Warframes, Why They Were Built, and Their Current Status (EXTREMELY LONG POST)
Post Body
So I've been thinking about this for a while, and recently came across a video of every Prime Access DE has released and I was thinking, lets make a big post out of this, with as much evidence (and some loose speculation) as possible. Enjoy!
I'm going to be going through these as released.
ExcaliburGiven the Helminth Infestation for: As punishment for attempting to interfere with Ballas. Based on everything we saw in The Sacrifice quest, Excalibur was created very late into the Old War, as Ballas was already planning on betraying the Orokin to the Sentient invasion.While not confirmed, it seems Excalibur's name as a Dax was Arthur.EDIT: This has been corrected, as the Albrecht fragments from the Laboratories states otherwise.
Current Status: Confirmed dead, killed by Ballas before The Sacrifice questNote: Excalibur is definitely DEAD, as we collected his DNA to fabricate him. We succeeded, but what we control as Excalibur Umbra is in fact a recreation, one that retains Excalibur's memories and personality, but a recreation nonetheless. Its a Ship of Theseus situation and the common teleportation conundrum - if a teleporter takes your DNA blueprint, breaks you down to the molecule, destroying you, then recreates you bit by bit at the other end, are you still you? We're not getting into that here, but the fact of the matter is, Excalibur, as he has existed for however long, is dead.- Seems I need to replay Sacrifice. It's been a hot minute and the wiki didn't seem to help. I'll rewrite this when I have a better understanding of Excalibur, Excalibur Prime and Excalibur Umbra.
- Trinity
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information is given, but it is likely that Trinity was turned into a Warframe due to her medical abilities and healing capabilities.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead.
- Ember
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information is given. Ember Prime has a codex entry that talks of a woman, Kaleen, who's face got half burnt when investigating the Zariman when it came back to normal space from the Void. Whether this is implying that Kaleen eventually got turned into Ember, or it was simply informing us of the children's power after returning from the void, it is unclear.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead. Given how Ember's parts are acquired from defeating Sargas Ruk, a known artifact hunter and confirmed Grineer augmentation user, its possible Ruk found and used DNA from Ember's fossilized corpse to enhance himself.
- Loki
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead.
- Volt
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead.
- Rhino
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given. Rhino Prime has a codex entry where Rhino breaks free of his bonds and goes on a rampage, until a Corpus named Davis lures Rhino towards pods of Zariman children, at which point Rhino calms down. This implication suggests that Rhino was amongst the first Warframes created, but had to be sedated and sealed until the Zariman children were discovered to have a calming effect on Warframes.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead.
- Mag
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given.
While not confirmed, it is implied that Mag's name as a human was Aoi.EDIT: This has been corrected, as the Albrecht fragments from the Laboratories states otherwise.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead. The comic "What Remains" implies Mag died in a Sentient skirmish above Saturn.
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given.
- Ash
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given. Ash's leverian talks about how he was "patron saint of the Orokin school of political assassination known as... the Scorcia". It is likely that Ash was an exceptional assassin-style Dax who was given the honor of becoming a Warframe, or he could have been a failed political assassin who was turned into a Warframe as punishment.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead.
- Frost
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead. Like Ember, Frost's parts are farmed from Lech Kril, but specifically the Lech Kril and Vor fight. It is possible that Kril has been augmented with Frost's DNA, but coming from the dual fight, its not as convincing a theory.
- Nyx
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead. Nyx's parts are farmed from Phorid, an Infested boss. Given Lotus' familiarity with the monster, Nyx might have tried to fight Phorid and been defeated, and partially absorbed into the infested, as Warframes are stated to be immune to the infestation virus, but not to being killed and devoured by them.
- Banshee
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given, but if one reads between the lines of the Banshee Prime trailer, Ballas mentions that she is neither a soldier nor a warrior. The way he talks about the Grineer, and how they're not very inspiring, then mentions "our demons of void womb must be different". This implies that Banshee was one of the first Warframes ever created, in lore.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead.
- Saryn
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Seemingly the express purpose of killing infested. Saryn's Prime Trailer has the line "Margulis, from your winter ashes, there has sprung a field of flowers. Conceived by me, germinated for deadly purpose." It seems likely that Saryn's Helminth strain was specifically crafted to kill infested.
- This could imply that Saryn was created not to fight the Sentients at all.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead. Potentially died on Earth, battling infested for centuries before being overwhelmed.
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Seemingly the express purpose of killing infested. Saryn's Prime Trailer has the line "Margulis, from your winter ashes, there has sprung a field of flowers. Conceived by me, germinated for deadly purpose." It seems likely that Saryn's Helminth strain was specifically crafted to kill infested.
- Vauban
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Seemingly the express purpose of keeping the Corpus in check. Vauban's Prime Trailer talks about the Corpus' greed and how "we must set watch upon them".
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead.
- Nova
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given. Her leverian provides no clues either.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead.
- Nekros
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given. Nekros' Prime Trailer is implies that Nekros was created as a fear tactic, terror propaganda. Perhaps to keep the underclass of Grineer and Corpus in check, reminding them that they're not so important as to keep alive if they don't work.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead. Like Nyx, Nekros is farmed from an infested boss, Lephantis. Given how the heads of Lephantis are Grineer, Corpus and Infested by design, so Nekros may have been sent there to subdue it, if that was what he was created for, but failed to account for the infested nature and was killed as a result.
- Valkyr
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given. However, it is possible that Valkyr was created out of a twisted humour by the Orokin, as her Prime Trailer talks about torture and being hunted as game. Valkyr may have been turned into a Warframe as punishment, and then hunted by the Orokin as entertainment.
- Current Status: Confirmed dead. Valkyr was experimented upon and used as parts for the creation of the Zanuka by Alad V.
- Oberon
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Seemingly the protection of Earth. Ballas' words are... Strange in Oberon's Prime Trailer, talking about the consequences of greed and denial, which is... Extremely un-Orokin. He also talks about "piercing the gushing ulcers of waste and industry", while Oberon kills Grineer, but if Ballas is talking specifically about Orokin... Perhaps Oberon was created with the express purpose of killing Orokin? His 4th is called Reckoning.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead.
- Zephyr
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead.
- Hydroid
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Similar to Nekros, Hydroid's Prime Trailer talks about fear and how it can be used to foster faith. Hydroid was likely created as an example, to keep the lesser caste in fear of the Orokin and the power they hold.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead.
- Mirage
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given. Mirage's Prime Trailer does imply that during her creation procedure, Mirage was somehow able to alter her 'design' as laid out by Ballas. We can infer some things from this, three future entries, and from the 1999 teases we've seen so far - there seems to be three main ways a Warframe gains their powers.
- One - like Excalibur, Warframes retain the abilities they had in life.
- Two - Ballas is able to give a Warframe new abilities, as we will discuss in Gara's entry.
- Three - A Warframe can alter their abilities without Ballas' input, as implied in Mirage's entry, as stated in Lavos' entry, and potentially implied in Revenant's entry.
- Current status: Confirmed dead. Died fighting Sentients during the Old War.
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given. Mirage's Prime Trailer does imply that during her creation procedure, Mirage was somehow able to alter her 'design' as laid out by Ballas. We can infer some things from this, three future entries, and from the 1999 teases we've seen so far - there seems to be three main ways a Warframe gains their powers.
- Limbo
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given.
- Current Status: Confirmed dead. Died while trying to perform a particularly dangerous rift jump.
- Mesa
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: No enough information given. Her base form is called "the vagabond, the outcast", while her Prime codex entry calls her "this lethal enforcer". She may have been created to serve a similar role to a sheriff.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead. Alad V does use an Infested Mesa in the Patient Zero quest, but Lotus states that it is "not a Tenno. That's a hollow Warframe being puppeted by Infested flesh. Put it out of its misery." As we can create hollow Warframes in our foundry, its no surprise that Alad V, with all his experiments on Warframes, could create one.
- Chroma
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given.
- Current Status: Synthesized. This... Is tricky, because Lotus does imply that this is in fact the Original Chroma, Chroma Umbra if you will, untethered by a Tenno. It is unknown whether this Chroma was a recreation like Alad V's Mesa was, or if it was the original Chroma, but the implications is it was the original.
- Equinox
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given.
- Current status: Unknown, very likely dead.
- Atlas
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given. His leverian provides no clues either.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead. As we get Atlas' blueprint from the Jordas Golem, it is possible that Atlas went to deal with the infested ship, and was killed in action.
- Wukong
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead.
- Ivara
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given. Her leverian provides no clues either.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead.
- Nezha
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given. His leverian provides no clues eithr.
- Current Status:
Banned from Region ChatUnknown, very likely dead.
- Inaros
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given. Baro Ki'teer mentions Inaros being the protector of the master artisans of Luna Placida, so its possible he was created for the purpose of a bodyguard.
- Current Status: Undetermined. The Sands of Inaros quest mentions his metal body was found broken after an infested attack on Mars, and he was entombed in three vessels. As the story goes, that Inaros' body was entombed in the vessels, so the Inaros we fight at the very least is Inaros' original body, but it is unclear how he was moving. By all accounts, he should be dead. Was something else using a transference-like ability to control the reassembled Inaros? Can Inaros' soul itself have taken control before we killed him again? Could this happen again in the future? It is unclear.
- Titania
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: The express purpose of creating a Warframe of extreme destruction. It can be implied that she was originally designed by Silvana, but was modified by Ballas.
- Current Status: Confirmed dead. Died protecting the forests of Earth that houses Silvana's consciousness.
- Nidus
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: No purpose. Nidus may in fact have been a complete accident, and may well be the very first Warframe to exist. Nidus' Prime Trailer could potentially talk about his creation. "We cast our shining child adrift on strange seas" may refer to a ship filled with the first infestation, sent into space to combat the Sentients. "For with time, these starless currents black as mourning may work a sea-change" may refer to the infested becoming more than the Orokin intended. "And if, one grisly dawn, the skies should hurl you, herald-like, back to Earth, remind us, foundling, of what we immaulate ones have lost". Obviously this refers to the Plague Star, but the use of "herald" and "foundling" is interesting - herald may suggest that Nidus is the first of many to come, while foundlings are "infants abandoned by their parents and is discovered and cared for by another", which may be a reference to the Tenno, and to being abandoned by the Orokin (his parent) and cared for by the infested. Nidus' design is unique among Warframes, being more organic and fleshy than the usual armour and filigree. Additionally, Nidus Prime's codex states that Nidus is "the ravening plague-bearer [who] returns in a long-unseen form, seething with a primal strain of the infestation". It is possible Nidus was one of the only Warframes who was not human in origin.
- Current Status: Confirmed dead. The Myconians used Nidus' DNA to create a hybrid host that allows them to harvest Infested flesh to sell.
- Octavia
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Seemingly to control, or at least guide, Warframes pre-Tenno, as in her Prime Trailer, Ballas says "Our haunted creations will need drumbeats to drown out the throb of Helminth blood. Songs to harmonize the long scream. Anthems to elevate their butchery." This implies that Octavia was created in a batch after the first, in lore.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead.
- Harrow
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given.
- Current Status: Confirmed dead. Harrow was destroyed during the Chains of Harrow quest, though he could have perished long before then, as his body was housing both Rell's consciousness as well as the Man In The Wall.
- Gara
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Willingly giving herself up for the Warframe procedure, in an attempt to become powerful enough to save those she cared about. In her Prime Trailer, Ball says "And Nihil cried, "Glass her, for her presumpion!" ... So be it. I shall encase you in crystal most fine." Which implies that, unlike Excalibur, who's abilities come from when he was a Dax, Gara's abilities come from Ballas' design.
- Current Status: Confirmed dead. Died protecting the Unum from Sentient assaults.
- Khora
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Honouring Magulis' memory. Potentially, Khora was created using Margulis' DNA, as her Prime Trailer says "None of them truly understand how much I lost, when I lost her. Nor by what subtle art my dead love now lives, within another's gleaming skull".
- Confirmed dead, Venari synthesized. We learnt of Sigor Savah through the Ghoul fragments, which talks about how the Corpus scientist found a frozen Venari. This is the first time we're given a timeframe of between the fall of the Orokin and now, as Savah says that "She was found frozen, in a sealed closet close to the environmental control station. Her unassuming tomb for millennia". If Khora was made after Magulis' death, then its been approximately 1000 years (or more, since Savah does not say "a millennia"). Eventually, Venari brings Savah a fossilized hand belonging to Khora, and after that, the Corpus find the rest of her corpse. After a while, both Venari and Khora's remains are synthesized by Simaris.
- Revenant
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given. In his Prime Trailer, Ballas expresses surprise and disdain for Revenant, even saying "Seething with the Void, mocking me and causality alike!" as well as "And what strange cruelty named him, to know and defy his death?" There is an implication that Revenant was not created by Ballas.
- Current Status:
Enthralled by the EidolonsDead. Revenant was supposed to watch over the Eidolons and cut them down each night they tried to emerge on the Plains, but at some point, he attempted contact with them and was overwhelmed,becoming controlled by the Eidolonsused his physical body to seal the Eidolons, while his spirit wandered the Plains. We put his spirit to rest.- Given his current powerset is Eidolon-based, it seems unlikely that Revenant was created with Eidolon powers to begin with, because Ballas would have had no idea what an Eidolon is at that point in time. Perhaps that is why Revenant "mocks causality", and the Void connected Revenant with his eventual self, creating a link between the two - Revenant eventually becomes enthralled and gains powers relating to the Eidolons, so Revenant in the distant past, connected to his future self, becomes Eidolon-based long, long before Revenant becomes enthralled. A self-fulfilling time paradox.
- Garuda
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given.
- Current Status:
Unknown, very likely deadConfirmed dead. The Business gives us Garuda's blueprint, stating that Smokefinger found her corpse among the Vallis fungi.
- Baruuk
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead.
- Hildryn
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Seemingly the purpose of killing Orokin, as her Prime Trailer states "But one I have kept back, to guard against enemies within" and "So hear me well, Hunhow. When you despoil the Reservoir, spare only her", implying that once Hunhow had killed the Tenno, Hildryn was specifically going to kill the Orokin.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead.
- Wisp
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given. Her Prime Trailer implies Ballas had a dream where he created Wisp as a warden of Earth, but as he tried to reach out to her, the dream faded. So he created her based on his dream, with the line "So now... I cast her in flesh. Yours." Who 'yours' is is unclear, though the Prime Trailer does transition to an Operator, so it may imply that Ballas turned a Tenno into Wisp.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead.
- Gauss and Grendel
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Seemingly to prove a point. In their combined Prime Trailers, Ballas talks about how the Corpus believe the Orokin are losing the Old War, and Ballas seemingly creates both Gauss and Grendel as a "bitch you thought".
- Current Status: Both unknown, both very likely dead.
- Protea
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given. She was assigned to bodyguard Parvos Granum, the Founder of the Corpus, but whether she was created for this purpose is unknown.
- Current Status: Confirmed dead. She has become a Specter of herself, a mere mimicry of the original Protea, through continued overuse of her powers to keep the Granum Void pocket dimension active.
- Xaku
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Xaku themselves is a composite Warframe made up of three unknown Warframes, tied together by Void energy. The original three's reasons for creation are unknown.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead.
- Lavos
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given. His leverian, however, does contain a single interesting line: "He may have been a monster in his previous life, bu he was able o achieve something that elude the mos powerful of the Orokin. He changed". Whether this means he was a murderous prisoner sentenced to Warframification as punishment, or he was an Orokin who became a Warframe, then became a killer of Orokin, I can't say.
- Curiously, Lavos learnt his alchemy-based skillset from Javi, one of his prisoners from his time as a warden. This implies that his current skillset is learnt, and not his original skillset as designed by Ballas.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead.
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given. His leverian, however, does contain a single interesting line: "He may have been a monster in his previous life, bu he was able o achieve something that elude the mos powerful of the Orokin. He changed". Whether this means he was a murderous prisoner sentenced to Warframification as punishment, or he was an Orokin who became a Warframe, then became a killer of Orokin, I can't say.
- Sevagoth
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given. However, the Call of the Tempestarii quest does state that Sevagoth, as the helmsman of the Tempestarii, was well known as a rescue vessel.
- Current Status: Confirmed dead. We find and reunite Sevagoth's Shadow with his corpse, and give him a burial at sea by launching his body into the Void.
- Yareli
- Given the Helminth Infestation for:
Cute anime waifuismNot enough information given. - Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead.
- Given the Helminth Infestation for:
- Caliban
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: No purpose. Caliban was created when the Helminth strain fused with the adaptive bionics of the Sentients. It is implied that Erra created him after the Old War, meaning Caliban may well be the last Warframe created, and one of the only Warframes that was not human in origin, Nidus being another.
- Current Status: Unknown, potentially alive.
- Gyre
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead.
Quinn states that Gyre was assigned to the Zariman, but went crazed during the failed jump. Likely died to a Void Angel or other Voidbourne horrorQuinn actually says Gyra, with an A, not an E. I haven't heard this line personally, I was just reading it on the wiki, and misread.
- Styanax
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given.
- Current Status: Unknown, potentially alive. His leverian states that the story told within happened surprisingly recently.
- Voruna
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given.
- Current Status: Unknown, very likely dead.
- Citrine
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given.
- Current Status: Confirmed dead. Sacrificed her life to crystalize Belric and Rania, her wards, and creating a void tunnel between the two to prevent them from being separated.
- Kullervo
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Not enough information given. It is possible that Kullervo was turned into a Warframe as punishment for his first crime, the murder of an Orokin. At the very least, he was definitely a Warframe by the time of his second crime of Cowardice, as the Warden calls the proto-Warframes the Orokin destroyed his "defective, demented brothers and sisters".
- Current Status: Unclear. Kullervo currently resides within Duviri, a plain of existence brought into being by the Drifter via Conceptual Embodiment, as a way of dealing with their emotional anxieties. But does this mean that the Kullervo we fight, and kill, over and over and over, is the real Kullervo? Its possible. But it could also simply be a manifestation of Kullervo's spirit, long since departed his corpse, that believes he needs to be punished with a thousand deaths for what he's done.
- Dagath
- Given the Helminth Infestation for: Simply to save her life. An Orokin couple who had taken the original Dax who would become Dagath as their lover accidentally mortally wounded her and begged Ballas to save her.
- Current Status: Undead. After becoming a Warframe, the Orokin couple lost interest in her and had her killed. However, she remained alive and took her revenge on them. Grandmother's story implies she still roams to this day, her face reflecting the sins of those she looks upon, and kills if she deems them irredeemable.
- Qorvex
Given the Helminth Infestation for:Created for: The Chosen Operator. Albrecht designed this Warframe specifically for the Tenno, to protect them from the hazards of his laboratory. I have crossed out "Given the Helminth infestation for" because I don't believe Qorvex was created in the typical manner - while he is humanoid, the way his body shifts and moves, especially his head, implies he may well just be crafted as an empty vessel, as Albrechi has made many such vessels in his laboratories.- Current Status: Active. As Qorvex may not be a traditionally created Warframe, by infesting a human with the Helminth strain, he may not have the Umbra ability that Excalibur has, given he was created hollow in the first place, and has no will of his own.
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