So a couple days ago I got a new laptop for christmas. Just a cheap one to bring to school and friends house. And on my desktop I blew my power supply on Christmas as well. Time to league on my laptop for the time being. Today I was playing adc Ezreal, which I find fun. I started League in ~July and Have played ~500 games in total, of which 300 or them have prob been as an APC at mid. So I am not the best ADC. And since July the only Pentas I have ever seen have been on videos or streams or ARAMs. Well I got a penta, and beat the ADC on my 5v5 team to first penta, as did our support ~1 month ago. So I was happy... My friend quickly said, "I wish we had LoLReplay!" and thannnnnn it hit me... I have recorded every game of mine for the past 2 months. And when I see/get my first penta, I am playing on my new laptop, of which I never installed leaguereplay.
TIL: Riot planned this.
TL;DR: Played LoL on new laptop without LoLReplay and achieved first penta, as well as first penta ever seen in a real game. When I recorded the past 2 months of everyother game I've ever played on my desktop.
Riottttttt :( Let me spectate my past game.
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