch and says "Sit next to me please so we don't have to yell across the room." It wasn't a big room, so I figured she just wanted to be close. Which I did too, so I didn't hesitate. I sat right next to her, my leg against hers, and said "Too close?" She said "Nope. Perfect." and we talked a bit more.

She told me about her kid, a son, 12, that she had with her ex husband when she was 21. She didn't know she was pregnant and went to the doctor because she wasn't feeling well. Morning sickness from time to time and all that. She said the doc told her she had the flu. 9 months later her son was born. I asked "Did you want kids? Do you ever think about having any more?" She said "Only if I found the right guy, and he wanted kids too. If he doesn't want kids, that's ok too." I said "I don't think I'm ready yet, I'm only 21. I see having kids as being adult enough, late 20s or early 30s, to be able to handle it. I'm not saying you weren't ready, just my view of myself really." She said "It's ok. I really wasn't ready myself. I was in a gang. What kind of life is that for a kid? That's why I left and divorced my husband. I didn't want that life for my son. Does it bother you I have a kid?" I said "No, but it'll definitely be an adjustment for me if we work out well and stay together. I know I'm not 'dad', but I'd do my best to fill the role if need be." She got teary-eyed, hugged me and said "Thank you. You're so nice. My god how I've dreamed of a man like you." I couldn't help myself. I kissed her.

The apartment door opens up and her mom comes in, surprising us both, and we jumped apart like we were caught doing something bad lol. SC is looking around saying "Has it been 2 hours already?" and I'm doing the same. SC and I looked at each other, red-faced, and laughed. We had literally kissed nonstop for an hour and a half... and didn't know it. Her mom is looking at us, shaking her head, and said "Acting like a bunch of lovestruck kids. Well I guess that means you two are a yes?" I looked at SC, she's silently looking at me, I looked back at 'mom' and said "If it's ok with you, I'd very much like to date your daughter."

Her mom almost dropped the groceries and said "Are you shitting me? No, you did not just ask for permission!" She's looking at me, then at SC, back to me, back to SC and finally says "There is NO way in hell he's real. No man asks anymore." I'm getting concerned a lil at this point, and I look at SC. She's looking at me and tells her mom "Apparently he was brought up right." SC looks at me in awe and says "You are not like any other man either of us have met. Are you SURE you're not just putting on a show?" I said "No. I was always taught to respect people, to ask permission, never assume anything, and yes... to ask parents if it's ok if I date their daughter. It may be old fashioned, but I fully agree with it. It's the right thing to do." SC is crying, 'mom' is standing there with a quivering lip, and I'm thinking"Shit. It's over. I did something wrong" and start getting wet eyes too.

SC grabs me and holds me tight, 'mom' comes over and hugs me too and says "Thank you for being a man. A real gentleman. You have my blessing to date my daughter. And marry her because if she doesn't, your mine" and laughed. SC looks at her mom and says "Hands off. He's my angel. Mine mine mine" and I'm laughing. I look at SC and say "As long as you'll have me, I'll be yours." I think for a minute and say "This is actually kinda going fast, isn't it? Two meetings, meet your mom, and now we're together? I'm not complaining... just trying to get my brain caught up is all." SC and 'mom' both said "Yeah, it's a little fast. But when it's right, it's right." I looked at 'mom' and said "Do you need help putting the groceries up?" Mom looked at SC and said "I'm about to steal your man if he keeps this shit up" and laughed. SC held me back and said "Nope. We're going to sit on this couch, away from that man-stealer." 'Mom' just said "Party pooper" laughed and walked off to tend the groceries.

I looked at SC, took a chance, and said "Your mom wouldn't really take me, would she?" From the kitchen 'mom' said "In a heartbeat" and SC said "Yep." I laughed and said "Well, it's good to know I have options." Both of them cackled laughing so hard and I felt immensely better. I said "I'm joking and I'm so glad you two knew I was. I was so hoping you had enough of a sense of humor to get my weird humor." SC looked at me and said "The things I've heard and seen, yeah, I've got humor. And I could tell by the look in your eyes when I first saw you, that you're a smartass. And I love it." I smiled so big, I leaned in and kissed her again, forgetting her mom was there, and SC did the same.

A few minutes later we hear "GET A ROOM!" and jumped. We laughed, I said "Sorry", and SC said "As much as I hate to, I've got to work tonight again." She glared at her mom "And you are NOT allowed to stay here without me." Her mom says "But don't you want a little brother or sister when you get home?" SC is floored and says "MOM! NO! OMG! Get your own man!" and holds me like a kid does a precious toy. I said "But 'mom', wouldn't you rather have grandbabies?" and they both looked at me shocked. "Did you just call her 'mom'?" I said "Yeah... is that bad?"

"No, I just... but... that means..."

"What?" I'm getting legitimately worried at this point I had done something horrible.

SC says "Do you want to marry me? Now? Yes. Yes. YYEESS!" and she's getting super excited. I'm thinking "Oh shit. Now I've done it."

"Wait, hang on... I didn't mean that. Yet. I just meant that I want you without hurting your mom's feelings, and eventually if all goes well, then marriage is a definite possibility." SC says "Oh, oh, shit. Oh, I'm sorry. Oh gawd now you think I'm possessive and clingy and shit. Shit shit shit." I said "It's good you feel that way tho. It tells me you honestly like me enough to make us want to work. And I do too." I looked at her mom and said "I don't know if you were joking or serious about taking me away from SC, but I have to tell you. As flattered as I am, my heart belongs to her."

Her mom looks at me and says "I was actually serious. But I'm glad you said that. My daughter is my world and as much as I would want to have you time and time again, it would destroy her heart. I now know you'll never hurt her, and I will stop attempting to steal you. You're safe around me." SC said "I doubt that" looked at me and said "You're still not allowed here without me" and laughed. I said "No problem honey. Anything for you" and the cutest lil growly "oohhww" I've ever heard came out of SC, she hugged me, kissed me, said "Now off with you! I have to get ready for work. And Mom, don't you DARE hunt him down when I leave." Her mom laughed and said "I won't. I promise." SC said "I'm off tomorrow. We'll make plans as we go thru the day" then looking at me with a sultry look "and the night too" and walked off. I said my goodbyes and walked out, the whole time wondering if my heart was still beating. SC pretty much pointed out there would be something happening at night... am I getting lucky? I kinda hope so... TO BE CONTINUED

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