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:birds: Birds Fan :Champion1: Champion I :Champion1: Champion I :Champion1: Champion I :Champion1: Close I :Champion1: for 24 hours, I will use it for ever. :Champion2: C2. I don't know either. :Champion2: Champion II :Champion2: Champion II :Champion2: Champion II :Champion2: Champion II in theory :Champion2: KBM Champion II :Champion2: Wavedash Enthusiast :Champion3: 4k hours and still can’t rotate :Champion3: 4k hours and still can’t rotate :Champion3: Bronze 18 :Champion3: Champion III :Champion3: Champion III :Champion3: Champion III :Champion3: Champion III for now :Champion3: Champion III🥚 :Champion3: Grand Champion 0.5 :Diamond1: Diamond I :Diamond1: Diamond I :Diamond1: Fartmond I :Diamond1: Malko :Diamond1: Uh_Wutz_Hiz_Name :Diamond1:gold stuck in diamond :Diamond2: Diamond II :Diamond2: Diamond II :Diamond2: Diamond II :Diamond3: Diamond III :Diamond3: Diamond III :Diamond3: still suck :Diamond3::g2: Diamond III | G2 Esports Fan :Discussion: DISCUSSION :Esports: ESPORTS :FanArt: FAN ART :Fashion: FASHION :Fluff: FLUFF :frowzy: rocket league comedian :frowzy: rocket league comedian :gc: ChronicleVP :gc: Grand Champion :gc: Grand Plat :gc: Grand Troll :gc: I just kept crawling and it kept working :gc: Peaked in Season 3 :GC1: Grand Champ I :GC1: Grand Champion I :GC1: Grand Champion I :GC1: Grand Champion I | Solo Q exclusive :GC1: Grand Champion I KBM :GC1: KBM :GC2: Grand Champion II :GC2: Grand Champion II :GC3: Grand Champion III :Gold1: Gold I :Gold1: Gold I :Gold2: Gold II :Gold3: Gold III :Gold3: Gold III :Gold3: Gold III :GrandPlat: Grand Platinum :Highlight: HIGHLIGHT :KansasCity: Kansas City Pioneers Fan :karminecorp: Karmine Corp Fan :Meme: MEME DAY :News: NEWS :nrgrainbow: NRG Esports Fan :Platinum1: Platinum I :Platinum1: Platinum I :Platinum1: Platinum I :Platinum2: Platinum II :Platinum2: Platinum II but actually gold :Platinum2: Silver Stuck in Plat :Platinum3: Platinum III :ps: • Leo Mercssi :ps: Diamond III :ps: Playstation Player :Psyonix: Psyonix :Psyonix: Psyonix :PsyonixEye: PSYONIX COMMENT :Question: QUESTION :Sideswipe: SIDESWIPE :Silver3: Silver III :SSL: Why am I there ? :steam: :steam: Steam Player :steam:Name is supersonic gameplay is plat :Suggestion: SUGGESTION :Trash1: Trash I :Trash2: Trash II :Trash3: CaeruCat :Trash3: Trash III :Unranked: Unranked :Unranked: Unranked... What is ranked? :Useful: USEFUL :verified: :rlcs: RLCS Analyst :verified: :rlcs: RLCS Analyst :verified: :rlgarage: RLG Fantasy Commissioner :verified::rivalesports: Rival Esports Operations :Video: VIDEO :xbox: Xbox Player !rewards "ntm fdp" 2 diamonds Alpha Sydney Behold my mediocrity! Boosted By PrimeThunder :gc: BraveDude8 Bronze at heart Carried. Challenger II Challenger III Challenger III Gamertag: Alot 0f People Champion I Champion III chris4hawks Creative Flair CynicalGit devi1hawkz Diamond I Diamond I Diamond II idk how I got here tbh DISCUSSION Durgle ESPORTS FAN ART Filthy Casual gg ez GIF GIF Gold I Gold I-Gold III Hadn69 HIGHLIGHT HIGHLIGHT I suck I Try and Fail IceBlade IMAGE IMAGE IMAGE/GIF Jaimo88 Love dem long queue times M+KB MasterRace MEME DAY mouchoir MOUSE AND KEYBOARD 4LIFE nownewstart NRG Esports Platinum I Platinum II Platinum III Platinum III Prospect Elite Prospect I PSN ID Psyonix Comment QUESTION Rising Star Rocketmax178 scrub Scrublord Shooting Star Silver II Silver III Silver III skipperki1 Stabhappy - Champion III STEAM ID STEAM_1:0:56186418 STREAM SUGGESTION Superstar TWITTER Unranked VIDEO VIDEO