True Statement: I have been edging for just about a week at this point and have not cum. Just imagine the load you could be getting.
Daddy is extremely horny and edges quite frequently throughout the day. Recently have been very turned on having a woman dom me as my mistress/mommy and control my cock and when i cum. Would love to explore limits through chat with any woman (all are welcome) or couples out there who are horny like me. Fantasize about getting off with a sexy milf or hotwife that plays with and/or without their husband/bf knowing (and all body types are sexy). Would love to compare kinks (especially incest, breeding, and more). I have some darker and taboo kinks maybe you will find intriguing as well. Willingness to swap pics (no face required) is a plus (visual aid is a huge turn on for me and I always love showing off my big cock). I have many kinks I am willing to explore, and am always up for dirty games like truth or dare. DM if interested.
You will not be disappointed if you reach out. Also, i would love for this to be long term and not just a one night stand so to speak.
A woman 40 answering my post chatting/sexting/cumming with me would really make my week.
If you made it this your first message include a sci-fi movie reference.
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