I've been browsing a lot of porn today but absolutely nothing managed to hit me, despite the fact that I've been incredibly horny. Then suddenly, it was like my dick called to me and told me to revive one of my old fetishes, right when I was about to start my workout. I get incredibly, incredibly horny during exercise, especially when I have one at home. Let's take advantage of that.
I am very attracted to a mix of young and old, a sense of sexual maturity and unhinged adventurousness and innocent curiosity. Generally that means women my age with a very energetic and youthful attitude, or younger girls who are wise and/or experienced beyond their years in terms of sex (as long as it's legal of course).
I'm athletic (I do two sports at a very high level), 184cm tall, dark blond, blue eyes, 18-19cm dick. When it comes to sex I am very animalistic, not necessarily dom or sub. I really get off on consent and desire, I love when you just WANT each other and you get totally lost together. That can involve one dominating the other, one pleasing the other, one using the other for their pleasure, all of it. Just devouring each other, drunk on sex.
Hit me up if you want to chat primarily, and maybe share pics if we get each other to that point :)
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- 2 years ago
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