Subreddit Rules
18+ Only
Nobody under the age of 18 is permitted to post or comment. Adult users must not knowingly interact with minors.
No illegal content/lack of consent
Content may not include anything unlawful, such as seeking/depicting lewd acts between or with minors, seeking/offering paid sexual encounters (including groups with entry or participation fees), or pornographic images or videos, or success posts, where any person is identifiable who has not consented to their image or information being shared
No promotion/solicitation
Do not promote any paid work or subscription sites (such as OnlyFans) and do not solicit users to pay for pornographic images, videos, or subscriptions.
No spam
Do not post multiple posts in a short period of time or keep reposting or crossposting the same exact post repeatedly.
Be kind & respectful
Do not be rude to other users, bully them, call others names, body shame, slut shame, or engage in other negative behaviors toward others