Last week I noticed a major problem: /r/atheismplus was run over by MRA's doing their slacktivism
Threads were derailed, the new queue was bombed, and if you had an actual feminist opinion on this feminist forum you would have negative internet points.
After my expose, the readership called out for a change. And all was good! The subreddit started to look healthy and as a place where feminists could discuss amongst themselves feminist issues without being called misandrists. Hurray!
That was, until last night...
:thunder and scary noises:
One of the morderators banned a giant shitbird (which is now the new normal over there) who was pooping all over the place and getting his feathers stuck in the seams. You know how hard it is to get feathers out when they're shoved way down in the cracks? Fucking nightmare.
This pile of shit then went on to complain all over the place, asking for a bridge.
Here he is in /r/atheism being a poopface
And they did. And still are!
Once you let reddit know that there's feminists around, they're all over that. "I'M GOING TO DEBATE YOU WITH FREESPEECHFREESPEECHFRESPPEECH" And then they take yer internet points. And I was saving up for a bike.
Anywho, the threads on atheism and skeptic are fucking hilarious. Here's my favorite quotes:
/r/atheismplus isn't for rational people. It's for misandrists with a persecution complex. 16
Top comment on the skeptic thread is from a pedo
It gets pretty close to being a hate sub at times. It's no /r/beatingwomen, but it's pretty bad. I don't like bigotry, and I don't like them taking the words feminism and atheism in order to perpetuate bigotry. 18
You do recognize that "social justice" in the presence and acceptance of discrimination against men, even if it is true that men face less discrimination than women, is not social justice of any kind, right? You can't have social justice and support the systematic silencing of an entire gender group...well, you can but it makes the term social justice completely meaningless. 9
If you can't oust that SRS mod I'm afraid the subreddit is dead. 10
Personally I can't stand RW. I think she just blows shit way out of proportion to get blog traffic. Shes tried to hijack atheism / skepticism to be a feminist movement, while at the same time leveling broad accusations against all atheists about misogyny etc. 9
And yet it's amazing how the overwhelming majority, including women who call themselves feminist completely reject the ideological straitjacket that is atheism . You should watch the #atheismplus twitter feeds. 2
A "safe space" that is "protected" from reason and logic apparently... 91
I stand up for women rights and want them to be treated equally and have the same opportunities as men. Even after stating this I have been called anti-feminist because I disagree with the details of how to go about making this change. It's pathetic. 57
APlussers abuse the notion of privilege by essentially laying at its feet all responsibility for their life experience. 2
Atheismplus, where only women's and minoritys struggles matter because of shit that happened before many of us were born.... 9
Can anyone explain to me why atheism is called atheism as opposed to something like feminism , humanism or equalrights ?
they don't do equal rights 2
but women being afraid of being abused by men because history and experience has shown them that men will abuse them.
Take out "men" and sub in "black men". How does that sentence sound now. Yeah. Just like cops, its ok to say shit like this about an entire group, depending on which group it is. 13
More like Dogma 21
Because the person who seems to be pushing it is incredibly stupid and doesn't understand what atheism is herself. She's confusing atheism with humanism and putting her own misandrist spin on it. 2
It's shitredditsays that's all, with all the usual poeples : Dworking, Rebecca watson,... Nothing to see here, but we should stop this plague : they have to potential to do our reputation a lot of harm. 7
I would normally remove this, but it's generated a good amount of good discussion, so I'm leaving it. 9
I've said it before, I'll say it here. A is basically a bunch of professional victims 14
The Shitbird herself:
user ashadocat just created /r/HumanistAtheism which is intended to be a similar sort of idea as atheismplus (concerned with social justice, minorities not being discriminated against, etc.) but without the lack of willingness to debate freaking anything. I'm a mod on it as well. 6
How do you combine atheism with the religion of feminism and expect to be taken seriously? I think I am going to create atheismplusplus. Everyone is welcome as long as they believe in the bible. 2
This stinks of SRS. 11
edit: one of the morderators put together a collection of their favorite quotes of the shit being flung their way.
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