Subreddit Rules
18+ Users only
Any users found to be of underage will be banned.
No Selling Accounts Allowed
No posters involved with for-$ activities anywhere on reddit (bio, posts, comments, PMs, etc) this includes only fans.
No escorts, pay to play, paid anything
This site is for free connections, so if you have a $$$ requirement, menu, request gift cards, or and are selling yourself or your services (escort, video chat, etc.) in any way youโll be banned. Period.
You May Post Once per Day
Posting too frequently floods the page and we want all users to get a fair chance at being seen. More specifically this rule limits posts within 24 hours, attempting to repost within that time resets your timer.
Pictures should be of the person posting
The picture must be of, or include the person posting. No memes, cartoons, or other images will be allowed. No snap or links will be allowed.
Tag Your Title Properly with Your Age, Sex and the Sex You Are Seeking
26 [F4M], 31 [M4A], 22&24 [MF4MF], etc.
M -> Male
F -> Female
FTM -> Female to Male Transgender
MTF -> Male to Female Transgender
A -> Anyone
Respect The Privacy Of Others
Do not ask for or share content of other people. This includes but not limited to rating/sharing/tributing content of SO's/family members/friends. All such posts will be removed and the user banned
Don't Share Personal Information
Don't post, share, or even hint to email addresses, Kik, Snapchat, phone numbers, etc. Save them for PMs, not public posts or comments.
Include Your Physical Location In The Post Title
Include your city, county, region or some approximate location in your title. It shouldn't be your street address, but it also shouldn't span half the state!