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Awaiting mod approval.
Easter Egg
Easter Egg
Not a movie.
not high, just smelled nice.
Not verified as true.
R1: Not intentional.
R1: Not obscure.
R1: Theory not a detail.
R4: Release Year
R6: Spoiler in title.
R8: Avoid reposts. (and read the rest of the rules too)
R8: No offtopic posts.
Rule 1
Rule 1 - Theory, not a detail.
Rule 1 Rule 3 Rule 5 - Not a movie.
Rule 10
Rule 10 - No Source
Rule 3
Rule 3, 6
Rule 4
Rule 4 Rule 5 - Needs explanation.
Rule 5 - Needs explanation.
Rule 6
Rule 6 - Needs explanation.
Rule 7 - Not a movie.
Rule 8 - No memes, meta or request posts.
Rule 8 - Off-topic detail
Rule 9
Rule 9 - Common repost.
Rule 9 - Recent repost.
Rule 9 - Repost from the last month.
Rule 9 - Repost from top 200.
Rule 9 - Top repost.
⏱️ Continuity
❌ R1: Not a movie detail.
❌ R9: Avoid reposts.
❓ Trivia
🕵️ Accuracy
🤵 Actor Choice
🥚 Easter Egg
👥 Foreshadowing
👨🚀 Prop/Costume