hihi. i'm eryn. looking for my long lost commie hikikomori gaming weeb transbian/lesbian sister who's willing to sift through all this wordvomit garbage (there's more, way more). No men, attracted to feminine people only.
i'm 25 mtf (actually NB transfem but w/e), got thighs, crippling autistic, hikikomori, mute, commie/tankie as heck, need a gf for my 2p full time gamer hour requirements, maybe 3p (or 4p if we get lucky ;3 ) not looking for short term or hook ups. I don't know why this is in italic, i'm sorry if i hurt your neck. (it's not in italic anymore apparently)
anyway, this is a short tldr intro which i'll probably use to post on here, tamer language so it doesn't get filtered. I'll post the main posts on my profile so if this catches your eye, check it out. Link to post at the end of this one. :3
I'm looking for people pretty much identical to me, minus minor things of course. Games, anime, politics, relationship dynamics, interrrr/ course please automod stop removing my posts, hiki/NEET/lifestyle, mute, autism/mental issues (kinda) are important dealbreakers to me. Looking for someone who's pretty much at least 90% identical to me, if not more.
Anyway 2, I'm Eryn. 25yo, mtf for about 7 months now, libido gon but t*ts very much not gon, dad recently talked about my wider.. hips..? (thanks?) there's too many 4chan posts of femboys/transgirls ending up doing their dads. I do not. Want. To. Fall into. That. HOLE. But for some reason those posts keep making their way to me, every fcking time. On a bright note, doctor complimented me saying she thinks my face looked more fem. That was nice. I got called miss on the phone today (while writing this at least) which weirdly has happened before. Woo.
I'm a commie, tankie, big stalin/mao fan, big comrade fan. Not bothering with people on the center/right, neither if you prefer to identify yourself as a leftie over a commie. If you've never really put any thought or effort into it but have always agreed with things like wealth distribution/equality/anti-capitalism I'd be down to talk as long as you don't view communism negatively. I've been there myself as well, so I'm willing to give you the chance as well.
Gaming is my main interest! And I want it to be yours as well. Like 8-12 hours of gaming, every day, all week, all year preferably. Most of the time I spent with you will be in game. I like to do the challenging/endgame content most games have to offer, so I want you to be up for that as well. My motivation for it is pretty dead atm but that's an issue of having no one to game with.
Anime on the side, if physical, lots, lots, lots of cuddling and R rated cuddling, lots. You won't find a better cuddler than me, I live for caressing your arms and back as you sleep/nap. :3
Also autistic af if you haven't seen that yet. Prob some issues here and there being blunt, obtuse or reading over your cute intentions. Please just call me out on them, I can talk about it without getting heated and would prefer it over ignoring it altogether and being slightly sad or something. Good communication is a must! :3 (these :3 weren't in such a close proximity before but fcking deal with it, I rearranged shit aaaand ignore the upcoming part where I talk about anime and cuddling again??)
I'll be very obsessed with you, and you'll have to be very obsessed with me as well. We'll spend all day together after all. Every day. In game, watching anime, political videos, streams. Sharing our screens as we play (the same) games, stuff stuff stuff stuff. I want our obsessions to feel mutual, as in we're both equally as obsessed with each other. Like we're truly the same individual in love with the other. And I want us both to heavily display that affection, that we crave for each other, miss each other, long for them, etc etc. Yet at the same time, please do be in control of your feelings. I don't intend this to get in between my friends or your friends for example, I don't want it to become toxic or draining. Just 2(3?)(4??) codependent sibs completely obsessed with each other, consensually. (TCOAAL TCOAAL).
I'm very much mute. Someone rudely pressed the mute button on me and swallowed the remote. Wait, I mean, they threw the remote away. I've been unable to talk since. I can get a new remote outside at a store, but I'm a hiki, so I don't go outside. Please comrades, help me smite this man. Won't talk for you, won't bother. I'm happy not talking and I prefer it if you preferred texting over calling as well. I found myself and my happiness this way. I'm not myself while talking/calling and I believe that my true voice lies within my texts. I love reading your texts, and especially love reading them back after a while. I can't do the same with calls, that's just forever gone. It's also a bit too draining on me to constantly have to focus on a voice, and it stops me from listening to music or streams at the same time. So I highly prefer a text only relationship. Though please don't take it too far and text me moaning/lewd texts when we meet up and end up having s*x. Or actually please do, that sounds hilarious if you remember this until that point.
My humor ranges from being dry af to the point of making Shapiro's w*fe jealous, to uhm.. morbid I guess? Also lots of incredibly (and intentionally) cringe jokes that just makes you reply with a "." I swear it's intentionally and I don't actually mean it. I know it's cringe. I promise you. Please believe me. I'm actually funny.. Sometimes.
I swear quite a lot, use the R-word often, like being transphobic with my trans friend (only to each other) sarcastically. So I talk quite roughly I suppose buuut, everything I say is with love usually (unless lib).
Mostly presenting masc atm, waiting for laser and perhaps ffs to go fully out, though I assume it's just laser and learning how to dress for now. Already love my fem self, addicted to some pics I took of myself and I can't even believe that it is actually me at times. I want to share pictures early on if we start talking, on top of confirming your identity (to prevent catfishing). Well not like your actual identity just like, pic/appearance yada yada. This is pretty important to me.
Currently aspiring to be a little goth sl*t, already succeeded quite a lot, but I'm willing to go beyond. Black hair, thick bangs, mostly black clothes, fishnets, oversized shirts, black lipstick and make up with some eyeshadow. Mostly egirl goth for now, but I want to learn the actual goth stuff as well. :3
I think I'm hot. Pretty hot. Can see myself passing with proper make up and clothes before ffs, already have pictures of myself where I think I do pass. I think it'll only get better as I my last few kilos of weight, work out and eventually do get ffs.
Looking to get heavily tatted up at some point. Heavily. Full body stuff. Lots of blackout parts with lots of negative space images inside of them. Bugs, moths, occult, wendigos, croccy. My OC characters, my precious lil pet bird, cryptic stuff, dunno. A lot. A LOT (with none of the motivation or ideas so far TwT). But it'll happen someday! B-but like my b&bs are growing, and the difference in size might mess up the tattoo so I'd have to like.. yanno, wait for my b*bs to have stopped growing, which we can't be completely sure about until like 6 years in. Right??
I'm obsessed with BANGS. Thick bangs. Slightly or fully covering eyebrows. Just. Perfect. Please have bangs or plan to have them or I'll k*ll you. No joke, this is a threat.
I'm interested in anyone who presents (or wants to) femme, which would include femboys and nb/agender people etc. Either fem presenting or femme leaning andro. I don't care too much about gender outside of that, tho masculinity as a whole does still turn me off quite a bit, so i'm not sure how i'll feel for people who don't want to cast away their masculinity.
After gaming I'm interested in watching anime, would love to watch it all together. Can do all the rewatches. Preferably physically though if moving in becomes an option at some point, cuddling just makes it so much better. ;3 (rereading this and i mention anime and cuddling again? aaaa)
TLDR; 25MTF, Communist Tankie, full time gamer (no pvp), anime on the side, mute (no exceptions), codependent and obsessed (with each other), very needy and clingy, hikikomori/neet, permanently stuck inside, NEETbux, autistic af, friends I will spend time with at times
Anyway, this is just a small sneak peek. Main post is probably like 7-8x bigger, so have fun. If you like me so far, read all of that and maybe we'll talk. Features lots of in depth info about who exactly i am and who i am looking for. I will definitely know if you contact me without having read the main two posts, so don't bother contacting me before reading all of it. Unless you did actually read it but decide to just screw with me by writing a 3 sentence intro.. then well played ig? Also screw it, for good measure, anime and cuddles? :3
THIS IS MY INTRO POST, I'VE GOT TWO MAIN POSTS ON MY PROFILE 7-8X BIGGER. Please read both of them before you contact me. I will know when you don't read them and will not reply. Link to the first post I do not reply to people looking for adult content type stuff.
And as a side note, extremely messy word vomit posts, mostly just written with my thoughts without really thinking of how condensed/clean I can make it (censoring cause of automod deleting my posts lmao). Prefer to show you how I think or how my thought processes are rather than to give a more sterile/clean post. Think that gives you a better idea of who I am. Paragraphs are probably also gonna end up cut pasted everywhere so maybe it might not make sense reading stuff but ya.
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- 10 months ago
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