Subreddit Rules
No singles posts
This subreddit is dedicated to couples within the lifestyle. Posts from couples in search of singles are allowed but not encouraged. Multiple violations of this rule will result in permanent ban.
No sex work
Any posts using known SW verbage or insinuating possible SW will be investigated and removed as deemed fit. Continued breaking of this rule will result in permanent bans.
No bullying/harassment
This should be self explanatory, harassment and bullying are at the discretion of the mod team
No spam
Any post remotely resemblying low effort content promotions or thirst traps will be removed. This is to keep overly thirsty singles from overrrunning the group.
No content promotion
Content promoting posts are not allowed. Content creators are encouraged to participate when searching for additional creators or off film partners. The mod team is very strict and can result in some posts being removed that were not purposely promoting. We do allow posts to be resubmitted for approval but please be specific with your interests. The subversion of this rule will result in permanent bans.
No solo male dick pics
Solo male dick pics are an immediate ban offense. If you can't read the rules you can't play in this community. No exceptions or excuses.