There we were, back at SexCon for the second consecutive year.
Last year, my girlfriend did something outlandish that we both agreed was cheating, but since then we've settled our differences, and this year she offered to pay the way for our flight to Los Angeles and the hotel for two days and three nights.
Under one condition.
The condition was that she could go back and watch the burly muscle hunks compete in the masturbation contest (to see who had the biggest load), and even assist the big guy she'd helped out last year (which was the source of our issues) and even help him win again if she was asked.
Last year, with my girlfriend's assistance, he had smashed the world record for the biggest ejaculation ever recorded, and turned panting back toward us after, sweating and red-faced from lust and exhaustion, and winked at her...
I could tell she wanted to help him again this year more than anything, so she agreed to let me do whatever I wanted with any of the other women (as long as I kept it a secret from her). She admitted to me that she hadn't been able to get the big guy's load out of her mind this whole past was with her night and day, and she often touched herself to the thought of it...And if she was ever going to be really seriously happy in a relationship, she had to do what she had to do for the sake of her own fantasies and sex life.
After some hesitation, I agreed, and then signed up online for every Fuck A Fan contest I could find.
Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad thing after all.
The downside was that she might return to that object of her lust, the guy who had gone out of his way to ask for her assistance last year despite there being many big ass hotties around us...He had chosen her, specifically...And there was always the chance that he would remember her and I wouldn't end up being able to find any action, myself.
We made it into the forum, which was a convention center with a big open floor with booths everywhere where porn stars met and flirted with their fans, signed posters and everything else imaginable, and took selfies with them.
In a corner of the big open space, one Fuck A Fan winner was already receiving his prize. He was a little fat guy with a small cock, and I watched with my heart beating out of my chest as he squatted down over the fat ass of a porn star I knew well and sunk his cock into her wet pussy while she bucked and he bucked and she squealed with excitement and he humped away with both of his hairy hands on her fat ass...He'd probably still been a virgin before he sunk his prick in her hooha and she made him cum in less than thirty seconds.
I watched as the needy guy pulled his slobbery knob out her sex, and his pent up load rolled out of her kitty and into a small puddle at his feet.
She turned around and gave him a big hug and stood there holding him for what I thought was longer than he'd actually ridden her, then turned and realized that my girlfriend was nowhere to be found.
I found her where I'd expected to find her, pressed up against the railing at the far side of the convention floor as the big guys in the ring, all of them with huge swinging cocks, already semi-hard, with plums for nuts doing stretches and calisthenics to get warmed up for the big event.
The guy I'd feared since last year was just entering into the ring, his own semi-hard banana bouncing back and forth off his inner thighs as he strutted toward the judges to collect the plastic cup for his ejaculate. I noticed with fear and trembling that they'd given him a bigger cup than the others.
While the others had cups the size of those little ones you'd pour punch in at a party, this guy's looked more like a clear Solo cup, about twice the size.
My girlfriend jumped when I touched her shoulder, and she turned and said, blushing, "Hey, I noticed you were busy, so I just decided to come on over."
She turned back to the ring where the contest would take place, and I took myself at the railing beside her as others began to trickle in and fill the space around us.
It was almost time.
The mounting stations were all prepared: Eight of them in a line, each with an artificial vagina attached to a mount and angled slightly upward about three feet off the floor, with a vertical pad like a weight bench turned up on its end for the guys to lean their chests against, and two handles, one on each side behind the pad for the guys to grip.
Above the chest rests, about where the guys' faces would be, was the thing that brought back so many memories of last year in a flood of nearly overwhelming jealousy that made my own face turn hot and my heart to start pounding rapidly again. It was something like a clipboard, mounted on a pole, where the guys could clip whatever they wanted at face level for "inspiration".
I watched as a guy clipped a picture of a naked woman to his board, and another clipped on a pair of panties to his own.
"GUNNAR!" I jumped as my girlfriend hollered with her hands cupped around her mouth to make her voice carry.
I shot her a look, but she was so focused on getting the big guy's attention that she wasn't paying attention to me any longer.
His pearly whites shined as he approached us (approached her) with his cup in his hand and a wad of toilet paper in the other. His cock continued to slap back and forth against his inner thighs as he walked toward us with his semi-erection that was already as strong as my own erection at full mast.
My girlfriend jumped up and down, her tits bouncing with obviously no bra underneath, with both hands in the air as he approached, and he wrapped her in a big bear hug over the railing and lifted her up off the ground. He had to have been all of 6'7, and my girlfriend's shoes were a good two feet off the floor as he held her at chest level.
I watched his cock as it twitched and bounced and leaked precum onto the floor, his cock actually sticking out through the metal railing and protruding from between my girlfriend's legs.
He put her back down, and smiled excitedly...He was panting too now, I noticed. "Ali!" He said. "You actually made it!" And she said, "I told you I would be here."
I didn't know that part.
"You can touch it if you want," the big guy named Gunnar said, pressing against the railing so that his cock penetrated the bars completely. It was fully erect now, sticking straight up and pointing up at the high ceiling, as it throbbed and twitched and his cock head pulled back slightly toward him in a come here curve and played at the small hole of his belly button.
"Oh my god..." my girlfriend said, and then took ahold of his penis, without so much as a glance in my direction. She stroked him slowly...He looked massive in her small palm...And he moaned.
"That's enough," he said. "I don't want to get too excited yet."
He flashed me a knowing glance, then kissed my girlfriend on the forehead and asked if she would do him the honor of "doing the honors".
"Of course," she said, beaming up at him. "That's why I came all the way from Texas."
"You're a real sweetheart," he said and handed her the wad of toilet paper.
Last year she had been shy...She hadn't quite known how to react in this moment a year ago...But this year, she unbuttoned her shorts, and I looked away.
The porn star in the far corner was hugging another naked fan now, and I heard my girlfriend's shorts unzip and the sound of her pulling them down to her ankles.
When I looked back at her, I noticed she hadn't even gone to the trouble of wearing panties this time.
"I haven't showered in two days now," she said to the big man, both of them red in the face but my girlfriend blushing harder. "It's nice and stinky for you," she said. "I know how much you like that," she smiled.
"Oh my god," Gunnar said. "Don't make me cum already!"
Last year, she had simply swiped the toilet paper down the back of her pants and handed it back to him (it had definitely done the trick), but this year she turned with her back to him and bent over, showing him her spread crack (not that she was spreading it...her ass spreads naturally when she bends over, her two mounds parting to show off her womanhood...I heard the man groan as others around us were craning their necks trying to get a better view.
My girlfriend's butthole, her tight little balloon knot, puckered once and then she wiped her crack hard with the toilet came away clean but I knew it wasn't.
"That should do it," she said in a shaky voice and handed him the wad as he stood dumbfounded with the strongest pulling erection I'd ever seen anywhere.
"Oh my god," the big man said again, taking the toilet paper from her.
"You can sniff it," my girlfriend said. "Make sure it's up to snuff."
"I can already smell it from here," he said, his own voice shaky now. "I'd lose it all over the place if I put my face in it now."
He gave her once last smile, said thank you very much and that he'd been denying himself for a month now and his nuts were so sore that they were in bad need of relief, then turned and headed for the mounting station.
About halfway there, he looked back over his shoulder at her, and said, "This one's for you, baby!"
My girlfriend's hands were on her mouth, palm to palm as if she were praying, and she watched as he clipped the toilet paper, her roses, her musk to his board and stepped up onto the platform after placing his cup just beneath the silicone sleeve where it hung.
I watched too now as he stepped up onto the platform, his platform, and stroked himself a couple of times before lubing up and stroking a bit more.
Finally, the judges were ready, and one said, "Take your time, gentlemen, this isn't a race. The object of the contest is to dump the biggest load possible. Is everyone ready?"
The alphas in the contest were all on their platforms, moving back and forth from foot to foot, some did a couple of squats or shook their arms out or stretched to warm up.
Gunnar did a big squat and then bent over with his muscular ass to us to stretch out his hamstrings.
His massive nuts swung slowly as he wriggled his hips from side to side like two mature and pregnant plums ready for juicing.
His cock wasn't visible as it stood erect and hidden in front of him.
"On your marks," the judge with the microphone said. "All set." He motioned to a female judge who wasn't paying him any attention. "All set," he repeated, and the female judge snapped out of her trance, and gave him an almost imperceptible nod.
"Mount!" The judge exclaimed.
All of the hard penises penetrated the artificial vaginas at once, all down the line simultaneously, and some humped slowly while others gripped their handles and tore into their heated sheaths with ferocity.
Gunnar squatted down, leaned his chest against the inverted pad, and humped around at the entrance to the silicone pussy while his penis searched for pay dirt. Finally he found the slit and forced himself into her desperately, humping and jacking away like Tarzan discovering his Jane for the first time bending over naked at the side of the river, her sex throbbing and hot, her pussy lips pulled back in heat so that a penis might easily find its way into her.
There was moaning and groaning all down the line, and while I looked at a few of the others, my girlfriend didn't. She had completely forgotten about me.
We watched as her man fapped into his pussy, into what I knew he was imagining as my girlfriend's vagina now that he had seen it in person.
And just like last year, Gunnar was the first to get his nut.
He humped desperately as the mounting station rattled and clinked against the force of this thrusts until I thought he was going to break the thing.
He looked back over his shoulder at my girlfriend once and winked. "Give me that ass, baby!" He growled, then put his nose into the toilet paper, into the smell of my girlfriend's spread crack right there in front of his face.
He growled and jerked and spasmed, and he stamped his feet and pawed at the mat untamed as he humped his pussy, my girlfriend's ass, as he plowed her and plowed her and the metal supports shook with protest.
My girlfriend still had her hands over her mouth, and I looked back just in time to see the big man's asshole start to wink and contract, his nose still buried in the crack he was surely imagining he was riding, and his plums were finally juiced as the dam burst like a riptide and I heard the first shot as it struck the bottom of the plastic cup below. His manhood looked like a power washer as he screamed and thrust and burst in a powerful steady flow like he was pissing ejaculate.
Spray after spray, I counted, piss after semen-soaked piss, six long and heavy sprays, and then I noticed that he wasn't even in the toilet paper anymore. His head was back and he was panting as he moaned to the heavens and fucked the ever-loving shit out of what he thought was my girlfriend's voluptuous rear end.
He stuck his nose back into her roses and his ejaculation ramped again, but now in a different way. His cup was already near to the brim with hot jizz, but when he'd shoved his nose back into the ass, he started shooting off excitedly, not in the long powerful bursts...he was through that stage...but now his penis shot off in excited spits like a boy might when he ejaculates in a girl too quickly for the first time...
On and on it went...When the cock stopped spitting its shots into the now overflowing cup, the big man shoved all the way into the pussy to his plums and let what was left of his nut spill out in a long flow like he was having a wet dream.
There was a big puddle below the plastic cup as the man ejaculated the last of his seed and lay there inside the pussy for what seemed like a long time before he pulled out, took the toilet paper from the clipboard, and walked back over to us, leaving a trail of whitish yellow semen on the carpet from his platform to the railing.
"That was for you, baby," the man named Gunnar said to my girlfriend, and she cried out that he'd broken his record from last year by a fuck ton.
"I've been doing a lot of mind training this year," Gunnar said, panting, a champion if ever there was one. "But with one distinct difference."
"And?" My girlfriend said expectantly. "What was the difference?"
"Instead of your pussy," Gunnar said. "This year I stuck it up your ass." He winked at her.
She was breathless, and so was I.
So was Gunnar for that matter.
"You'll have to excuse me," he said holding up the toilet paper in a salute, the toilet paper he aimed to keep. "I'm horny as a motherfucker, and I gotta go masturbate."
My girlfriend excused herself to the restroom, and as she walked away, I noticed a big wet spot below the crotch of her jeans.
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