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:doge:Best Boy :Test: :Test: ffbe: 194 637 589 :Test: Saving for summer units! . ._. ...whatever ../.. gumi "Lab Rat Dog!" "Oh a new trial, I'll do it at the weekend!" half a year later:" "That Free Guy" ( ;゚Д゚)y─┛~~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (opera music) )o_o( [GL] 948 000 135 [GL] Hungy | 603,634,893 [GL] okeydoke ★ 411 249 974 [JP] 819,298,551 [JP] Reddit-Wiki Guy * kupo * <-- Tidus by Lady_Hero #Save4Charlotte ⇦ Me | Ask and thou shall receive ~ ★ Aiden > Ardyn ★The Flame of Ice is burning in my heart 085,536,681 091 906 356 110,531,416 1124 mag, pm me for add with your code 14k+ HP Wilhelm BEAST MODE 193.427.444 198.146.074 209 pulls, no rainbow 211.451.918 281.389.988 2B 323 052 721 IGN: James 343,022,738 | tadaujfe 380,262,719 381 100 133 Living in the Shadows 442,207,912 - 1098 Dark A2 466,155,704 477 177 498 504.034.362 522,639,859 | Beach Time Eve when? 575,002,627 580 165 637 719 ATK - 401,082,525 727.210.392 752781443 782,206,862 2.1k immune Hyoh 835,293,080 Tilith 868,419,971 870 ATK - 952,130,124 878 646 279 917.914.161 A2, Brute? About to drop you like Cain dropped Abel AH HA HA HA HA - 929,857,775 Aileen is bae AIRFORCEONE / THE PEOPLES ELBOW aka Deus Gaming Almost as good of a boi as Chow Always doing research bAe2 Bedile Best Chocobo Rider!!! Best Doggo blobpeek BlueMage Bold Lady Boss Brush off vanity and show reality! Buy my sword! Carry Catgirls are the best girls Chizuru isn't alone anymore Chocobros! Church of Zargabaath Cloud of Darkness Crazy birb lady~ :> CSS Manager Cult of Ayaka Daehawk | May all your pulls be Rainbow. Damn Greedy Sensor! Darkaegis Deal with it 👉 Design Contest Discussion Discussion Dispenser of questionable advice | 153,486,893 Doc ♡ Duane Ed...ward... Elspeth - 179,578,949 Elza/Garland/Soleil/GLsakura/Luneth Enhancements soon Eradicating Enemies Exvius Wiki Admin Fan Art FFPO coming soon! Final Fantasy x BanG Dream! collab when? Fire Veritas fon Rosenburg Free2Maths FroGlenn | 711,069,217 Fryevia for Eyvia Fuck This Shit I'm Out: Furry doom of love General Gestalt | 946,715,385 | Gilgamesh Give me free things. GL | 355,399,818 GL | 436.615.874 GL | 616,309,794 GL 406,646,477 GL 413,774,479 GL 691,482,279; 1174 ATK A2 GL Discussion GL Discussion GL Megathread GL News GL Other GL PID: 269,118,248 - Will share powerful NV units for trials GL Technical GL: 468,474,947 JP: 097,725,736 GL: 703,115,155 GL: 830525637 GL: 908,557,749 Olive 1143 Atk GL: 989.598.269 GL: Taiwan Good Boy JP Player Good friend units and active for events, Friend ID = 866,132,992 Got my Waifu from Stray Pulls! Grab your coat you've pulled Gumi get your shit together Gumi/Why you doing this> Gvaz Halcyon Hard 4 Sieghard | 028,198,417 Help Hoard 4 Hyoh 2020 Huehuehue brbrbr, IGN Casteia 724 595 654 Humor Humor I am off my Lemons I believe in the Luminary! I bet you don't know who this is I eat I knew you'd say that I like Butz - 444.290.658 I should play FF stuff more often I Summon Marshmallow I wish I knew about rerolling I'm a simple man | GL Kurodo: 249,599,170 I'ma be relevant one day, I swear Ice Waifus FTW! ID: 155,190,285 ID: 230,071,223 ID: 702,780,431 | My units: If you knead me, I'll be wheat you! Im around sometimes In-game name: Envy Intentional nip slip | 491,188,278 INTERN-KUN'S RETURN Is bae It is done. I am free! It's Showtime~ It's-a me, 4komario! Jack Jinx, your next pull is shadow JP | Rozalin JP Discussion JP Discussion JP Megathread JP News JP Technical JP:0000+ Tickets Kaine GL - 318.431.506 keeping bharos contained since 2020 Kupo! Kupoo Kupo Kupopo Lebronsta Let us sell our rat tails plz Let's blast it! Let's get dangerous Lightning Listen to the GLEX Podcast LMS grins at your pathetic attack Lunafreya when, alim? Luneth Main: 191,531,512 Alt: 263,542,509 Majesty: 149,572,890 Make tanks good again. NVA soon? 435,527,987 Maxwell me love TDH Mechabo, roll out! Media Megathread Megathread Meow Meta Metal Gigantuar Mmm! Daddyolus! Moderator Mostly harmless need more fryevias Needs more gun. No orlandeau club No-Flair No-Flair Nope, not letting go of my swords! NV Tidus when? NV Vivi please NVA Ang When?!? O warida Obliterate! Off my chair Jester. The King sits there. Oh .. Candy! Ohohoho! Olive destroys EVERYRTHING!!! UPGRADEDS WHEN?????? Ooh, soft... PMA Post Pull Depression power of the void Primm Quest for TDH Quit. Have fun everyone! Raph1e | ID 855,240,479 | Luv new versions of Cloud Retired Retired cuz it just ain't worth the hassle anymore RIOT BLADE! Ropi - 900 Club :D Roy, sing me a song of ice and fire! S3 Umbrella Seph GL 304,663,551 | JP 676,774,400 Seven is too young to be waifu.... She guns you down if you walk across her freshly mopped floor Silly Strategies Silver Dong & 1000 needles. Exquisite desire by Square Enix So about that 6✩ "Upgrade"..... So much TM farming to do So this is how you do it Somewhat obsessed Spellblade + DW + Barrage | 2422% TM Moogle. I should spend some Still waiting for the next FFV Event Supersize Me Tactical Bobler Take this; my final gift to you! Tala (GL: 506,495,862) Technical Technical Tell me Why break trust, why turn the past to dust? Thanks for everything The Pope didn't deserve this The Pope didn't deserve this The Real Thunder God The true waifu The Zarginator Tips & Guides Tips & Guides Tonkatsu Wanderer Train Suplexer Trance Terra Treasure Hunter Turtle Power Utinni! Uwee hee hee Vacation van Eyck me fecit MMXVI Waiting for the waifu's time to shine Walk tall my friends We have arrived. Weeks Waiting for Fryevia Fixes: 6 Whatever way the wind blows Whoop whoop Wielding Light! Wiki Ratings Calculator - 198,162,240. GLEX Podcast Wilhelm Woe to our enemies... Xuan & Qing (674,094,166) y all my fave chars suck :( Yes Indeed... Your downvotes make me wet Your Lore Tour Host and TREPIES Fan Your lovely stalker Youtuber - 285,346,143 Ytube: CoolBeat Gaming Zargabaath Latents & NVA when ( ╯°□°)╯ ┻━━┻ スキエル/Skiel-882250129 悪かったな 祝え!新たな王の誕生を!! 藤本はやめへんで! 💎Queen of Casuals💎