Subreddit Rules
No NSFW content or sexual posts
No nudity, implied nudity, violent/gory images, drugs or content deemed NSFW by the mod team. Low effort post seeking sexual will not get approved. If you're looking for a sexual act, there are more appropriate subreddits for that.
No extremely explicit material
Do not describe acts or body parts. You can ask for a fwb or hookup without being overly explicit.
No low effort posts
Posts on sub must not be blank or single sentences, please be more elaborate to encourage discussion. Shoot for at least a short paragraph (4+ sentences).
No spamming
Constantly making the same post or image in an attempt to garner more attention. Don't submit more often than once per 3 day period.
No solicitation
No solicitation of money in exchange for sexual favors, drugs/alcohol, private social media access or any other form of media.
No sexism, racism, homophobia, ad hominem posts
Attacking a user based on beliefs, gender identity, race or relationship preferences.
No personal attacks or harassment
Don't argue, if you don't agree with something posted here, move on or report if you think it's inappropriate, don't go into posts looking for an argument. Don't harass people in a public or private forum. Don't harass or stalk people in any way, shape or form.
Follow proper formatting
Please follow the following format
[] -
"r4r" denotes your gender and preference.