Subreddit Rules
Post Formatting
All posts must have the following format: "Age R4R Location summary description". (The R4R must be uppercase, and Location Capitalized.) An example: 32 F4MF Riverside looking for friends to join me for drinks and pool.
No external contact methods
Do not post usernames of other services or phone or email info for you or anyone else. Quickly trying to take users off site is a common spam behavior and will be moderated.
No exchanges for money, goods, or services
Exchanges for money, goods, or services, are strictly prohibited. This includes, and is not limited to, any of the "sugar" lifestyle ads, offers for free trips, lessons, tutoring, webpage design, gaming, cam performances, etc. If you are doing something in exchange for something else, it will most likely fall in this rule. Please contact the modstaff for clarification or questions. Also note that if your activity feed contains items of this nature, you'll need to use a different account.
No Spam or Spamming
No SPAM is allowed. SPAM includes advertising of any kind other than a personal ad. You are allowed to post to the subreddit once, and only once, per 24-hour period. This includes deleted and resubmitted posts for any reason other than automod removal upon initial posting (not edits). This is to prevent users from trying to game the algorithm Reddit uses to stick on the front page of the subreddit.
No blocking moderators
Blocking moderators is cause to be blocked from the subreddit. Moderators may review profiles to understand the context of posts and attempting mask your profile's history from moderator tools will not be tolerated.