36,929,245 subscribers
Here's all the flair...
:pupper: Announcement :cat_blep:
CAT ~ National Pet Month Contest Entry
Custom Text (no class)
Dead Link
DOG ~ National Pet Month Contest Entry
Edge case Rule #1 - No sad content
fake mews
fake news
fake news - chloe hated it
It's not the largest
mod approved
no touchy
not true but still cute
Now in effect!
OTHER MAMMAL ~ National Pet Month Contest Entry
Pet Award Grand Champion
poinsettias are poisonous to cats
Recent Repost
Rule #1 - No sad content
Rule #1 - No sad content
Rule #10 - No social media links
Rule #10 - No social media links or personal info.
Rule #10 - No social media links or personal info.
Rule #12: Must be related to John Oliver
Rule #2 - No captioned content
Rule #2 - No captioned content
Rule #2 - No captioned images
Rule #2 - No captioned images
Rule #3
Rule #3 - Asking for upvotes
Rule #3 - Asking for upvotes/approval
Rule #3 - Asking for upvotes/approval
Rule #5
Rule #6
Rule #6 - No NSFW/NSFL
Rule #7 - Asking for donations
Rule #8 - No bots
Rule #9 - False claim of ownership
Rule #9 - Not OC / False claim of ownership
Seizure warning: strobe effect
Sidebar Rule #1
Sidebar Rule #1 & 2
Sidebar Rule #2
Sidebar Rule #9
Title is sarcastic
Warning: dancing clothes