I'm following the RTAB issue while trying to use my linorobot base and RTAB. I'm getting the same messages about odom, scan and rgbd.
[ WARN] [1562705732.724543359]: /rtabmap/rtabmap: Did not receive data since 5 seconds! Make sure the input topics are published ("$ rostopic hz my_topic") and the timestamps in their header are set. If topics are coming from different computers, make sure the clocks of the computers are synchronized ("ntpdate"). If topics are not published at the same rate, you could increase "queue_size" parameter (current=10).
/rtabmap/rtabmap subscribed to (approx sync):
When I look at my topics when i do bringup all those topics exist
Here's my launch file:
<!-- Start ROS communication between the robot's computer and Linorobot base -->
<node pkg="rosserial\_python" name="rosserial\_lino" type="serial\_node.py" output="screen">
<param name="port" value="/dev/linobase" />
<param name="baud" value="57600" />
<!-- IMU Relay and Filter -->
<include file="$(find linorobot)/launch/include/imu/imu.launch" />
<!-- Publish Linorobot odometry -->
<node pkg="linorobot" name="lino\_base\_node" type="lino\_base\_node"></node>
<!-- Publish static transform from base_footprint to base_link -->
<node pkg="tf2\_ros" type="static\_transform\_publisher" name="base\_footprint\_to\_base\_link" args="0 0 0.127 0 0 0 /base\_footprint /base\_link"/>
<!-- Odom-IMU Extended Kalman Filter-->
<node pkg="robot\_localization" type="ekf\_localization\_node" name="ekf\_localization">
<remap from="odometry/filtered" to="odom" />
<rosparam command="load" file="$(find linorobot)/param/ekf/robot\_localization.yaml" />
<!-- Run XV11 -->
<include file="$(find linorobot)/launch/include/laser.launch" />
<group ns="rtabmap">
<!-- Use RGBD synchronization -->
<!-- Here is a general example using a standalone nodelet,
but it is recommended to attach this nodelet to nodelet
manager of the camera to avoid topic serialization -->
<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="rgbd\_sync" args="standalone rtabmap\_ros/rgbd\_sync" output="screen">
<remap from="rgb/image" to="/camera/rgb/image\_rect\_color"/>
<remap from="depth/image" to="/camera/depth\_registered/image\_raw"/>
<remap from="rgb/camera\_info" to="/camera/rgb/camera\_info"/>
<remap from="rgbd\_image" to="rgbd\_image"/> <!-- output -->
<!-- Should be true for not synchronized camera topics
(e.g., false for kinectv2, zed, realsense, true for xtion, kinect360)-->
<param name="approx\_sync" value="true"/>
<node name="rtabmap" pkg="rtabmap\_ros" type="rtabmap" output="screen" args="--delete\_db\_on\_start">
<param name="frame\_id" type="string" value="base\_link"/>
<param name="subscribe\_depth" type="bool" value="false"/>
<param name="subscribe\_rgbd" type="bool" value="true"/>
<param name="subscribe\_scan" type="bool" value="true"/>
<remap from="odom" to="/base\_controller/odom"/>
<remap from="scan" to="/base\_scan"/>
<remap from="rgbd\_image" to="rgbd\_image"/>
<param name="queue\_size" type="int" value="10"/>
<!-- RTAB-Map's parameters -->
<param name="RGBD/NeighborLinkRefining" type="string" value="true"/>
<param name="RGBD/ProximityBySpace" type="string" value="true"/>
<param name="RGBD/AngularUpdate" type="string" value="0.01"/>
<param name="RGBD/LinearUpdate" type="string" value="0.01"/>
<param name="RGBD/OptimizeFromGraphEnd" type="string" value="false"/>
<param name="Grid/FromDepth" type="string" value="false"/> <!-- occupancy grid from lidar -->
<param name="Reg/Force3DoF" type="string" value="true"/>
<param name="Reg/Strategy" type="string" value="1"/> <!-- 1=ICP -->
<!-- ICP parameters -->
<param name="Icp/VoxelSize" type="string" value="0.05"/>
<param name="Icp/MaxCorrespondenceDistance" type="string" value="0.1"/>
What am I doing wrong here?
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