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:Accept-icon: Answered :orly: 'A' Level Candidate :orly: A Level Candidate :partyparrot: AS Level Candidate :pupper: AP Student :redditgold: IB Candidate :snoo_biblethump: Additional Mathematics :snoo_biblethump: Additional Mathematics—Pending OP Reply :snoo_biblethump: Pure Mathematics :snoo_dealwithit: History :snoo_facepalm: High School Math :snoo_facepalm: High School Math—Pending OP Reply :snoo_feelsbadman: Mathematics (A-Levels/Tertiary/Grade 11-12) :snoo_feelsbadman: Mathematics (Tertiary/Grade 11-12)—Pending OP :snoo_hearteyes: Economics :snoo_joy: Geography :snoo_joy: Primary School Student :snoo_putback: Collage: Principles of Marketing :snoo_putback: Others :snoo_putback: Others—Pending OP Reply :snoo_putback:ngineering :snoo_scream: Further Mathematics :snoo_scream: Further Mathematics—Pending OP Reply :snoo_shrug: Pre-University (Grade 11-12/Further Education) :snoo_shrug: Pre-University Student :snoo_simple_smile: Literature :snoo_simple_smile: Literature—Pending OP Reply :snoo_simple_smile:Engineer :snoo_simple_smile:University/College Student :snoo_simple_smile:University/College Student (Higher Education) :snoo_smile: Secondary School Student :snoo_smile: Secondary School Student (Grade 7-11) :snoo_surprised: Computing :snoo_tableflip: Biology :snoo_tableflip: Biology—Pending OP Reply :snoo_thoughtful: Chemistry :snoo_thoughtful: Chemistry—Pending OP Reply :snoo_tongue: Postgraduate Student :snoo_trollface: Social Studies :snoo_trollface: Social Studies—Pending OP Reply :snoo: English Language :table_flip: Physics :tc1::tc2::tc3::tc4::tc5::tc6::tc7::tc8::tc9: ✔ Answered ✔ Answered Further Mathematics Physics Masters Graduate TheAmazingOne đŸ‘‹ a fellow Redditor đŸ˜© Illiterate