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:) . . . . . . . . . 404 Not Found a goode team AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA air swimmin am zzz let slep pls aquadoggos at least 12 atomic borker AWOOOOOOOO... bacc off best frendos <333 BIGE boi bige smile tho :D blep boop bork! brushy brushy C Y B O R K G I R L E cate gon give it 2 u cate pupper Certified Oldmandog certified rare chonky girle!! classy sweater boye cookielike cozy cate cybork* (heckin OP plz) did u say walk? don't do a sit on me friendo droidoggo or ipup? excite for party food is life fooooood... for me? g r o well goin to the park! goin to the park! goin to the park! good as goldo good hosts :) happy borkday! happy scales! heckf no heckf polis HELO IT IS ME hooman was banned for this bamboozle How he know that? :O hypnopupper i aint afraid of no ghost i see cutes! im here 4 u fren innocemt INNOCENT innocent itchy butte join a union, pupper kiss kiss lil beans lil buppers logik pupper lomggirle longboy scritches longfren :) mexi-pupper mincraf pupper mirror mirror monch monch tree ninja bare no bath just clean no phot- hecc, fren No. not safe for puppers nyoooooom o heckf no pls O V E R B O R K off to a good start olde boye omg pandoggo plz not picture time, is refill time pollinating pup prison break! pupper pupper fixx pupper??? pupper(t) Removed: asking for upvotes Removed: common repost Removed: excessive/recent repost Removed: low effort title Removed: low effort title/not rp title Removed: low effort/stolen content Removed: low quality photo Removed: no adult content Removed: no police/military dogs Removed: no sad content/grief threads Removed: no solicitation Removed: no wofl hybrids Removed: not rp content Removed: R1 and inciting debate Removed: R14 no handles on photos Removed: R3 focus must be on animol Removed: R5 - low effort title Removed: R5 low effort title Removed: R5 low effort title (asking for name ideas) Removed: R5 soliciting comments Removed: R5 title rules Removed: R6 no sad content Removed: R6 no sad content/grief threads Removed: R7 Stolen content is not allowed. Removed: R8 repost Removed: recent repost Removed: rule 5 - low effort title Removed: Rule 5 low effort title Removed: selfie Removed: spam Removed: spambot Removed: title incites debate rudolph! sea of floof selfie time! slipp smol scritch smug pup! snooot snooz sooo relaxx special delivery! splash Such happy wobbl! that a dinosor fren tog-o-war pupper too much food u comfy cuz i am v bad tabol manners v good doggo V olde also v goode vv style vvv tall wake me up in time 4 dins k? wator flap flap welcom home hooman! white walker pup! yes Z O O O O M