Hey there fellow horny Wisconsinites (and visitors to Wisconsin)! We are glad you're here!
18 Only. This subreddit is for adults only. This is per both federal and Reddit requirements. Any minors, as well as any adults who knowingly interact with a minor, will be removed from the sub.
No illegal content/lack of consent. Only content that is legal in WI and the US is permitted on this sub. As such, any pornographic images or videos shared must only depict adults and any person who is identifiable in those images/videos must consent to their dissemination. Mods have the right to request verification of ID and/or consent of any person depicted and remove any content if verification is not provided.
NO PROSTITUTION or currency transactions of any kind! Any posts seeking real-life hookups, FWBs, orgies, groups, etc., cannot contain any request or "donations" for money. This includes paid massages, paid sex work, escort services, entrance or participation fees for groups/orgies, etc
No promotion/solicitation. While we encourage horny Wisconsinites who enjoy showing off online to do so here, we do not permit promotion of paid pornographic or subscription sites, requests for tips or payment, crowdfunding, etc. To put it simply, don't ask other users for money, don't tease your paid work to lead other users to paid work, and don't post links to OnlyFans or similar websites. This sub is for people to have and to find fun, not for workers and customers.
Be Local! Either from Wisconsin, Visiting, or from a neighboring state. The purpose of this sub is for fellow Wisconsinites to connect together. If you are not from, or not visiting this region then you have no business here.
No spam. We understand that some of you are really horny. We are too. But if you post repeatedly in a short amount of time (several posts within any 24 hr period) or you keep posting the exact same post (even if you know what you like, at least change up the language), your posts will start getting removed and you could be banned.
Be kind & respectful. This is a place for all consenting adults in and around WI to have and to find fun regardless of age (so long as it's at least 18), race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Any hateful comments, slurs, bullying, shaming, etc will not be tolerated. This includes remaining respectful when you are turned down for fun. You are not everyone's type and you are not entitled to someone just because you like them. Please handle rejection with dignity.
Violations of these rules will result in the removal of the violating post or comment. Being a minor, engaging with a minor, and posting illegal content will result in an immediate permaban. All other rule violations may result in temp-bans or permabans at the discretion of the mods.
In addition to the rules, the mods have enabled AutoMod to take certain safety measures to keep this community from getting banned. Primarily, an account must be more than 24 hours old and have at least 10 karma in order to post on this sub. In addition, certain content and links that violate the rules will be automatically removed.
We are all here to have and find fun. So let's all be respectful to each other and the sub as a whole in doing so. To give you the best results in finding what you're looking for, we recommend you provide as much relevant information up front without doxxing yourself. This usually includes your gender, the gender(s) of people you're looking for, your general location (such as city or county), and what you're looking for. If you're looking for fun, stats and body types are also generally useful in the body of your post. While we do not require a specific format for post titles.
Finally, we are real people with real lives and limited time to be on this sub. So, please, if you are trying to get ahold of me or are having an issue, please be patient. If you see a violation of any of the rules in any post or comment, please report it to us. Just because you do not like a post does not mean you can report it, It MUST violate a rule to get reported. If you message a poster or commenter and learn in those messages that the user is doing something that violates the rules (such as they are a minor or are seeking payment), please message me and include a link to the post/comment you responded to, as well as a screenshot of the messages (with the violator's username) so I can confirm the violation.
If you have any questions, please reach out! (You may comment on this post to ask questions, but please don't comment here to make reports. I will not be monitoring this closely.
Thank you for reading through this and respecting the community and rules. Now go, be horny, and have fun!
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- 1 year ago
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