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University Wimp Chapter 11
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Sorry its taken so long, I didn't really want to split this chapter up so its ended up being quite a long one. If you like it please leave comments, it really does make a massive difference to incentivising me to write future chapters.

Chapter Eleven

9th of January 2016

Carla’s start of term party went down an absolute storm, everyone had such a great time. Everyone apart from me that is. For me it was an evening of hell. I just couldn’t understand what I’d done to deserve it. Why me? Why was this happening to me?

Carla had given me a long list of things she wanted for the party and no matter how many trips to the shops it required I kept on picking things up she wanted. And I did it with a smile on my face. “Service with a smile” is what Carla says she likes so I try to oblige.

I also had to do another thorough clean of the place after my girlfriend and Ryan had had their “private time” together. I still find it pretty sickening to find my girlfriends clothes strewn across the floor and one of Ryan’s filled condoms left on the floor. It’s a pretty intense kick to the ego I can tell you. But Carla wanted the house spotless so I picked up the clothes, put them in the washing basket and I took the used condom to the bin. As much as I tried to avoid it I managed to get a bit of his cum on my finger and thumb. Strange as it might sound, it felt like another defeat for me. As if I could hear Ryan’s taunting voice, “I’ve marked you wimp, you’ve got my cum on your fingers now, no amount of soap in the world can wash that off.” I shook my head to try to forget his voice and his smirk, and I got on with my chores.

The guests started arriving at 7pm, Carla wanted me to be the one opening the door to all the guests, taking their coats and offering them drinks. She reminded me before the first person arrived,

“You are not a guest tonight wimp, you are a servant. And if I hear even the slightest complaint, you will get a caning and I promise it will be a long one.” She said this without diverting her gaze from eyes. There was nothing there apart from ice. No kindness, no softness, no affection. A pale, cold, blue harshness. And it scared me.

The doorbell went and I opened it to see Anna on the other side.

“Hello Anna, come in.” I spoke pleasantly, she said absolutely nothing to me, just handed me her coat and walked in to hug Ryan and Carla.

“Honey you look fabulous!” Carla said as she eyed her friend.

“Speak for yourself.” Anna laughed back.

“Nobody thinks I look fabulous?” Ryan joked, earning a playful slap from Carla.

“You know I think you look hot baby.” Carla replied, my ears burned red hearing Carla flirt with him like that. Anna glanced over at me and smirked.

“So what’s your little bitches role today then?” Anna asked.

“Anything we like really. For now he should be taking your drink order!” Carla directed her harsh words to me.

“Ummm…umm…I’m sorry, what…wha..what would you like to drink?” I just about got the words out of my mouth I was so intimidated by the three of them.

“Vodka and coke, lots of ice, slice of lime.” She didn’t even look at me, “Oh and I want it in the next 45 seconds.” The three of them laughed as I darted off to the kitchen to make Anna her drink.

I rushed back with the requested drink, the three of them had moved to the sofa. Anna looked at her watch as I handed her the drink.

“56 seconds wimp! Didn’t I tell you I wanted it in 45 seconds?” She glared at me.

“I’m sorry Anna, I tried.”

“Well you clearly didn’t try hard enough.” She took a sip of her drink, “fuck up again and I will cane you myself.”

“Yes Anna, I’m sorry.”

Just then the doorbell went again and it was one of Ryan’s friends from Football, a guy called James. He’d obviously been told a bit about me because he smirked as I took his coat, but he didn’t say anything. I fetched his drink and then answered the door to the next guests.

Becky and her boyfriend Alex were behind the door.

“Well hello there doorman.” Becky winked at me as she handed me her coat, “Alex this is Carla’s plaything. Plaything, this is Alex.” Becky was clearly in a playful mood.

“Hi, I muttered to him, can I take your coat?”

“Sure” he replied, he seemed slightly uncomfortable with the situation.

“Can I get you two something to drink?” I asked.

“Sure I’ll have a cold glass of wine.” Becky answered.

“Can I have a beer please?” Alex asked.

“Honey, you don’t need to say please, just tell him what you want and he’ll do it for you.”

“I…I just am not really used to this. You sure he’s okay with this?” Alex asked Becky.

“Oh don’t be such a goody goody, its fun to be a bit mean once in a while. Just think of him like a slave. He’s there to serve.”

“You and your friends are something else.” Alex pulled Becky towards him by the waist and they kissed while I stood to the side. They came up for air after about 10 seconds. “You’re just so goddam hot, I can’t get enough.” Alex continued. Suddenly Becky turned to me,

“Did you not hear? White wine and beer, now!” I scurried off to do as I was told.

About twenty more guests arrived over the next hour and soon the party was in full swing. The music was loud, the drinks were flowing and people seemed to enjoy the range of food I had cooked. I started to get a little nervous at how rowdy people were getting. The more they all drank, the more demanding people got with me. Even people who had been a bit hesitant at the beginning started to take advantage of their power over me. For example, James (Ryan’s friend from football) beckoned me over. I assumed he wanted a refill.

“Can I get you another drink?” I asked.

“Nah, not just yet, I need to pee. Come with me.” He commanded, the circle he was with were chuckling as they watched me follow him. I had no idea what to expect. We waited a couple of minutes as someone else finished in the loo. We made no conversation, I just looked at my shoes. Eventually one of the girls left the bathroom.

“While I pee, I want you to hold my drink and wait here. Got it?” He told me.

“Yes James.” I couldn’t believe how sternly he spoke to me. But I did what was expected of me, I stood outside the toilet while he pissed and I held his beer. My face went an even deeper shade of red when Alex asked if I was in the queue for the toilet and I had to tell him that I was holding James’s drink while he pissed. I saw him fight back a smirk, unsuccessfully I might add.

James finally finished in the toilet and opened the door. He took the drink from my hand, gave me a shit eating grin and ruffled my hair, “Good cupholder!” I heard Alex laugh as he entered the toilet.

A moment later I heard Carla’s raised voice coming from the lounge,

“Where is our little wimp?”

I didn’t need to hear anything else, I leapt into action to see what my precious girlfriend wanted.

“Oh there he is” She smiled as I entered the room. She was sat on Ryan’s lap and I could see that he had his hand resting on top of her thigh. As I came closer Ryan’s hand crept further upwards towards Carla’s crotch and he grinned at me. A wave of jealousy came crashing over me seeing him being so relaxed and casual about being in a position that I would give my right arm to be in.

“Refills all round wimp!” she pointed at the group of friends circled around her and I collected glasses in order to refill them. After distributing out everyone’s topped up drinks I was about to make my way to other groups to see if anyone else needed a refill when Vivian one of Carla’s friends stopped me.

“I need to ask you something” she started, “it is wimp right?”

“Yes that’s his name at the moment, though we do call a number of different things.” Ryan interjected.

“Oh I’d love to hear some of his other names.” Graham, one of Ryan’s friends said.

“Okay, wimp” Vivian began again, “You’ve put in so much work to this party, with the cooking, cleaning, serving drinks, generally being the butt of everyone’s jokes…and you’re girlfriend is sat on the lap of another guy…I mean, I don’t get it, doesn’t it bother you?” everyone’s attention was focussed on me. It very much felt like the other conversations were starting to quiet down as people watched me be put on the spot.

“Ummmm…Carla means so much to me, I am happy doing things to make her happy.”

“Awwwww” the circle teased me in unison.

“Well aren’t you just the most adorable little puppy dog.” Vivian carried on, amused by my response, “it sounds like you’d do anything for her. Even though she uses and abuses you, you’d do anything for her.”

“Ummmm…I guess.” I muttered

“Speak up wimp!” Ryan barked at me.

“Sorry, yes I’d do anything for her.”

“And don’t you ever forget that.” Carla leaned forward with her eyes fixed on mine. “Oh oh, I’ve just had a thought.” Carla continued excitedly. “Wimp, go to my desk and grab the blue and white striped box that is in the second drawer and bring it to me.”

I went off to do as I was told, having no idea what Carla was up to now but was convinced that it would not be good for me. I retrieved the box and brought it back to her. She opened it, flicked through a few bits of paper and handed a sheet to me. As I saw what it was my blood ran cold, it was one of the love letters that I had spent so long thinking about and writing.

“I want you to read this out to everyone wimp!” Carla beamed with enthusiasm and confidence, “I want everyone to know just how much you love me.”

I couldn’t believe she was actually going to make me do this. All the other conversations had stopped in the room and about 20 people had gathered round to hear me read out this private love letter that was meant to be just for Carla.

“Ummmm…it was meant to be private.” I whined.

“Oh come on, these are our friends, we don’t have secrets between friends. Besides, they already know how sweet you are. Go on read it!” I hesitated and looked around the room at all the smug faces full of anticipation and amusement.

“Do it now wimp or I will get the cane!” Ryan raised his voice at me and I quivered with fear.

“Sorry, Sorry I’ll read it…Dear Carla…I love you wit…”

“Wait, first of all tell everyone what this actually is.” Carla ordered

“Errrrr…this is a love letter I wrote to Carla over the Christmas holidays.”

“Awwwwww” More mocking noises went round the room.

“Dear Carla I love you with all my heart. Before you came into my life I could never have dreamt that someone as beautiful, clever, wonderful, fun could possibly be interested in me. You are the girl of my dreams and I would do anything I could, anything at all to make you happy. You mean the world to me, you are my everything, my perfect soulmate. I am truly the luckiest guy in the world. Love John.”

There was a moment of silence before the room erupted with laughter. My face went the deepest shade of red and I prayed for the ground to swallow me up. Everywhere I looked people’s faces were contorted into shapes of mocking disgust.

“Oh my god!”

“What an absolute loser”

“Such a simp!”

“Carla has got herself her own little cuckold.”

“Fucking hell, did you hear that?”

The mocking comments seemed to go on and on. The shame and humiliation built to a fever pitch inside my chest. I had to get out of there. I ran from the room and made my way to the door, past all the mocking faces.

“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Carla called after me. “I did not give you permission to leave.” I came to my senses and returned to the den of humiliation. I couldn’t disobey Carla.

“Now tidy up all the food, we’re going to play some drinking games.” Carla announced and once again I got to work.

Fortunately for a period I was ignored. I just kept filling up glasses as the group got more and more drunk playing their university drinking games. About half past midnight one of the girls suddenly went pale, she rushed outside and vomited over the pathway up to the house.

“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry.” She kept muttering. I felt bad for her that she had ended up drinking so much.

“Don’t worry sweetie, our wimp will clean it up.” Carla stroked the girls hair gently as she motioned to me to start cleaning the walkway. And you can believe I got right to it. I grabbed a few cloths from the kitchen, got down on my hands and knees and cleaned up this girl’s vomit. This girl who I’d never met before had her vomit cleaned up by me. I scrubbed hard against the stone path to make it spotless, I know that Carla would be livid if I left a speck of sick behind. I turned for a moment and saw the party continuing through the open door. It really dawned on me the complete difference in our positions. I could hear and see the guys and girls making jokes, drinking, hugging eachother, kissing eachother, I could see Carla’s and Ryan’s eyes locked on eachother with a devastating intensity. A look of lusty admiration. And then I looked down at the ground and the vomit that it was my job to make disappear. I seemed so far from their thoughts, and is that surprising? I was just being used by Carla and yet no matter what she did to me, my love for her only grew. I renewed my efforts to clean the walkway, knowing that it would make Carla happy to have a clean route for her guests to leave.

The party started to wind down around 3am. Anna and James decided that they wanted to sleep over so Anna was going to have the spare bed and James was going to get the sofa.

“Where’s the loser going to sleep?” James asked the others.

“Well I thought about sending him home but we probably want him to make us breakfast in the morning.” Carla replied, “what do you think babe?” She turned to Ryan who was absent mindedly stroking the back of her neck.

“Could he sleep on the floor?” He asked.

“Where abouts?” Carla asked, “I definitely don’t want him in the bedroom.”

“Yeah I think we all kind of want our privacy.” James said, “don’t fancy sharing the lounge with him.”

“Kitchen floor?” Ryan suggested. I can’t say I relished the cold, hard kitchen floor, but nobody was going to ask my opinion.

“What if I need to get a drink of water? I just want him tucked away somewhere, out of the way.” Carla said. Nobody had even looked at me for the last couple of minutes, it was like they were discussing where to store the vacuum cleaner. I didn’t complain, just stayed standing in front of them all, quiet as a mouse.

“What about putting him in the cupboard under the stairs?” James asked.

“Ohhhhh yeah, like Harry Potter” Anna clapped her hands and laughed.

“He’s got this weird thing about tight spaces, he’s pretty claustrophobic.” Carla spoke, as if my phobia was some kind of annoyance for her. I had told her of my fears of being trapped in small places many months ago, I was slightly touched that she even remembered.

“Well you’ve got to train that out of him” Anna spoke, finally turning to look at me with a mixture of contempt and amusement. “He shouldn’t get preferences, he should just go where his superiors tell him to go. You’d go to the closet if you were told to, wouldn’t you wimp?”

“Ummmmm…I really can’t go in small spaces, can’t use elevators and things like that. It’s a phobia.” I replied, shaking a little at the idea of being trapped in a closet.

“What do you mean “can’t”?” Carla asked me, almost spitting the last word, “That word shouldn’t be in your dictionary wimp! You do what you’re told, whatever it is. If I decide to take your desires into account then that’s just because I’m so good natured, if I decide not to then that’s just tough fucking luck.” Once again I was shocked at how someone so beautiful and perfect could be so cruel. All eyes were on me, I felt like a deer surrounded by hungry wolves.

“Sorry Carla.” I mumbled and looked at my feet.

“So if I told you to sleep in the cupboard under the stairs, what would you do?”

“Ummmm…I would do it.” I replied.

“What would you do?” She said, her voice containing more irritation.

“I would sleep in the cupboard under the stairs.” I said softly, with my heart rate rising with fear. Nobody said anything for about half a minute and then the words I was dreading came out of my girlfriend’s mouth.

“Well go on then, prove it to me, I want you to sleep under the stairs tonight.”

“No please, I can’t.” I pleaded desperately as anxiety enveloped my whole body.

Carla got up from her seat, walked quickly towards me and slapped me hard across the face. Tears instantly came to my eyes.

“I told you, you do not use the word “can’t”! A fucking wimp like you is there to please and to serve. I don’t want to hear you saying that word again.” She slapped me a few more times for good measure. “Got it?”

“Yes Carla” I blinked back the tears and rubbed my warm cheek to try and get the pain to subside. Everyone else in the room had wide grins on their faces, clearly enjoying my degradation.

“So tell me where are you sleeping tonight?” She asked me again, she was not going to let me off the hook.

“Please Carla, I’ll do anything, please not that, please don’t make me.”

“You specifically said that if I told you to then you would sleep in the cupboard under the stairs, were you lying to me?”

“Its not nice to lie to your girlfriend.” Anna said mockingly and this momentarily broke the tension in the room. Everyone laughed at that comment, Carla turned to stick her tongue out at her friend. Anna returned the gesture playfully.

“Right, enough of this, I want to get to bed. Wimp after you make sure we all have water and fresh towels you are going to crawl into the cupboard under the stairs, you will close the door and you will stay there till morning. If I find that you have disobeyed me then you will never see me again.”

“Oh god!” I exclaimed. Everyone watched me with wonder, unsure what I was going to do. The terror overwhelmed me but I knew it would only be for a few hours, which was far better than losing Carla from my life forever.

“Yes Carla, I’ll do what you want, I’ll sleep under the stairs.”

Carla approached me slowly, brought her hand to the cheek that she had so recently slapped. She caressed it and said, “Good boy!” My heart melted at these words and a surge of love and hope came over me. I couldn’t help myself, my lips formed a faint smile and I quietly thanked her for her kindness.

“God look how happy you’ve made him.” Anna laughed.

“Doesn’t take much, does it.” Ryan joined Anna with a chuckle.

“Right, I am absolutely exhausted, this has been such a great party.” James gave Carla and the others a hug and then made his way to the bathroom to get ready for bed. They all wished each other a goodnight and then separated to get ready for bed.

“Enjoy your night in your little cupboard boy, sorry it was kind of my idea.” Anna winked at me. “Leave my water on the bedside table” she said as she turned.

I fetched everybody their clean towels and their glasses of water and then with dread in my heart I climbed into the little cramped closet under the stairs. My breath seemed more shallow as I closed the door behind me, leaving a crack to allow me enough air to breath. Panic seemed to rise within me which I could only quell by repeating the words, “This is for Carla, this will make Carla happy, this is for Carla, all for Carla.” This definitely helped and I was able to close my eyes and imagine I was somewhere else.

As I lay there, a growing thudding noise came from upstairs. I could hear the unmistakable sound of a headboard thumping against the wall and Carla growing wails of feminine pleasure. God she must be really horny tonight, I thought to myself. Maybe its because she knows where you’re sleeping tonight, the cruel thought entered my head. I shook my head to try to eject the thought but it was difficult to escape. Twenty minutes passed before Carla and Ryan’s groans reached a shattering crescendo before silence descended on the house.

I had heard Ryan give Carla lots of orgasms but that sounded like an especially intense one. I tried to be happy that she was getting to feel such pleasure, but the familiar feeling of jealousy came over me.

I didn’t sleep a wink that night, I couldn’t sleep in that horrible, cramped place. I just waited for my alarm to go off so I could start on breakfast for my masters and their friends.

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