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Elevated Physiology | Chapter 1 | [M-26] [F-26] [M-32] [F-31] [Backstory] [Massage] [Handjob] [Dominant]
Author Summary
VegabondRising is in Dominant
Post Body

The following is an excerpt from a long fantasy novella that I have been working on. There is a lot of exposition before you get to the good stuff. For those looking to skip the exposition, (which I don't recommend, but I totally understand), go to Elevated Physiology Chapter 2, which starts with a brief summary of Chapter 1. You can also search for text for [SPICY], to jump right to the good stuff. Feel free to comment or DM me with your thoughts on this story. I'll be posting Chapter 2 soon!

Chapter 1: The Back Story and the Massage

Jameson had his entire life perfectly planned and that plan was being carried out flawlessly, until it wasn’t. Jameson had studied kinesiology and had a love, almost obsession with the human body. His goal was to fully understand how the body functioned and then find ways to make it function optimally, hence the kinesiology degree. Jameson was also a certified masseur and personal trainer. He was an expert in both regards and he had used these skills to pay his way through school.

While in school, he met a lovely blonde woman named Sarah. The two fell in love after being paired together for a group project in their dietetics class. Jameson had fallen in love with her long, curly blond hair; her delicate, yet playful personality; and most of all, her incredibly tight, chiseled features. Sarah had been approached for modeling contracts, but she had turned them down. Her reasoning? Modeling was for the vain, her looks weren’t going to last forever, and she wanted to pursue her passion. That passion? Nutrition.

Sarah had fallen in love with Jameson when he had told her his passion project, Elevated Physiology, which was his plan for creating and operating a full-service health club. As he had explained his dream to her, she saw deep into his being and found nothing but passion and love.

After graduation, Sarah and Jameson got married and set out to find funding for Elevated Physiology. They had received about 70% of what they needed from a local millionaire couple that was looking for places to stash their excess cash. Jameson, careful to not give anyone other than himself control of his dream, had refused the couple’s offer for an equity interest and insisted that all funding be in the form of long-term debt. His financial advisors had warned that he was taking on considerable risk and that an equity interest would help shift some of the risk so that he wasn’t bearing the full burden, but Jameson was totally focused on control.

Unfortunately for Jameson, Sarah, and Elevated Physiology, within a year of opening the health club, the world was changed by COVID-19. Suddenly, Elevated Physiology was not allowed to operate. The substantial client list had canceled their subscriptions and the company’s cash flow situation became dire. They had managed to survive the shutdown, but the business was slow to recover. Much of the cash that was supposed to be set aside for finishing the remodeling of the building and adding areas for services other than the gym facility was gone. Desperate for help, Jameson turned to the only people he knew who could potentially help. John and Katie, the millionaire couple.

John and Katie had invested significant amounts of money in Elevated Physiology, and Jameson was never going to be able to pay back the loan without additional funds. Jameson knew his business plan was solid. The club had seen rapid growth in its first year, far beyond initial projections. He was certain that if he could keep the doors open and finish the club so that it was more than just a gym, he would succeed in every conceivable way.

Nervous as could be, but more determined than ever, Jameson had called John to set up a meeting. John, being the savvy businessman he was, understood that the club was likely in a dire situation. He assured Jameson that everything would be fine and then, shockingly, invited Jameson and Sarah to his house to meet with him and Katie to discuss their options. Oddly, John made it very clear that Jameson was to bring Sarah and only Sarah. The lawyers and financial advisors were not invited.

So, Jameson and Sarah found themselves, pulling into the drive of an absolutely beautiful mansion. Jameson parked his 2001 Toyota Corolla in front of the entrance to the multi-million dollar house, when a man dressed in a suit came out to greet them. “Jameson. Sarah. If you’ll follow me, I will take you to the conference room. John and Katie are waiting for you now.”

When Jameson and Sarah arrived at the conference room, they were a little surprised. Jameson had never met John or Katie in person, though he had had several conversations with John over the phone. John was in his early thirties, but he was in excellent physical condition. The man had dark hair and appeared to be at least 6’6”. He was wearing dress pants and a polo shirt that really showed off the man’s muscular chest and arms. He looked like an NFL linebacker turned fitness influencer. Thoughts of Master Chief, Captain America, and Thor raced through Jameson’s mind. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. After all, they did lend me a lot of money to start a health club. They must see Elevated Physiology as a passion project too. That can only be good for me,” Jameson thought to himself.

John led the introductions, welcoming the couple to their home, introducing Katie, and offering a variety of beverages, which were politely declined. As John was speaking, Jameson had an opportunity to shift his attention to Katie. How would one describe Katie? Goddess is the word that flashed through Jameson’s mind. She appeared to be a similar age to John, early thirties, though possibly younger. She had long, brown hair and a breathtaking face. An absolutely stunning woman in all regards.

As Jameson forced himself to pull his focus away from the beautiful woman, John dove head first into the topic at hand. Asking Jameson all kinds of questions regarding the operations and financial position of Elevated Physiology. Jameson felt like he was being interrogated, though John assured him several times that he was simply trying to gather all relevant data.

After about 30 minutes of what Jameson could only describe as stressful and Sarah could only describe as boring, John summarized the situation. “The club had great initial success and significant growth in the first year, but like every other business right now, it’s suffering from COVID. It’s apparent that you are out of cash, so your operations are at a standstill. Even if you were able to keep operating, you no longer have the resources needed to finish the original plans for the facility. So right now, you have a subpar gym and are lacking the massage therapy, cryo therapy, and nutrition center that makes this place worth the substantial fees that you need to charge for a monthly subscription.” Jameson replied, “yes, that’s why I need another loan from you and Katie.”

Katie spoke for the first time since the introductions, “well you won’t be getting another loan.” The room fell silent, and Jameson’s stomach dropped. He turned to John, who said nothing, but motioned for Katie to continue. Katie forged ahead, “we came to you because we believed in your business plan. We wanted to invest in your business and build it with you, but you were fully determined to only accept a loan. Now you’re coming to us, asking for another loan? The answer is no. Hell no.”

The room fell silent again, until John blessedly offered an alternative. “We are prepared to make a counteroffer, but be aware, this offer is only valid today. You leave here accepting this offer, or your loans go into default, and we fight with your other creditors to absorb the club’s assets in bankruptcy proceedings. You’ll be financially ruined. Your dream will be gone forever.” John paused, not expecting a response, but allowing time for the weight of his words to sink in. “Our offer is this, Katie and I will pay off all of your existing creditors and your loan to us will be forgiven. We will also provide the company with additional funds so that you can keep operating and finish the renovations. Katie and I have plans for additional facilities and services, but we will discuss that at a later date.”

Upon hearing this, a weight was lifted off of Jameson’s shoulders. A weight of torment that had been pressing down on him for months. He had a strange feeling, one he hadn’t felt since COVID started, hope.

He tried to respond, but struggled to find the right words, “Wow! That is….wow…I don’t know what to say. This is incredible. I don’t know…”

“Easy there killer, you haven’t heard the rest of the agreement,” cautioned Katie.

Sarah replied, showing her and Jameson’s inexperience and naivety, “I don’t really think that matters at this point. We want Elevated Physiology to continue, whatever it takes.”

John continued, “that’s very encouraging to hear and it’s why we feel justified in making this offer, but you still need to hear and agree to all of our terms. In return for the additional round in funding, you will allow us to become 51% owners of the company. We will have control of the overall operations and have a profit interest. You will be in charge of the day-to-day management of the club and retain a 49% profit interest, but that will only apply after all of our capital has been returned. As I expect this to take several years, you will each require a salary to cover your living expenses. That salary will be $125k, each. We will also lease new vehicles for each of you, since you can’t run a luxury health club while driving a 20 year old Toyota.”

Jameson processed the terms of the deal quietly. It was extremely generous and unexpected. He and Sarah would go from living on the bare minimum to taking home a quarter million a year? His brain was going in circles trying to convince himself that he absolutely needed to take this deal, but there was one problem. Control. He would be giving up control of his dream.

John interrupted his thoughts, “Katie and I will step outside for a few minutes. You and Sarah may have a few minutes to talk this over.”

Katie added, “But like John said. This offer may only be accepted today. You either agree to it now, in this room, or you’re facing bankruptcy.”

The power couple left, leaving Jameson and Sarah alone in silence. Sarah waited a minute, allowing Jameson a chance to take the lead, but she finally couldn’t contain herself. “Well? What are you waiting for? Call them back in here and accept the deal.”

“And give up control?”

“Yes!!! Are you serious? We’re facing the end of everything! They offered a way out and you’re concerned about not being 100% in control? You’re insane if you think I’m letting you turn this offer down.”

Jameson conceded, “You’re right. I don’t like this, but it’s our only option. Fucking COVID screwed us. There’s nothing we could have done differently. Please, go tell them we’ve made a decision.”

Sarah opened the door to find John and Katie patiently waiting outside. They took the non-verbal queue and came back into the conference room.

As they sat down, Jameson was about to agree to the deal, but Katie spoke first. “Now that you’ve had some time to process our offer, we need to explain that there is an additional term that we haven’t discussed.”

Jameson thought to himself, “here we go, this will be the deal breaker. I haven’t even given up my control yet and they’re already asking for more.”

“In addition to our other terms, we will require that you spend one night a week in service to us, starting tonight. Specifics will be communicated as necessary.”

Sarah asked, confused, “in service to you? What like, be your butler and your maid service?”

John responded, not exactly, “we already have a butler and several maids. We’re more intrigued by your skills as massage therapists and nutritionists. For example, Sarah, we would like for you to work with our chef to optimize our diets.”

“Well yeah, you will be majority owners in the club, so of course you’ll have access to all of the club’s services,” argued Jameson.

“Yes, we understand that,” responded Katie, “but we’re going to require a more personal touch in some instances. For example, we expect to enjoy your massage therapy services here, in the comfort of our own home.”

Jameson continued, “yeah, I don’t see that being a problem.” Confused by the way this was being presented, he had written it off as unremarkable and was not considering it to be a significant part of the deal. Honestly, he was already dreaming about finally being able to finish the club and what it would be like to have an actual salary.

“So then, you agree?” asked John.

“Yes, absolutely yes,” confirmed Jameson. “Thank you. This is going to be life changing for us.”

“Yes, I believe it will” responded Katie.

The foursome signed the paperwork that John had prepared and when everything was sorted Katie said, “Well, let’s get to it. John and I will head upstairs. Henry will come get you when we’re ready and bring you upstairs.”

“I’m sorry,” said Sarah, “What’s upstairs?”

“Oh, don’t you remember? The deal states that your services start today,” replied Katie. Then she and John exited the room without another word.


Jameson and Sarah sat in the conference room in stunned silence while they waited for Henry. Jameson was deep in thought, lamenting over the fact that he had just signed away control of his business. His dream business. Meanwhile, Sarah was stunned by the drastic change of events. They had spent months convinced that their business would fail, the dream would be gone forever, and they’d be ruined financially. Thanks to John and Katie, everything was going to be fine. Better than fine, actually. They were going to be given a generous salary, they still had a profit interest in the business, and the dream was going to continue. Jameson and Sarah owed John and Katie a lot and they were about to find out the total cost of the deal they had just agreed to.

Henry, the butler, appeared in the open doorway about 5 minutes after John and Katie had left. He simply said, “follow me,” and proceeded to lead them down the hallway and up the stairs. He led them to a closed door and instructed them to enter, then disappeared back down the stairs. Jameson opened the door and found, well, quite a surprise. The room had floor to ceiling windows on the left and back walls. Had Jameson been paying attention to the view, he would have noticed that the room overlooked a pristine lawn and further off in the distance was a golf course.

The surprising thing, the thing that Jameson was having a difficult time processing, was that John and Katie were stretched out, face down on massage tables, completely naked. Jameson had given hundreds of clients massages over the last few years, but none of them were to beautiful millionaires who happened to be completely naked. He had been utterly shocked by the sight of Katie’s voluptuous ass laid out in front of him.

Katie turned to look back at them and said, “there is a counter in the back of the room. It should have everything you need. John and I would like for you to massage us for the next 90 minutes.” Sarah was processing the situation quite a bit better than Jameson. She moved past him and went to the back of the room, where she found towels and expensive lotions. Jameson hesitated for a few more seconds, but then followed suit.

Katie then said, “Jameson, you’ll be massaging me. Sarah, you’ll have John.”

The professional masseurs went to work on their new business partners, starting the massage with the neck and head, then going down to their feet and working their way up the body. Jameson was trying his best to focus on the massage and prove his expertise to Katie, but he kept getting distracted by the sight of her naked ass. More than once, he had to force himself to think about boring things, like the failing finances of his business, to ward off the impending hard-on the sight of her ass was prompting. It was a losing battle, especially as he worked his way up Katie’s legs and she instructed, “give special attention to my ass. It’s been ages since I’ve had a proper, full massage.”

“Same for me,” added John.

Jameson anxiously waited a few minutes, ensuring that he gave Katie’s long, beautiful legs the attention they required. He was in awe of her long legs, realizing for the first time how tall the woman was. She was at least 5’10”, quite a bit taller than Sarah who stood at 5’6”. Though they both looked small compared to John’s 6’6” frame.

Jameson stalled for as long as he could, but it was time to focus his attention on Kaite’s lovely ass. He had decided that he would start on the sides, putting pressure more on her hip joints than her actual ass. Then he would move his way inward, towards her asshole. He realized that his cock was completely hard at this point and very visible through his tight, light gray dress pants. He was searching his mind for ways to distract himself, when he realized he had completely forgotten that his wife was massaging a naked man a mere 6 feet away.

Jameson looked at John and Sarah for the first time since the massage had started. He sheepishly made eye contact with his wife, embarrassed and panicked by the realization that she would notice his cock was fully erect. Sarah simply gave him a reassuring smile and nod, then shifted her attention back to the muscular man laid out on the table in front of her.

Jameson continued massaging Katie’s ass, catching glimpses of her asshole as he spread her apart. He then worked his way up the goddess-like woman’s back, while catching glimpses of the woman’s side boob. He moved in front of her, finishing off the massage with her shoulders, neck, and head, when Katie nonchalantly reached up and squeezed his cock. Jameson froze, stunned by what had just happened but eager for more attention. Embarrassed, he glanced at his wife, but her attention was focused on John, so she had not noticed her husband being groped.

Jameson looked at the clock and realized that only 50 minutes had gone by. He hadn’t really been thinking about pacing his routine out to a full 90 minutes. He decided to ask Katie, “is there any area that you’d like for me to focus on?”

“Yes,” answered Katie, “my legs, then my tits.”

And with that, she flipped over onto her back and Jameson got his first full view of her absolutely incredible tits. He had noticed that they were big, but seeing them laid out in front of him, completely uncovered, was a different story. They were bigger than Sarah’s 34Cs, that was for sure. Amateurishly, he guessed, 36DD? Truly, it didn’t matter because the size of Katie’s tits wasn’t even the most impressive thing about them. They were truly just perfect, natural tits.

Jameson snapped back to the task at hand and walked to the foot of the table to start massaging Katie’s legs. As he worked, he felt her eyes on him, watching his every move now that she was lying on her back. He gained some courage and asked, “how is this?”, as he applied more pressure to her right thigh.

“Lovely,” she replied, “I like that pressure.”

Just then, John flipped over, so that he was laying on his back and Sarah and Jameson got their first look at his cock. It was impressive, even though it was only semi-hard. Jameson guessed that it was nearly 6 inches in its still partially flaccid state.

A few minutes later, Katie instructed Jameson, “focus on my chest please.”

Jameson looked at Sarah, who caught his glance, but paid it no attention. So, Jameson obeyed Katie’s instructions, positioning himself so that he was standing at the head of the table and went to work on Kaite’s chest, deeply working the pectoral muscles. Jameson had noticed that Katie had a lot of tightness in her upper back and shoulders. He now understood that that was a result of having to carry around her large, heavy tits all day every day.

Katie moaned, “that feels amazing,” which caught John’s attention. “Make sure to massage her tits,” the woman’s stud of a husband instructed, “she loves that.”

Cautiously, while hoping that those instructions were genuine and not some sort of cruel test, Jameson worked his way down, taking her perfect tits in his hands. Katie moaned again, so Jameson continued the massage. “Yep, I was right. These are 100% natural,” he thought to himself.

Jameson again felt Katie’s eyes on him. He shifted his view from her tits to her eyes, noticing for the first time that they were a deep brown color. They stared into each other for a few seconds, until Katie broke the silence. “John, how’s Sarah doing over there?”

“Great! I’m surprised that someone so small is able to apply so much pressure. How did Jameson do?”

“Well, he’s doing a great job on tits right now. I think he may have been a bit distracted initially, but he powered through.”

Jameson blushed, recalling her squeezing his hard cock through his pants.

“Should we have them start finishing up?” Katie asked John.

“Yes, that would be great,” confirmed John.

“Excellent!” said Katie, “Jameson. Sarah. John and I are very pleased with the massage, but were ready to be pleasured. To finish up, you’re going to make us cum.”

The room fell silent as Jameson and Sarah digested this information. Of course, the thought had crossed their minds during the 90 minutes they spent with their hands all over this beautiful couple’s naked bodies, but to actually be instructed to give them a happy ending was, unsettling.

Katie further instructed, “Sarah, there is a coconut oil-based lube on the counter in the back. Please use that on John. Jameson, I’m ready for you now.”

Unsure of himself, Jameson moved over to the right side of Katie’s table and started to massage her upper thighs.

“Not need for that,” said Katie, “I’m already warmed up and I want you to stroke my clit.”

Jameson obeyed his instructions and placed his middle finger near the opening of Katie’s pussy, then ran his finger up towards her clit, splitting her lips apart. Katie gasped and let out a deep sigh. Jameson was surprised by how wet the woman’s pussy was, but recognized that she had just spent the last 90 minutes being massaged all over her body, including her tits. That, and she had known this was coming, so maybe she had spent the time fantasizing about it? Maybe she just had a kink for dominating and instructing the help?

As Jameson continue to work on Katie’s clit, Sarah had returned and was in the process of lubing up John’s cock. Jameson was surprised at how Sarah seemed to be ok with this. She didn’t appear to be hesitating or uncomfortable, but then again, the situation was so odd and unexpected that he didn’t feel he could trust his perceptions.

Sarah finished with the lube and took John’s cock in her hand. She worked the lube all around it and started to work the cock up and down. A minute later, John started to grow. Then continued to grow. It was mesmerizing, for both Sarah and Jameson. Without a doubt, it was the largest cock that either of them had seen, outside of porn. Even in the context of porn, John’s cock would be considered big.

John’s cock was perfectly straight and had a nicely shaped head. Jameson estimated that it was at least 9 and a half inches long. It definitely wasn’t as thick as Jameson’s cock, but it was certainly longer. At least a full 2 inches longer.

Jameson enjoyed the live hand job performance that his wife was giving John, when Katie interrupted and said, “Jameson, play with tits. Especially my nipples.”

Jameson obeyed and used his left hand to massage and pull on the woman’s tits, while his right hand continued to stroke her clit. He could tell that she was really starting to enjoy it by the way she was moving her hips and starting to moan.

Katie then reached up, and again, grabbed Jameson’s cock through his pants. Only this time, she kept hold of it, squeezing it ever so slightly. Jameson’s enthusiasm increased and so did the speed at which he was stroking the woman’s clit. Katie laid her head back, closing her eyes and moaning even louder.

On the other side of the room, Sarah was rapidly pumping John’s fully erect cock and Jameson noticed that she was using two hands to do it.

“Damn his cock is long,” thought Jameson.

John then reached over and started massaging Katie’s left tit. A minute later, Katie was cumming and making the most erotic sound that Jameson had ever heard.

As Katie recovered from her orgasm, she continued to stroke Jameson’s cock through his pants. She then asked her husband, “How is Sarah doing?”

John replied, “great, but she needs your help.”

Without another word, Katie hopped off her table and climbed onto Johns. She was straddling him, in a position similar to 69. In a fluid motion, not interrupting Sarah’s efforts, Katie took the head of John’s cock in her mouth and looked up at Sarah.

Sarah continued to stroke John’s cock, up and down with great speed. Jameson just stood there and watched, completely mesmerized by the sight of his wife, jerking off a 9 inch cock with both hands, while a goddess of a woman sucked on the head.

John let out a huge groan and pumped his cum into his wife’s mouth. Katie then pulled Sarah into a deep kiss. Sarah, tasting the mixture of cum and coconut oil on Katie’s lips.

When the women broke their embrace, Katie hopped off the table and walked to the door to grab two robes that were hanging, handing one to John. As she tied the robe around her, she turned to Sarah and Jameson and said, “Don’t worry about cleaning up. Henry will be back to escort you to your cars and I’ll message you later this week with instructions for Friday night.”

And with that, Jameson and Sarah were alone.

Jameson started to speak, just as Henry walked in the room. Without a word spoken, Jameson and Sarah followed Henry, who led them to a garage. Henry handed Sarah a set of keys and pointed to a mid-sized BMW SUV. Then handed Jameson a set of keys and pointed to a BMW M-3, then said “These are your new leases. If you have any questions or issues with the vehicles, call the number on the cards that are in the passenger seat. Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

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