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Chapter 4 of Outside the Castle is finished!
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Hello Readers!

It has certainly been too long since I have uploaded! My schedule has unfortunately been hellish and messy over the last month to say the least. I am hoping that with college starting back up my days will start to see more defined structure, which should allow me to make time to write more easily. I shall also be going back to my A L stories after finishing the last chapter of Outside the Castle.

Regardless, here is the penultimate chapter! I should hope you all enjoy!

New to the series? Here’s Chapter 1!

New to me? Start with my first erotic series!

Chapter 4: The Taking

Now, Aldwin and Dusk walked side-by-side and free of restraints, a far cry from the day before. Although, “walk” was a generous term if one were to see their strides. Aldwin’s lower torso still felt numb from the morning, and Dusk struggled to keep herself walking upright with how much her legs shook. Together, the pair leaned on each other for support, giggling at the thought of how they must have looked and how little their strides matched. Aldwin’s legs were significantly shorter than Dusk’s, and he needed to stumble a bit faster than her to keep up.

Thankfully, Kull was not far. While Dusk was no longer going to escort Aldwin home to Northwood, there were still a fair number of supplies she needed to replace or replenish. She had lost her tent, extra water skin, food, and other necessities during their flight from Toothy Hollow. On top of that, the couple would need information from one of her sources if they were to pursue some new adventure together. Fortunately, they had plenty of gold now, and thus could afford what they needed, and didn’t need to work for money.

After a few hours of stumbling through the forest, Dusk recognized that they had reached the outskirts of Kull. She paused her stride and began to take a seat on the ground, gently leading Aldwin down with her. The Prince pulled on the arm wrapped around his shoulder, and leaned into Dusk some more as they sat. The Demoness gently put a hand to Aldwin’s face, resting her fingers under his chin and lifting his gaze to her eyes.

“I need you to listen carefully to me now,” she began. “We are very close to Kull. When we get there, I will prepare us for whatever adventure comes next. I shall speak with all of my more “knowledgeable” acquaintances, and see what awaits us. I shall also find more supplies and provisions for us while in town.”

She squeezed Aldwins hand as a hint of worry crossed her horned countenance. “I will have to do this alone, however.” The Prince tilted his head to the side. “Even if I am not taking you to Northwood, you will still remain at the tavern while I am gone. You are missing royalty, after all. I would imagine that many in town would seek to ransom you back to your family or take you home for a reward.”

Aldwin nodded. Dusk craned her head down and brushed her lips against his, letting their breaths blow against each other for a moment, before lightly embracing him. It made Aldwin’s mind go blank for a moment, before he parted their lips. He whispered, “I trust you.”

After resting a few moments more, they wearily rose and continued on their way.


Kull was a muddy village. The roads leading in and through and out of the little town were a brown mush that only horses could wade through. All foot traffic and vendors were relegated to either side of the slushy streets, squished between the shops and steeds. Aldwin could barely make out what he was seeing through all the shades of brown. The dull and worn wood of the shops and stands hardly stood out against the muted colors of his fellow pedestrians’ cloaks.

Dusk had her hood pulled tight around her head and a piece of worn cloth around her mouth and nose. Her horns protruded from her cloak, but only enough for a keen eye to notice. Not that it truly mattered. In Kull, most were wise enough to politely avoid disturbing a demon going about her day. Aldwin himself was hoping that his own cloak was muddied and torn enough from the last few days to be indistinguishable from the crowd. He had Dusk’s fingers clenched tightly in his hand, trailing just behind her and desperately trying not to let go.

The Prince’s eyes darted around, fascinated by this new town. It was clearly built to be as resilient as possible, with nearly every shop being made of strong stone and wood. Vendors called loudly, declaring their wares and prices. Each of their products, no matter what size, was promised to be life changing and worth every piece of silver.

“Shovels for sale! 3 silverines each!”

“Yeah get your bread here! Fresh bread!”

“Flowers! Flowers! Pansies! Roses! Tulips! Two silverines for a dozen!”

The last call made Aldwin’s head turn. He recalled his common visits to the florist’s stand in Northwood, and how she had told him about the wide variety that existed around Kull. The speaker had been female, and he gazed through the crowd of heads to see who had made the offer. After a moment he saw a young woman standing by a small wagon full of flowers. How he had not seen it before eluded him, as the colors of the flowers were incredibly vibrant. They easily stood out amongst the drab brown of the village.

His clasped hand tugged at Dusk, and Aldwin nodded his head in the direction of the cart. She noticed where he wanted to go, and took a moment to think. Dusk wanted to get to the tavern as soon as as possible. The less people who saw them together the better. On the other hand, his eagerness to stop for something as frivolous as mere flaura was… endearing. She smiled and reluctantly began to wade through the crowd towards the florist.

Aldwin was very eager to examine the colorful blooms. He looked over each and every bushel of buds with ravenous fascination. Over here was a tulip he had never seen before! And in that little pot there was an orchid of cream and crimson! There were colors he never could have imagined coating each and every one of them.

Dusk kept Aldwin’s hand in her own but turned away from the flowers. She didn’t need the flower seller staring at her for long.

“Fancy anything?” the cheery florist asked him.

Aldwin gave her a smile. “I feel a pleasant red would suit me, and something blue for my lover.”

“Aha!” She took the chance to make a sale.

“Some of my finest crimson flowers would be my pansies, imported from far far away. And for your missus… perhaps a nice sky-blue tulip would suffice. I hear they bring out the color in bright eyes.” The florist had failed to notice Aldwin’s hand was wrapped in Dusk's long, red fingers as she stood behind.

“Yes! That would be lovely!” Aldwin beamed. He dug his free hand into his pocket and exchanged a few silverines for a bright red pansy and a radiant blue tulip.

“How do I look?” He tugged at Dusk once again to get her attention.

Dusk turned to find that Aldwin had stuck the pansy behind his ear. The bright crimson bloom stood out against his dark eyes and hair, almost illuminating his face under his hood. It was beautiful to look upon. He seemed so… sweet and congenial.

“You look pleasant.” Was all Dusk could muster. She had little practice in giving compliments.

Aldwin raised a hand up to her, offering up the sky-blue tulip.

After literal years of hardly knowing a friendly face or associating with someone outside of business, Aldwin’s kindness was unexpected and flattering in a way Dusk had forgotten. One would have been unable to see her blush, but she could feel the heat rising behind her cheeks. Quickly, Dusk regained her composure and lightly plucked the tulip from the Prince’s hand. She opened up her cloak and tucked it away into her breast pocket.

“Thank you.” She muttered as Aldwin beamed. “Now let's get to the tavern.”

The trip to the tavern was not far. It hardly stood out among the rest of the wood and stone buildings making up the town. It’s only defining features were its large size and hanging sign, which read “The Resting Giant”. Painted on the wooden sign was a humanoid figure curled up into a ball, with z’s rising from its head.

Dusk led Aldwin inside, where they were greeted by an extremely dim saloon. The curtains were drawn around all the windows and seemed to absorb the light from outside. The low glow illuminating the space came from the fireplace at one end of the room and the large candles hanging from the ceiling and sitting on the tables. At the other end of the room was a bar run by a gruff-looking dwarf.

Dusk approached the bartender and requested a room while the Prince gazed around. He had never been in such a musty and worn place before. After exchanging a few pieces of gold, Dusk grabbed Aldwin by the hand and led him up the staircase by the bar. He had failed to notice it in the dark light of the room, and the sudden ascension surprised him.

After half-carrying her lover to the room, Dusk flung the wooden door open and ushered Aldwin inside. They were given one bed to sleep on, a small desk with two chairs for dining, and a window coated in years of dust. The muted light from the window was the only source of brightness in the room, as the few small sconces along the walls holding well-used candles were unlit.

“Well...” Dusk began, “I suppose it’s best if you wait here until I return. I should be back by nightfall.” She turned to leave.

“Wait!” Aldwin cried. He threw himself around Dusk’s torso, burying his head into her leather chestpiece and pushing against her breasts. The Demoness was caught off guard initially, but wrapped her arms around him in response soon after. Aldwin lifted himself onto his tip-toes and pecked Dusk on the lips, making her blush feel hotter. Their eyes and smiles met.

“I’ve never had somebody I could do that with.” Aldwin sheepishly explained.

Dusk raised her hands and caressed his hair.“Soon, we will be able to do that and so much more.” She whispered. After kissing him on the cheek a final time, she departed.


Almost as soon as Dusk left, the three bounty hunters moved in. They had been waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike after seeing The Prince shopping at the flower cart. Now, with the Demoness leaving him behind, they could steal away with him. Duke stood outside of the tavern’s entrance, in case the Horned Woman returned, while Shepherd and Earl hurriedly entered the bar.

Immediately after the Avery family had posted a reward for their sons’ return the three hunters had set to work finding him. Their best guess was that he would be going for a town not too far from home but easy to hide in. After a day or two of searching they had been ready to leave Kull before Aldwin and Dusk strolled into town.

The Bartender revealed where the odd couple was staying after receiving a handful of gildens, and the men wordlessly made their way up the stairs. Earl unsheathed his sword and Shepherd prepared his rope.

Their duel was fast and easy, with Aldwin barely having enough time to remove his rapier from his side. With only two strikes, his counter was blocked and he was disarmed.

The last thing Aldwin heard before being tied up was, “Look at this boy. Wearin’ a pansy in his hair? A pansy for a pansy!” They chuckled deviously.


Were it not for a strange tingling in the back of her mind, Dusk would have missed her lover’s kidnapping entirely. She was a fair distance away from the tavern and looking for a new tent (one preferably big enough for two people) when the horrible feeling sank into her stomach and rose into her brain. She paused her conversation with the merchant abruptly and slowly turned around, assuring herself that this feeling was likely nothing. Aldwin was responsible enough to wait patiently in the tavern, and she was certain they had not been followed inside.

All the way at the end of the road, past the crowds of gathering townsfolk, her eyes focused on whence she came. The gildens dropped from her hand as soon as she saw them.

Aldwin was tied at the arms and legs, thrashing back and forth as two men held him off the ground. Another man was bringing forth their horses.

Without another thought Dusk broke into a sprint, pumping her arms as hard as possible and running as fast as her legs could carry. Her warpath was unbroken by bystanders, who were easily knocked off their feet if they had the misfortune of being in front of her. The air blew into her hood, and it began to fall to her shoulders. The entire market was able to see Dusk now. Her eyes, her horns, and the desperate look on her face.

The bounty hunters escaped with almost no time to spare. The Red Woman was gaining ground at an inhuman pace, throwing obstacles aside like toys. Duke tossed the Prince over his steed and saddled up. He kicked his horse into a gallop as quickly as he could and made for the edge of town, with Shepherd not far behind him.

Earl readied his axe and watched the men leave. After twirling his weapon into a comfortable grip, he turned around. This Red Woman would be little trouble to him. He had slain Half Giants in Northelm before. Surely she could never-


In almost a literal blink of an eye he was impaled upon Dusk’s blade, the axe falling from his hands and landing in the mud with a splash. He looked at his killer. She was a literal demon, her red eyes striking an immense fear deep into his bleeding heart. Her horns seemed to stab into the sun overhead, shining black in the light.

“Where are they going?” Dusk growled. Earl could barely comprehend his thoughts… but somewhere deep down he thought it necessary to please the demon, to appease her before his certain doom.

He hacked up some of the blood rapidly filling his lungs and sputtered out, “To... the-the other Averys.” With that, the bounty hunter died, his body hitting the ground wetly as Dusk removed her sword from his chest.

In front of the tavern Earl’s steed stood tall, looking off into the distance. He was a grey palfrey with a saddle the color of mahogany wood. Despite having little experience in riding, Dusk wasted no time in mounting the horse. She led the horse forward slowly, now aware of the panicked townspeople fleeing the streets around her. As soon as there seemed to be less of a danger of trampling the townsfolk, Dusk began to ride at a galloping pace. She could make it to the Northwood Castle quickly, but would she be fast enough to intercept Aldwin?


The cold and unforgiving hardness of a marble floor greeted Aldwin as he was deposited into the wide hall of the throne room. Shields, swords, and banners hung from every wall, their prestige and honor long enough to fill three shelves of historical tomes. The Prince’s father, King Avery, coldly stared at him. His greying beard did little to hide his frown or the disappointment in his blue eyes. Here was his son, fresh from the wild. Covered in dirt and soot and bound and gagged. Such a shame. Aldwin looked up at the steps leading to his father’s massive marble throne, his eyes seething with annoyance.

“I should not be seeing you.” King Avery declared. “You ought to have been brought to this castle in a sack and thrown into your chambers. Now the entire kingdom will have seen you bound and gagged like a newly-killed hog atop your captor’s steed. What will they say about us?”

King Avery’s words bit like venom-tipped fangs. “This kingdom will not respect your right to rule. Nor your right to even live amongst your brothers and sisters.”

Aldwin smiled. “Then leave me be.” He began. “I shall certainly not be seeing the throne in my lifetime, and my honor seems to be tarnished. I am clearly of no use to this family.”

The King’s eyes became crestfallen. “My son,” He sighed. “You have left me no choice. You have taken leave without any permission, rebelled against my rule and command, and taken a priceless heirloom.

“Yet you are my son, and you could still have use to serve your kingdom.” King Avery began to walk towards Aldwin. “When you learn to lead, perhaps you could be granted a place in the Royal Fleet. Maybe you could be wed for an alliance with another kingdom. A Prince is never worth nothing.” He nodded to Shepherd and Duke. “The Royal Guard will escort you to the Prince’s chambers. Take him there and lock him inside, then, you shall receive your reward.”


Outside the castle, beyond the walls and village, hiding amongst the bushes and the trees, Dusk stood solemnly. She looked up at the turrets and halls of stone, so huge and grand in their unfaltering stature. On each wall a torch burned every thirty feet, and several archers overlooked the area. Encircling the walls and village was a small moat, murky with brown and black water.

The Demoness had doubts. Perhaps it was too late to save her Prince. It would be suicide to enter the castle alone. By walking through the village she would be spotted by unfamiliar folk and chased out. She could climb the walls with her rope, but even then she would likely be spotted on her way up. Even if Dusk clambered over the barriers, she had no clue about what the inside of the castle looked like. How would she even be able to find Aldwin?

In the midst of doubt came apathy. Dusk didn’t need the Prince. She had gotten everything she could ever need in the last two days: A fat sack of gold, a powerful magical artifact as valuable as it was dangerous, and a horse. Why did she need Aldwin to be with her? He would certainly be fine in his castle, and it would be less dangerous for her to travel by herself.

Dusk clenched the trickster knife in her hand and glanced down at it. She recalled how Aldwin had used it to save them. As she had watched the blue beam emerge from his hand, she had worried that he might turn it on her, the demon who started his troubles in the first place. But he hadn’t. And he had comforted and loved her almost every time she put down her guard. He had tried to embrace her when she spoke of her childhood, and he had given her a taste of her demonic energy when they made love.

“Damn…” Dusk realized.

She needed to save him. One way or another.

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Willowy Poet BF


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