Update: 12 November 2021 Ended up doing 12 days doxy about 12 hours apart. Took probiotics about 3 hours earlier in the morning than the doxy, mixed camu powder into my water to improve synergistic effects. Did 1g azithro this morning, will do .5 tomorrow. Threw up Sunday night, the doxy definitely gives nausea side effects and it is unclear but the past two weeks have been stressful, perhaps due to the doxy, perhaps due to moving to a new apartment where the refrigerator was moldy. Retesting mid to late December. Will update with results.
Original post maybe 8 Nov 2021?
The doctor doesn't usually treat ureaplasma but he said he would write me a prescription based off of what I told him. I asked for 14 days doxy and 1 gram azithro. Does this seem right? Have been struggling for 2 years, don't want to have too low a dose of doxy and end up not getting rid of it. Thank you for advice in advance.
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