This is kind of a really long story so I apologize in advance.
My parents separated when I was two, divorced when I was eight, and my dad remarried about two months after that. My stepmom was also the woman my dad was having an affair with. She's also an awful, abusive woman.
My dad owes my mom money still in back child support. So overall, my parents dislike each other, stay away from each other and generally have a contentious relationship. When its just my mother and my father (and my stepdad) they can function like rational adults for short bursts. If you add my stepmom in, everything goes to hell.
Anyway. That's the set up.
I work at a professional theatre company. My half-sister (dad and stepmoms kid) has expressed interest in going into the arts. Let's call her Jane. Currently Jane is more focused on dance, but keeps telling me she wants to be an actress. Every time this come up, my stepmom tells her she is smarter than that, the arts are an awful profession, don't be stupid and throw your life away, etc. etc.
So, Hamilton tickets went on sale while I was working yesterday. My stepdad is a wonderful man and also retired, and he managed to snag six tickets. Four of them will be used (myself, my boyfriend, mom and stepdad.)
He then went out and bought another six because "those seats were better."
So, now we have 12 tickets for two different dates. Four are for sure being used, and I might just go again a second time. My stepdad is leaving it up to me if I want to sell them to friends or put them online. I talked to my dad yesterday and asked if he had tried to get tickets so Jane could see the show and he basically said "why the hell would I spend that amount of money on a stupid musical?" It was a really weird response for him actually, because he volunteers with her theatre troupe and comes to all performances and everything. I'm assuming he either a) thought that the tickets were way more than they actually were or b) Jane has been non stop harassing him. My dad has no desire to see the show. But Jane does. My stepmom apparently does too, but honestly, I don't care.
Herein lies the next set of problems:
Jane lives an hour from me on the opposite side of the city and if I offered to take her my father would expect me to drive the hour there, feed her, drive her home and then drive another hour back to my house. She's too young to take public transportation by herself. I also am not interested in paying for her ticket. Jane is very spoiled and at 13 still prone to screaming fits and tantrums when things don't go her way. However, I know that being 13 is difficult and that her parents kinda suck. When my dad (when tickets first went on sale) offered to take her to another show that wasn't Hamilton she threw a fit and said that it was the only show that mattered, because all of her friends were going. I want to encourage her to be whatever she wants, but I also don't want this to become a bragging-status thing.
Jane and I were raised very very differently and I was already babysitting and earning my own money at that point. My dad was very uninvolved and my mother raised us rather frugally. Neither of my younger sisters understand that they can't always get what they want and the constantly scream about it. I know I wasn't a perfect kid by any means, but I do know that I wasn't as rude or disrespectful.
If Jane lived with my I would have her work on some things around the house as a way of paying it off, but well, she doesn't. I also know that she has no money so I would want my dad to pay me back for it.
That is part of the problem, because it will drive my mother crazy to know that my dad is paying for her ticket while he still hasn't paid her back. I supposed I could lie.
I also think that I would want to take her to the night of the show my parents aren't going to so as to create less conflict. If that were the case I could drive to their house, drive her and then spend the night there and leave in the morning. I should also add that it will make my stepmom incredibly angry and my other younger half sister (age 7) wouldn't be invited either, which I'm sure would cause conflict.
Basically this is all a big mess. The easiest thing to do would to just be say no and not take Jane. My dad doesn't know we currently have extra tickets. On the other hand, she's my sister, and doesn't deserve to be punished because my parents still don't like each other.
tl;dr: Half sister has been dying to go to Hamilton. I have extra tickets and could take her, but it would cause major problems in my family. Help.
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