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[GUIDE] "Which Monsters Should I Skill Up From the Event?"
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LedgeEndDairy is in Guide
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Hi All,

Here's a quick and dirty guide for y'all on the new event that just dropped. I'll be breaking this up for each group and quickly giving a tier list of monsters to skill up. Should be pretty simple.

This is assuming NEW to MID GAME players, as most late game players can typically answer this question for themselves, and/or will already have most of these monsters skilled up anyway.


    • This is a guide aimed at newer players, showing them which monster skillups will have the highest impact for PvE progression and early game PvP. That's all.


Discuss and debate below! I'll adjust the post if you make a good argument! :)


EDIT: I have changed up the list quite a bit since posting, thanks to your comments. If the comments below make no sense, it's because I've removed some monsters and added others based on the discussion below.

I've officially attempted to make this a "beginner-friendly-ony nat5s" corner. Nat5s that are specifically late-game PvP monsters with high rune requirements - while amazing and should be built eventually - have been removed.

I REPEAT: Just because your monster isn't on here, doesn't mean it isn't good. MANY TOP-TIER NAT5s DO NOT APPEAR HERE. Because they are not newbie friendly.

Oliver and Nana, for instance, are probably the two most dominating monsters for RTA, but they aren't included. Same with Moore and Douglas.



S-Tier Skillups:

  • Water: Galleon

  • Fire: Kaki

  • Wind: Lushen* (S3 Only)

  • L/D: Kinki // Molly // Martina // Betta

    • Chosen for either very-high-impact PvP (multiple areas of use, including defense offense, or arena GW, etc.), or high impact PvE PvP.
    • *Note that Lushen can technically gain skillups by fusing his fire brother instead, but this is pretty energy/time/crystal intensive.

A-Tier Skillups:

  • Water: Water Twins // Tyron*

  • Fire: Fire Twins // Verde* // Carcano // Clara

  • Wind: Triana*

  • L/D: Tablo // Iris* // Halphas // Frigate // Amarna

    • Chosen because they either have high impact PvE, or high impact PvP (not both). In the case of the twins, they have high impact on both, but actually don't need skillups to do well, but do even better with them.
    • Tyron, Verde, Triana and Iris can obtain skillups via fusion.



Nat5s are a little harder to do, because it's more about Nat5 synergy than standalone Nat5s (for instance Bolverk is just 'okay' by himself, but paired with Amelia or Woosa and Mo Long, he becomes an S-tier Guild Offense monster, that said he really doesn't need skillups anyway, but it illustrates my point).

I will be discussing standalone awesome Nat5s that basically deserve to be skilled up and built the moment you receive them. I won't be discussing LD Nat5s because frankly I don't know enough about them, and the "really good" LD Nat5s will be skilled up the moment you receive them anyway.


  • Water: Bastet // Woosa

  • Fire: Rica

  • Wind: Feng Yan // Cheongpung // Savannah // Ganymede // Jamire

    • These nat5 monsters have high impact in multiple parts of the game, have massively versatile synergy with different PvP comps, and shine exceedingly better when skilled up. Many are extremely useful in one or more facets of PvE.


  • Water: Psamathe // Mo Long // Alicia // Poseidon

  • Fire: Jeogun // Zaiross // Karnal // Perna

  • Wind: Leo // Xing Zhe // Charlotte // Seara // Riley

    • These nat5s are extremely good and 'non-niche', but lack the overall crazy high impact that the S-Tiers have. In general these nat5s are PvP only, some being explicitly RTA monsters (like Jeogun and Oliver), with little crossover strength to Guild PvP or general Arena.

Note that "your favorite nat5" might not show up in this list simply because while they are very good, they don't NEED skillups to do well, and thus get bumped down the list.


Second Awakening

For Second Awakening, we're going to be looking at monsters that get more than just "Plus Damage" or "Plus Healing" from their skillups (-1 CD is best, but also higher activation time on debuffs).


  • Water: Vigor

  • Fire: Spectra

  • Wind: None :(

  • L/D: Shamann

    • Vigor is the #1 2A to skill up. He's used in many areas of PvE, and is probably the best all-around monster for PvP, especially on defense. He gets a ton of bonuses beyond just damage from his skillups, but I would contend that even damage skillups are worth it on him.
    • Spectra > Shamann - Spectra and Shamann both get a decreased cooldown on S2, but Spectra's is better (it doesn't hurt him anymore, but Shamann's does), and Spectra's S3 is really nice for TOA Hell.


  • Water: Icaru // Lulu

  • Fire: None :(

  • Wind: Bernard (S3 only).

  • L/D: Eshir // Jultan // Linda

    • Bernard gains an extra 4.5% attack bar push (30% -> 34.5%), which relaxes speed tuning requirements a bit, probably the best option in A-tier, honestly. This helps newbies that have a hard time getting speed, and helps veterans focus more on damage instead of speed.
    • Icaru is if you need more damage to one-shot crystals.
    • Linda isn't used as much as the community THOUGHT they would use her, but she still gets pretty big bonuses from skillups. S2 gets higher activation, and S3 gets -1 CD. Note S2 activation is 100% regardless if the enemy has buffs.
    • Eshir S2 > Lulu > Jultan. Jultan's bonuses have higher impact, but he's the more niche monster of the three. Eshir takes potentially only 1 skillup (3 on average, 4 max), while Lulu will take 3 minimum, and 4 realistically (5 max).

If you don't want to do the A-Tier and have already done S-Tier, there are a TON of monsters that get damage bonuses that are meta in the current PvP climate. Pick your favorite and skill them up!



That's all! As I said in the beginning, if you disagree with anything, discuss below! I'm happy to change my mind if you provide a good argument and/or have a ton of people backing you up, haha. I just want this to be a good resource people can link when the questions inevitably show up in one of the two megathreads over the next week or two.

Thanks for reading, have a great day! :)

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