Notice: This subreddit is not actively monitored, so the posts here are only a small subset of what exists on reddit.
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Rule 8: Non-descriptive title
Rule 1: Repost
* its
v.redd.it not allowed
Under review: See comments
Rule 4: Not animated
Rule 2: HIFW/reaction/analogy
Reaction: removed
Rule 8: Non-descriptive title
Rule 5: Harassment/assault
Rule 3: Too Long (57.97s)
Rule 2: HIFW/reaction/analogy
Rule 1: Recent popular crosspost
Rule 7: Gore/disturbing/death
Rule 1: Frequent Repost
Rule 1: Repost
Not a gif: removed
Rule 3: Too Long (23.59s)
Rule 3: Better suited to video
Rule 3: Too long
Can I interest you in a nice repost?
Rule 1: Recent repost
Rule 1: Common post
Broken Link
Frequent repost: removed
Rule 1: Recent popular crosspost
2023 Gifmas!
Merry Gifmas! {2023}
Rule 1 + 8
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