7,240,540 subscribers
Here's all the flair...
<California Zone 10a>
6b -a
8a - Atlanta, GA
Arizona - Zone 9a
butterfly gardener
California / Zone 10b
dirt herder (6A)
Europe Zone 6b - 7a
Hardiness zone 7
MI Zone 6a
Minnesota, Zone 4b
NoVA, Zone 7
Okie 7a
Phoenix AZ
plant pathologist/plant breeder
Seattle 8b
Texas Zone 8a
UK 8a
UK Zone 9a/8b, Köppen Cfb
United Kingdom | Zone 8b
US zone 5b
US Zone 6B, WV
US Zone 7A/7B, NC
US Zone 7B
US-9a Central Florida
USA-9a, Houston, TX
USDA Zone 8a
watching plants grow up & wipe them 🪴
watching plants 🪴
Where you tend a rose, my lad, a thistle cannot grow
Wichita, KS | 6b
Yucatan, Mexico, zone 13b
zone 10a
Zone 10a, FL
Zone 10a: SoCal
Zone 4 AUS
Zone 4 Ontario, Canadian Permaculture Legacy
Zone 4B
Zone 5a
Zone 5B: New Hampshire
Zone 6a
Zone 6a, Eastern Massachusetts, USA
Zone 6b
Zone 7A
Zone 7a
Zone 7a USA and love of all things greenhouse
Zone 7b - mod
Zone 8a. N. Texas, USA
Zone 8b
Zone 8B California
Zone 9, New Orleans, LA
Zone 9A
Zone 9a
Zone 9b
Zone 9b Southwest Desert, US
Zone Swamp Butt, TX