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Subreddit Rules
Clearly state your age in all posts and response comments
Streamlining the rule around references to "Young" - Clearly state your age in either the body of your post or the title itself - We do not allow under 18s to engage in this community, so please make sure you're open about your age from the get-go!
Flair Correctly
We have the flairs set-up for the purposes of making sure people that see your posts, have a quick glimpse of what you're looking for.
No Self-Promotion / Financial Links
Links to PayPal, Venmo, CashApp etc will be removed and the redditor will be banned. We do not allow such self-promoting material for financial gain in this community at any time.
Keep Discussion Civil and On-Topic
Feel free to have general discussions about your personals, but remember when conversing that we're all human. Treat others with respect and don't publicly shame or call people out, bullying others will result in an instant ban from the community.
No Spam
While we don't mind you requesting a few times a day, please don't go crazy with it, be patient, the right person will stumble across your post eventually!
One-Line Post Title, Description in Body
When creating a new post, add a quick one-liner for the title, adding any details in the body of the post, this keeps the community free of excessive amounts of bold-text and makes filtering easier for those looking for connections.
One picture-post per day
As to not fill the feed with photo-posts, please limit posting photos to once per day.
Images must be your own, and you may only post ONE per day!
As to not fill the feed with photo-posts, please limit posting photos to once per day, and include a scrap of paper containing the date, along with your reddit username to prove that you own the content you're posting.
No Sharing Personal Information
As announced, we do not allow the sharing of personal or potentially sensitive personal information within this community, please remove any email addresses or telephone numbers before posting. We will not overturn this breach on case-by-case bases like we would other issues, this is a simple violation, please correct it in the future.
Be Over 18 - No Exceptions
In order to protect everyone within this community, and due to the nature of the content shared here, you are required by law to be over the age of 18 to post, comment, engage and view all aspects of this subreddit. Accounts found to be deceptive about their age will be banned, and we employ undisclosed technologies and verification methods to score the likelihood of deception.
Be Original
All posts and content should be your own. We do not allow copying and re-working other member's content to fit your own needs. If you're serious about finding a partner, you should write your own personal and include your own content solely.
Gay Personals Content Only
Content within personals and comments in this subreddit are solely for the Gay community. Keep your posting on-topic. Please note that this includes content designed to advertise Fansly, Onlyfans etc, you are not permitted to "bait" others into following or subscribing to your socials.